In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
Gracias Líder Rich DeVos por darnos a este mundo una esperanza viva y presente de tener una vida mejor y más digna para el mundo.
Tijuana BCThank you for your life inspiration, for have visiting Haiti during your young life and thank you for this Big Family Amway and may God receive you in his sanctuary and to keep your soul rest in peace.Ou ale men Nom’w rete pou etènite.
Pétion-VilleGracias por compartir su Visión y demostrarle al mundo lo grandioso que es la vida! Con la creación de un modelo de negocio extraordinario y muy trans...
Mexicomy deepest condolences.
UrussuUna gran persona.visionario.nos dió a nosotros una gran ser libres emocionalmente y uno a la pena de la familia DeVo...
南充I met Mr. DeVos in Orlando as a beneficiary of his legacy through the DeVos Urban Institute. He was humble and gracious, but most of all sincere. How ...
MillingtonThank you Rich Devos for your persistent hard work to create this humongous opportunity for people like us who categorize themselves to be an enterprenuer and touch many lives around the world to achieve better lives through happy, healthy and p...
南京Le nostre più sentite condoglianze.
Incaricati Patrizia Sangalli è Giorgio Micheloni
Cassano d'AddaSir, You will remain our heart. We are really thankful to you as so many people get new look about better life through your creation. May your departe...
BarddhamanA larger than life legend about whom I got to know only a few years back. A legacy that shall go on for a long long time. His life impacted thousands upon thousands of people and shall continue to do so. May his soul rest in eternal peace!
MumbaiDear sir Rich DeVos,U are my super HERO , thank you for birnging Amway to the WORLDPlease accept my sincere SALUTATIONSRest in Peace
JBMy deepest condolences on you (Rich) and his families. Thank you for giving us the greatest examples of marketing business! You are greatly missed and I shall never forget. As an entrepreneur, I continue to bring my closest friends have great op...
YokosukaMis sinceras condolencias para toda su familia personal y para nuestra familia Amway emos perdido a un genio mentor visionario líder en todos los aspe...
Fort washington从你的身上学到了许多,受益匪浅,致敬!!!
兰州Glory and honor to the founder .. inspirer of hope and freedom in the amway world
VARESEMis mas sincero pesame para la familia de Rich Devos pero quiero decirles que este gran hombre logro cambiar la vida de muchas personas incluyendo la mia. Gracias Rich Devos por crear la empresa Amway que no solo es empresa es una familia formad...
Yuba CityThank you for everything!
ANSHANyou have changed so many lives by providing opportunity and hope for those who had a dream and others who just belived they to can make a change in their lives and others lives as well as your legacy lives on in us all may you sleep in perfect p...
st. george'sUn Tributo a Rich DeVos:
Grande entre los grandes. Un radiante Ser Espiritual, lleno de amor y optimismo, deja un legado en cada hogar y en cada pers...
Bolivar A la familia de este increíble hombre que cambio la vida y la economía de millones de personas en el MUNDO, les acompaño en este momento tan doloroso para Uds. con mis más sentidos pésames. Q.U.E.P. Rich de Vos.
Héctor Paniagua empresario Amwa...
ChacoMy condolences and prayers for the De Vos family.
Gordon We celebrate the life of Richard De Vos with gratitude for all he achieved to benefit so many not only in the United States but around the world. Heartfelt condolences to the De Vos and Van Andel families, the Amway Corporation, and IBOs everyw...
Siloam Springs感谢您创立伟大的安利公司,让平凡的人可以做最好的自己。我们永远怀念您。
镇江Dear RichI appreciate so much that you created Amway and I am so proud of getting involved in this business.
I am so sad that you have gone to the heaven as one of my dream was meeting you in person.
Thank you so much for giving us the wonderf...
LondonUn grande uomo con una visione altrettanto grande. Hai dato a migliaia di persone la possibilità di migliorare la propria vita… fai buon viaggio!
BergamoSumamente apenados por el fallecimiento de un gran hombre, cuya insignia era ayudar a los demas a cumplir sus suenos, paz a sus restos
广州He will remain in your heart. He lived a decent life. Condolences to family and friends
St. Petersburg