In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
南充존경하는 리치디보스 회장님의 영면을
세상 모든사람들에게 성공의 기회를 나눠주셔서
정말 감사드립니다 제삶에 꿈을 다시 찾게 해주심
감사드리며 하나님 품에서 평안하소서 사랑합니다~~♡♡♡
Yeo-SuUma grande perda da família Amway, mas acredito que seus ensinamentos serão pra eternidade.
São Paulo尊敬的狄维士先生:
沧州Страшно слышать о вашей потере, и я выражаю искреннее сочувствие вам и вашей семье. Ведь вы были моим кумиром.
Светлая память! Скорбим!
АлматыMr Devos you will never be forgotten, you make so many people happy and better you have a place in our hearts. My condolences to your family, RIP
SunriseI send my condolences to the family.
LAS VEGAS我人生道路的领航人之一,对我一生影响巨大。感谢您。愿您在天堂平安喜乐。
汕头市I’m so sorry for rich go, just past two days i have end how be like: Rich de Vos and i wanted to meet him, i love the great person he was and sleep in peace rich, the world always be remember you, without you, some big light has gone, but we Wil...
Buenos aires伟大的老人虽然离开了我们,但伟大的精神会永远传承!祝愿老人家一路走好。
辽宁大连Thank you Rich for your Legacy, you will always lives in our hearts and minds!
New York愿老狄维士先生的在天之灵得到安息!天堂路上请您一路走好!
温州È venuto a mancare una grande persona che ci ha dato la possibilità di cambiare la ns vita è quella di migliaia di persone al mondo. Sentite condoglianze!
Leggiuno 亲人过世,难免悲伤,因为不能再听到他讲过去的故事,但我想:缅怀他最好的方式就是继续完成他喜欢做的事情,安利精神——永在!
河北保定God Bless the DeVos family and the leadership of Rich DeVos who changed lives all around the globe! His love for people will be remembered forever and...
ClarksvilleObrigado por tudo sua missão na terra foi concluída,muitas vidas foram transformadas…agora está ao lado de DeusDescanse em paz !!!!
Vinhedo“优良的传统可以世代相传,辉煌的成就却要靠你自己去创造!” 理查先生,您是我们永远的爱,感恩您,您的精神与理念永存。
南昌Always there is a sorrow for the lost but at the same time a hope of seeing him again in the Presence of the Unseen. My regards to you DeVos family.
SantiagoLamento muito por esta perda..
Estou em oração por toda a família..
Sabendo que um grande legado tem nos deixado este Igcno.
Richard Devos.
O Brasil.....
Rio de JaneiroRich DeVos, I was not even conceived of yet, in a small country in west Africa, when you had a dream that would touch millions of lives including mine. We will forever miss you, but will forever remain grateful for the life you lived, and lived ...
成都Eu Malu em nome de toda a minha familia deixo aki a minha gratidao a Esse SER de Luz que iluminou a minha vida e a vida de minha familia.Gratidão!!! Meus mais profundos sentimento aos ente queridos e familiares.
Rio de janwieo美国安利公司联合创办人、NBA奥兰多魔术队主席、著名慈善家理查·狄维士先生于2018年9月6日仙逝,享年92岁。他积极向上、永葆希望的乐观精神,激励鼓舞了全球数百万创业者。深切缅怀
LeShanMy condolences,may God receive him with all his love
Distrito Federal理查·迪维士先生,一路走好。