Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Thank you for your vision and your example, rest in peace
Benedetta BacileAprilia
Esteja na paz do Senhor bom Deus Pessoa que veio a esse mundo pra fazer uma grande mudança na vida de muitas famílias fazer com que pessoas comuns se...
Sibeli Sevegnani DrechselJaraguá do sul
那一年 在我的家乡 第一次看到您的照片 “坚定”、“慈祥”两个词赫然跃进我的脑海那一年 在拉斯维加斯 知道可以见到您 虽然隔着很远很远的舞台 可我依然摇臂呼唤,翘首以待那一年 在华盛顿 在您的身边 您的牵着我手 问我:Where are you from? 可那时我只想对您说:我感受到了父爱而今天,我的心在祈愿—— 那一年可否重来?
We are so Sad But we know that God is shaking your hand for everything you have done for a lot of people in The world. R.I.P great Rich.
Daniele & Sabrina DonnoAviano (Pn)
We miss you ,thank you .
Liu xiaolixining
You can do it !您把这句话带到了世界的每一个角落,用慈悲与胸怀撑起了希望的天空……我们永远的怀念您!
Carol zhangchengdu
真正的仁爱,永远不只是慈善, 真正的仁爱是有助于提供长期的帮助——理查狄维士。 无比的怀念是一个传奇,唯精神长存。 祝老人家一路走好,我们永远怀念你。
RIP!! Thank you Rich ♡ for giving me the opportunity to change my life, we will never forget you. Love ya!!
Nubia M BarrosoLong island
Simply thank-you Rich to allow us to change our Life… You certanly are with God praying for your family and Amway family…. Send love
Antonella e KarloOderzo
My gratitude and love for Rich DeVos is endless. Thanks to him my life is filled with meaning.
IRINA NIKOLASSankt Petersburg
沉痛悼念安利公司联合创办人理查.狄维士先生! 感谢您创办的企业为我提供了自毕业至今所从事的这份工作。 感谢您为于全球数百万创业者提供的这份事业机会。 更替受助者感谢您所带领企业为慈善事业所作出的贡献! 愿您安息!!
ada wei天津
Acabei de conhecer a empresa, e tive a horra de saber quem foi esse grande empreendedor. Obrigada Rich de vos. Descanse em paz
EDICELIA MARIA da ConceiçãoRIO de janeiro
리치디보스 사장님 그동안 너무나 애쓰셨고 감사합니다 덕분에 저와 저희가정에 큰선물을 받았습니다 사장님 천국에서 만나요 이별을 슬프지만 그뜻을 기리며 더 열심히 사업할께요~~~~~~♡♡ 사랑합니다~~♡♡♡
Bill kongNanchong
Fui Diamante da Amway em 1995 . Sou médico. Pude conviver com Sr Rich Devos. Mesmo tendo deixado o negócio em 2000 digo que esse senhor foi dessas pessoas que passam pela nossa vida e nos transformam positivamente. Minhas condolências à família ...
Enoque Fortes de AlbuquerqueCotia
Grazie Rich R. I. P.
Вечная память человеку,изменившему мир!!!! Благодарим за все!
积极人生的十种力量,我因您的这十句话而深受影响! 一 我错了! 二 我很抱歉! 三 你可以做到! 四 我相信你! 五 我为你骄傲! 六 谢谢! 七 我需要你! 八 我信任你! 九 我尊重你! 十 我爱你! 每当我深受困境,是您的这些强大的短语积极的影响着我,让我拥有积极的思维和心态!感恩您!早上看到...
Rich Devos先生! 一路走好!我们一定会秉承您的理念传承给更多的伙伴!让更多的人认识安利创业机会!
Only if we could have another Forbes list of Billionnaires who made a difference in maximum number of families worldwide. You will be #1 Sir Rich Devos Sr.Your Family is not only Devos. We all belong to your Vision for years and years to come...
Thank you Rich DeVos and the whole DeVos family! You inspired my wife and I to change for the better so that we can have a better life. Thank you for ...
Everything that Rich said and wrote inspired us in business, our personal growth and out faith. He and Helen were truly 2 of the greatest people we have come to know. Rich and Jay are like the Mayo brothers in the accomplishments of their lives....
Don and Mary ChapdelaineEagan
沉痛哀悼[流泪][流泪][流泪][流泪][流泪]感恩创始人理查.狄维士先生 为我们搭建了这么美好的事业平台,我们将一如既往去传承老人家这份爱[爱心][爱心] 愿老人家一路走好无限感恩,怀念!