Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

I’ve known about this bad news. Big sorrow for our hearts. I’ve known Mr. DeVos reading his book “How to be like Rich DeVos. Thousand people in the wo...
Fabio ScolloMilano
GRACIAS… GRACIAS por la super idea de negocio que usted creó, por su sistema educativo, por compartir con todo el mundo su legado, lograr hacer que todos podamos soñar en grande y a SER, HACER y TENER lo q siempre hemos querido.
Martin RuizPanamá
Rich Devos was truly an icon in the Greatest Generation. Though I never met him personally, I was first “introduced” to him by my parents back in the ...
John BoylanClovis
Me es muy lamentable su partida, descanse en paz … bendiciones y resignación para sus hijos, nietos y bisnietos..
Rosa VasquezLong Beach
What an incredible man who chose to live an amazing life. He has been one of the most positive influences and examples to millions of folks worldwide....
Kina KocsisHolt
ขอแสดงความเสียใจกับท่านริชเดอโวส ผู้ที่ให้โอกาสทางธุรกิจที่ดีที่สุดในโลก และ เชื่อในการดำรงชีวิตและ รักในผู้คน ขอให้ท่าน ไปอยู่ในมือพระเจ้า และ เราจะท...
สมศักดิ์ อังคณานุวัฒน์กรุงเทพ
Thanks you so much for everything that you did, Thanks for business opportunity that you and jay created for me, I love you and respect you so much. RIP Rich DeVos
Thank you
Emiko MatsubaraTakasaki
Gratidão ao grande homem de caráter inrreparavel de um sentimento e um coração ímpar , lamento muito de não poder conhecê-lo pessoalmente , mas vai ficar nas minha memória como um homem que tinha um coração e um sentimento abençoado pelo Deus cr...
Genivaldo CarneiroCampinas
I just want to say thank you for your willingness to accomplish greatness to build a legacy and to allow all those who want to build an amazing journe...
Kira SullivanNevada
Thank You Mr Rich DeVos for have this opportunity Amway for my family and others. God have special place for you in Haven and God bless the DeVos family.
Edgar and Martha CruzArlington
Gracias por inundar el mundo de esperanza.
Sergio Espejo VílchezBarcelona
Wir sind sehr dankbar Rich persoenlich kennen gelernt zu haben. Danke Rich fuer alles!
Dobler Lora & AlexanderNueremberg
PART II by Clifford N Titus None shall dare to utter anything less than His life should be Mandatory reading for American Students! Why? its a real American life. God fearing, Loved America,Served his countrduring World War II,Successful busin...
Clifford N TitusIrving
沉痛哀悼老狄维士先生! 无法用语言来表达我们的悲伤! 曾以为,老人家一直会等着我们成功,在我们荣耀的时刻您一定在;而今天,您真的等不及了离开了我们……早上听到这个消息,内心无比难过,虽然未曾见面,但您的精神一直鼓舞着我,您是我最敬重的伟人!感恩您给了我们平凡人改变命运,助人助己的事业机会! 终生不忘...
Спасибо огромное,за то что вы были, за то что вы создали,за то что внесли в мою голову,то что мало где узнаешь,спасибо что выташели с гето,я пронесу эту возможность через все свою жизнь и передам своим детям и внукам те знания которые вы дали мн...
It is a great honor to be a part of this beautiful family. Thank you so much Mr. De Vos. My condolences Massimo Mella e Daniela Pignotti (my LOS: Anto...
Massimo MellaFlorence
We’ll miss you forever. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to change my life!You ‘re respectable. May you rest in peace!
cuiping Zhouxi'an
Thank-u Rich for starting the Amway business!
Mark SeguinGarden City
Foi com muito pesar que recebemos a noticia de sua partida, mas, entendemos que é apenas um até logo, pois os gênios encarregados de nobres missões, principalmente aquelas que visam ajudar e dar melhores condições ao próximo estão sempre entre n...
Família LimaFortaleza
I’ve lived my life based on the principles for which Rich DeVos espoused. I learned these principles when his company hired me in 1979 in a purchasing...
Robert M Worth JrUnion City
I had a chance to meet Mr. Rich Devos when we went to the Amway Grand Plaza hotel for a function. As I smiled and recognized him he put his hand on my head as a blessing and smiled. I saw a genuine warmth in his eyes. As I look back and look at ...
Sriram and RajiDallas
Richard DeVos’s life has given millions of ordinary people the chance to change their fate, and given partners the right mentality and values. This is...
weidong xuChina
Rich will be greatly missed. My family has been touched by God’s strength and by the vision that this great man and his late friend Jay had. I am forever grateful for the difference his life has made on so many people around the world including ...
Marvin AlfaroChicago
Милый, добрый, Великий Рич ДеВос ты затронул в моем сердце самую больную струну:чувствовать себя финансово застрахованными навсегда. Многие задают себ...
Rich was a man of integrity!! You could always trust what he said and he set the stage years ago to believe and achieve greatness!! I do not believe anyone has ever touched as many lives as he and his entire family! He will be truly missed but h...
Toby Hale & familyKingsport
We love you and you will always live in our hearts.
Jenny WangFuzhou
Rich Devos…A Legend, plain and simple!So happy to have known him, and honored to have worked under his leadership!My prayers are with the family as they cope with his passing.Best Regards,Valerie Taylor
Valerie TaylorAlto