In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
Gracias por ser un inspirador de multitudes, por ser un soñador y enseñarnos El poder De un Sueño, tu legado, tu visión y tu misión la seguiremos dupl...
ValenciaThank you! And I am so sorry that you’re not here.
ShanghaiThank you so so much for showing us and thousands of people a better way of life.We will live and spread the culture/beliefs of what you stood for - F...
PhiladelphiaThank you for making it possible to dream again AND achieve our dreams. He changed our life and our family legacy
Romans d'Isonzo GORIZIAWe are often told that it is actions, not words, that count. That holds especially true for Mr. Devos, I believe. No words may express how many lives ...
香港Our deepest condolences go to Rich DeVos family members,RIP..
PerakSeñor Rich devos,Gracias a ese Gran Legado que Nos esta Dejando,muchos Latinos seremos Alguien en esta Vida,muchas gracias,Bendiciones para Usted y To...
New Jersey感恩你给这世界带来的美好!
玉林Grazie Rich per aver dato speranza e una vita degna di essere vissuta a milioni di persone, di generazione in generazione, in tutto il mondo….. RIP
Rome / Naples / Ischia islandHe had been , is , and will be a hope for all !!!
GurdaspurGracias Rich de Vos por dejar el mejor LEGADO!!!! SIEMPRE agradecido por que un Día construyó con determinación un negocio que Cambia vidas al rededor...
BogotáUn grande uomo dai valori che noi tutti ci inpegneremo a seguirli sarai il nostro esempio ci guarderai da lassù .r.i p. Maestro
ZACATECASPoque habeis sabido “honrar” vuestra vida y la de cada uno de los q conocimos tu obra. Porque el mundo queda un poquito mejor de lo q era. Y porque habeis creido en la grandeza de los corazones apasionados. Gracias !!! Y hasta siempre.
Barcelonahello rich, unfortunately me and my family did not have the great honor to meet you in person. but thanks to your book it is as if you had known us .....
CuneoThank for creating an opportunity that has a different vision. Because of you, many people today feel hopeful and know there is a different lifestyle out there. THANK YOU RICH!
NJDear Richard devos! Today just got bad news, I am very sad! The old man all the way walk good. I love you!
金华Al ser uno de los mas grandes inspiradores junto a (jay Van Andel), en mi vida, nos sentimos destrozados ante irreparable perdida.no tenemos palabras para la familia y todos sus colaboradores de aliento.solo deseamos una pronta resignacion y...
SalinasWe recall saying to Rich many times over the years “thank you” for the Amway Opportunity. Every time Rich would deflect any credit and would always sa...
ClovisDear Vos family and closed ones! Please accept our condolences! We highly appreciate for all changes in our life via the great example of leadership of Mister Rich de Vos! Its a big loss for all of us and we mourn with You! We pray and morn with...
MoscowWir beide sind auch sehr traurig. Auf einem Gruppenbild in Ada hat Rich DeVos die Adelheid im Arm. Bei der “Sortierung” zu der Aufnahme kam Rich DeVos...
BerlinRich Devos fue un gran ser humano q tubo un sueño y ese sueño lo hizo parte de todos nosotros, q atraves de él me ha dado esperanza q como asi el tenia un sueño luchó por alcanzarlo y me demostró q si se puede, me enseñó a creer en mi y a luchar...
Puerto Cortes, HondurasThank You Rich !
Bob & I are very thankful for the extra income we made from our Amway Business. It enabled us to adopt our daughter at 5 & 1...
TRAVERSE CITY朋友、父母和老师可能给我们指出许多值得努力的目标,只有您能让我明白什么样的梦想最适合我,您的仁爱精神和永续经营的价值观让我留在安利。您提供的不是事业机会,而是信仰。您是伟大的人物、有着伟大的灵魂[玫瑰][玫瑰],您影响了世界,这个世界也会因为您星火相传,奇迹再现!以此纪念我们的老狄维士先生,一个最有爱的人——我心中的巨人!
昆明My deepest condolences to the DeVos family. Your tremendous generosity to those you cared about and those you did not even know will be felt for gener...
JakartaWith deepest condolences.
May you rest in peace!
深圳Mi mas sentido pesame.E.P.D