Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

You will always be fondly & dearly remembered by all of us who have benefited in so many ways from your one singular idea, the idea of Amway. Rest...
Joyce LimSingapore
親愛的,理查 狄維士先生:感謝您讓每個人擁有公平創業的事業機會,為這個世界奉獻付出您的人生,願上帝保守您的靈魂直到永遠。
当您的价值观与思想外化为一个事业机会传播 就注定形成了一个永垂的伟大的灵魂 躯体逝去 精神永存
感谢您和老温安洛先生创办了这么好的公司,把爱和希望给每一个普通人!自由企业家精神长存! 最好的缅怀就是和安利公司共同成长!
Dearest DeVos family,You are sincerely in my thoughts and prayers. Your family and the Van Andel family have created an incredible legacy, thanks to...
Jaime W.Alexandria
Though a star perishes, its light travels far enough away without dispearing.Sorry for the loss of Rich DeVos but I beleive we, his business children, will inherit his spirit and character and change the world as he did in his entire life....
Betty ParkLos Angeles
Rich DeVos :愿您一路走好! 感恩您的鼓励和引领,虽然没有真正见过面。但是从您的很多书和视频中,我受益匪浅。您就像人生导师一样,给予我很多思想的引领,看清自己喜欢和向往的追求。助人自助,不断提升改变自己才能影响他人,而非改变他人!我会像您一样一直坚持我们的安利精神。努力前行下去的! I ...
Kami Polay tedjosulistio Surabaya ,turut berduka cita sedalam dalamnya atas meninggalnya Rich DeVos ,Semoga amal ibadahnya diterima Tuhan YME, amin..
Polay tedjosulistioSurabaya
佛祖保佑您~一路向西,走好! 感恩在我人生的道路上知道您,知道就巳足够……
感谢狄维士先生60年前创办了伟大的安利公司,给无数人带来了希望和机会! 狄维士先生是伟大的,他的精神值得我们永远学习!
Sorry to hear about the loss of such a great man that I have always respect for. Thank you for your love and for the opportunity you gave us to help people to live a better life. May God bless your soul rest in peace.
Kuokuang Cheng and Chikuo YenTaipei
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness,they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. Peopl...
1959年,您和您的挚友杰 温安洛先生携手创办了安利公司,59年后的您92岁与世长辞。活在我心中的老狄维士永远充满创客的激情,是创客心中永远的拉拉队长[爱心]自由 家庭 希望 奖励 人生最大的价值所在 与这样诚信 公平 卓越 有爱的跨国公司合作,我很珍惜!愿仁慈的上帝赐福于我们心中这颗璀璨耀眼的创客之星重生!阿门
My deepest Condolence, you always in my heart
susanti poniahjakarta
크리스천으로서 하나님을 경외하고 이웃을 사랑했던 리치 디보스 사장님을 존경합니다. 모든 사람들에게 기회를 주셔 감사합니다. 사랑합니다.
We want to Thank You for the Life you lived and the millions of people that you touched around the World. YOU were one of the most influential men in ...
Wayne BellGreenwood
Rich DeVos has touched millions of lives and make millions of people lives better. The Amway business opportunity that he has created together with Jay has transformed millions of ordinary people to great leaders. We will always remember him and...
Chua Kok BoonUEP Subang Jaya
존경하는 리치디보스창업자님~~ 리치의 더불어사는자본주의를 통해 자연과 인간에 대한 사랑이 얼마나 큰지 공감하면서 사업의 기회를 알게되었습니다~ 그 기회를 저에게까지 와서 얼마나 감사한지~~~~ 20260304 에이다에서 창업자님을 뵙기위해 파트너와함께 하고있는데ㅠ.ㅠ ...
Sentido pésame a esta gran familia por pérdida de este hombre un gran líder un ejemplo para muchos que DIOS ven diga esta familia
Dear rich,you’re always in my heart.Thank you very much!!
Please accept my condolences. I’m so surprised and broken. Thank you. Thank you for your devotion and passion. You gave so many people hope of lives ...
Minsun, YOOSuwon
Thank you Mr. Rich Devos for giving everyone a hope, a chance, and an opportunity to having better life. Your work hard with Mr. Jay in the past had being a miracle for many people in the world today. RIP Mr. Rich Devos
Mulyono & MeiliatiPontianak
It is such a sad news. Thank for this incredible opportunity to have our own business and to be an independent business owner. Thank you for your wisd...
Patrick HervetMontréal
I have always wanted to meet you in person to shake your hand and say Thank You. Thank you for your life long labor of love and pursuing your dreams. Because of that, your Legacy lives on forever and am eternally grateful for the opportunity we ...
T MartinezGreenwood Village
Thanks for you legacy. Now we’ll have the fortune to continue your legacy, when we take prosperity to more families.
Because of you & Amway, we have A Great Life. Thank you for everything. Rest in Peace….
Aminah TjandraMedan
Thank you Rich for building a business where others can use it to become financially independent and have a life that we not only dream of but can acc...
Sonia SpeerWa
Thank you for your inspiration and leadership.Rest in peace.
Andrés CipagautaBogotá