Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

I first heard Rich speak in the late 80,s when he was in Denver,CO Speaking on his Speaking Tour of the “Four Winds”. . Rich was an encourager to me w...
Dr. George Gatseos IIGrand Junction
apreciamos y agradecemos la vision y el legado que permanecerá en nuestras vidas y la de las siguientes generaciones futuras es una bendición y un privilegio ser parte de este sueno llamado amway la paz y el amor de DIOS permanezca en la familia...
fernando & nataliaorange
Kami Turut berduka yang sangat mendalam atas kepergian Rich de VosBeliau adalah: - Great Man - Great Hero - Great Mentor - Great Business Partner - ...
Kelly HertanuJakarta
Estimada familia DeVos, lamento mucho la perdida por la cual pasan, también nos afecta porque a pesar de no conocerlo, lo que han hecho el Sr. DeVos y el Sr. Van Andel, a través de Amway para todo el mundo nos ha beneficiado, su amor no tuvo lim...
Geny MorenoCancun,
Rich Devos is a legend of Amway and direct selling industry. His legend encourages so many people to pursue the life they want to be and achieve their...
Michael WeiGuangzhou
2 Timothy 4:7 Thank you Rich for everything that you have done for us.. your effort and sincerity had led us where we are now.. you will be missed.. :( For all family, we are thinking of you at this sad time and sending love
SisiliaJawa Timur
You are the best man I ever know we love you and will miss you RIP Rich devos your will continue with us as a family !!
Edward hengHougang
I am so sorry to heard the bad news. miss you so much. thank you for your give me so hopes and dream. I will do AMWAY well to remember you.
wang liangqingdao
Gracias a Dios por permitir que este gran ser humano nos haya dado la oportunidad de conocerte Señor, por permitirle que nos de la oportunidad de ser ...
Effy jimenezMexico
To the Devos Family, and the Amway Organization, we extend our sincere and heart felt condolences on the loss of Rich Devos, May his memory be eternal, and may God bring you comfort and peace during this difficult time.
Paul MansourStroudsburg
Dear Richard, Mr. Devos! I wish you all the best. I wish you the opportunity to stay forever in the psychology of our generation after generation of y...
Meus sinceros sentimentos ao homem que revolucionou o mundo… Que o Sr Jesus conforte os vossos corações…
Rubson cleberSinop MT
La perdida de Rich De Vos es irreparable. Lamento su fallecimiento. Seguiremos adelante con el legado que nos deja, con mucha fe y entusiasmo Paz a su...
Manuel E. Diclo V.Santo Domingo
Sentite condoglianze per la perdita di un grande uomo.un abbraccio a tutta la famiglia Stefano e Ilaria Daldossi
Ilaria roberti_GDBergamo
May God bless peace to his soul .He will be remembered always due to his contribution to common society.
Didar Singh GillBathinda
When I was 9 yrs old, Rich would call my Dad, Antonio Fersobe, (in Dom. Rep.) and I would hear my Dad learn and speak English while talking with Rich on the phone, with the most enthusiastic face, and an energy that characterized my Dad forever....
Sorangel FersobeNew York
이 세상에 셀 수 없이 많은 사람들에게 꿈과 희망을 주시고 성공의 도구를 선물하고 가셨으니 리치 디보스 창업자님의 이 땅에서의 삶은 누구보다 아름다우셨습니다. 이제 천국에서 앞서 가신 영원한 친구 제이 밴 엔델 창업자님과 함께 편히 쉬시면서 당신들께서 배출하신 우리들이 이 땅에서 얼마나 꿈을 크고 넓고 깊게 펼치는지, 이 세상을 얼마나 더 살만한 곳으로 만들어 가는지 지켜보소서 사랑하고 존경합니다 그리고 영원히 감사합니다
As a student from the King’s College, I am exceptionally grateful for the life and generosity of Mr. DeVos. May God bless and comfort your family and...
May OvermyerNew York
Mi corazón muy muy entristecido por la partida del señor Rich DeVos, un gran guerrero de luz que a través del AMOR a la humanidad y con su gran ejemplo de vida nos deja un maravilloso e inigualable legado. Descanse en paz! Mis sentidas condolen...
María Emilia Gómez FloresAutlán de Navarro
Dear Rich, We are deeply grateful to your lifetime dedication in giving us,the greatest Amway opportunity to own our own business,and with our effort ...
Aranong SirirangkamanontBangkok
Thanks for teaching us what is trust and respect. Thanks for your leading .You are always in our hearts!
Our thoughts and prayers are with the DeVos family as they mourn the loss of their father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. Rich was a true leader ...
Richard J. Pappas, Ed.D.Grand Rapids
In more than 25 years of interpretation, I have had the privilege of interpreting many politicians, sportsmen, businessmen, famous stars. Of all of them, 2 have taught me the most and given me the most joy in conveying their message. One of them...
Gaby PenrodRockledge
虽然老先生离我们而去,但你教我们积极人生的十种力量,永不会忘记。因为你,给到我一份公平公正的创业机会,因为你让我对未来有所希望。 一路走好,Richard M.DeVos
I’m very sorry to hear that. Today I want to say I love you and thank you.
Rich Devos, May you Rest In Peace.Thank you for changed my life.Wherever you are, you will always be in the heart of millions of people across the Glo...
您老人家一路走好 ,但您的理念和精神长存……
Thank you for giving us this great opportunity to own a business and teaching us the values of life. We will continue to pass on these great values to...
Darryl TokSingapore
Our deepest condolences to rich’s family. May his soul Rest In Peace. Thanks for founding the Amway . You touch so many hearts god bless and your family
SIVANESAN and SangeethaOshawa