Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Our dearest Rich,My whole family owe our lives to you and your wonderful business. Many thanks and we hope to see you again one day in heaven. With ...
Trismiati HarsonoJakara
Thank you Rich Devos for created the best opportunity to this world Rest in peace.
Trissana TechanavakarnkunNonthaburi
Thank you for starting this fabulous company with Jay. What a vision and wonderful to be part of this fabulous team. Also, for being one of the best R...
Jeannie McDonaldKingwood
Rest in peace great visionary
Alberto CaraballoAlicante
I am very sorry to hear the news of the passing of Rich DeVos. My sympathy goes out to the family in dealing with this great loss. However, what a leg...
Ashley & Jamin MillerPasco
thanks to you my life found a purpose. Thank you for your existence, I promise you to give continuity to your legacy as long as God gives me life. Tha...
Rich DeVos is such an inspiration… From the books he wrote, and the testimonials from his colleagues from various sources, I have learned a lot from his wisdom. His success and how it touched and impacted so many lives are the testament of his...
We will never forget you!
Sekar punithaPondicherry
Великая Душа, Великий Творец, Великое Наследие. Склоняем низко головы….
Луиза и НиколайКиев
永远缅怀理查狄维士先生!感谢您带我们一个改变命运的机会!感谢您带给所有人希望!感谢您为人类创造的奇迹! 您安息吧!我们会更努力的帮助别人!
To Rich DeVos: 感谢播撒爱,祝福!
Terrible news that we just received, only tears come from my eyes, the fatal news of the death of Rich De Vos, our lives and that of millions of peopl...
Dear Rich Devos & Family, our deepest condolence & sympathy to your family. I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for your incredi...
Jane P BlancaverValencia City, Bukidnon
Que triste es saber que Rich se ha ido, fue un LÍDER con todas las letras, inspiró realmente a muchas personas a mejorar sus vidas y cumplir sus sueños, tengo el privilegio de leer muchos de sus libros. A su familia le envío un fuerte abrazo en ...
Rich,I only have thankful words for this wonderful wonderful opportunity and legacy that only you and Jay were capable of give us for my, my family,...
My life and the life of countless people around the world will forever be change for having met this wonderful human being. RIP.
William carmenateSinking Spring
I had a dream that is to meet Rich Devos in person. Always is my dream…. to give you a big hug and there is so much to tell you but right now, I just like to say Thank you ya dearest Mr Rich Devos, we love you so much. Thanks for everything !!...
Swee Fong LaiPetaling Jaya
Christmas program at Ada World Head Quarters will never be the same without you! Our condolences to the entire Devos family. I sat next to him at a company picnic one year and he asked me where I was from. When I said England, he replied, then y...
Asha RanaAda
The spirit of helping others and helping themselves is handed down from generation to generation
Tony dengChengdu
Thanks for be part of this big dream for almost 60 years in over 100 of countries, a big dreamer, a big human and, a big visionary and help a millions of families to believe in theirselves to create a better future..Rest in peace.
Miguel BricenoHollywood
Sad to see such a giving man leave us, but with all that he’s done for the Grand Rapids area, his generosity will continue to benefit us for years to ...
Joel KusmierzCedar Springs
您的传奇一生将被世人铭记! 您的创业理念已让世人传承! 感谢您用一生的时间,帮助了全球无数的梦想者实现了个人的梦想和人生价值!
“微小而长久的尊重、 把承诺变成现实、 让孤独者不再孤独前行、 我们是彼此的家人, 为大家讲述这份彰显美好人性的事业机会,就是独有的安利之美”
RIP Rich. May your family find comfort in this moment. Thank you very much for your legacy. Millions of people”s life are better today because of your vision. We will always remember you!
Sarah LirianoSanto Domingo