In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
上海En un mundo en el que cada vez más perdemos la esperanza en la humanidad, aparece un ser humano lleno de luz y con un mensaje claro: Ayudar a otros a vivir mejor, y nos devolviste la esperanza a miles!… Agradezco tu vida y el haber conocido tu...
ColombiaTo me you will always be the human being that showed me to follow my dreams and always look ahead.God bless you always!
Miami 존경하고 사랑하는 리치 디보스 창업자님!
변함없는 사랑으로 우리에게 주신
귀한 가치의 가르치심과 우리의 인생을 바꾸어 주심에 감사드립니다
천국에서 부디 영면하소서…
저나 저희 가족은 물론이고 수 많은 사람들에게 꿈과 희망을 주시고 기회를 만들어 주셨읍니다.
감사하고 존경합니다.
그 인자하시고 후광이 비추는 모습을 다시는 뵐 수 없다는 생각에 지금 당장 누앞이 하얘지고 가슴이 먹먹해지지만
회장님의 고귀한 뜻과 마음 기리 기리 새겨 실천하겠읍니다.감사하고 존경합니다.
서울Agradeço imensamente pela oportunidade que proporcionou a milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo. Sua visão de negócios e humanitária, sao um legado ind...
GoiâniaRest in peace Rich de Vos, one of the greatest men who has given this world has departed with him sir but surely his legacy will live forever.
Thank you for creating the best business in the world and giving the opportunity to many families to f...
BOGOTA삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다.
천국에서 편히 잠드소서
서울I may have never known Rich personally, but Rich has greatly impacted my life. Without the opportunity to own my own business through Amway I might have ended my life by this point. The Amway opportunity has revived my hope and helped it grow to...
VancouverI was sorry to hear of Mr. DeVos’ passing. His generosity to Rehoboth Christian School was unparalleled. He and his wife were so down-to-earth when th...
天津Rest in Power Rich DeVos. Your legacy will live for centuries. The compassionate capitalist you are transcended the plethora of real and imagined line...
新疆乌鲁木齐感谢您这一生所做出的贡献 我会带着您的祝福继续拓展事业 也祝福您
营口존경하는 리치 창업자님~
오늘 아침 리치 창업자님의 비보를 접하고 마음이 많이 아파왔습니다.
리치 창업자님의 삶의 정신을 이어받아 이웃과 함께 도우며 사는 삶을 살아가도록 힘쓰겠습니다.
많은이들에게 주신 사랑과 꿈을 이룰수있는 기회를 주신것에 진심으로 감사합니다.
진주시I’ve been wanting to see you.
Thank you for providing me the chance.May your soul Rest In Peace.
japan 영원한 멘토이신 리치디보스님 부디 천국에서 편안하게 보내시길 기원합니다.삼가고인의 명복을 빕니다.
김해시I’ll miss you. rest in peace in heaven.
那么真,那么爱!——Miss you!
那么近,那么远!——Kiss goodbye!
HaikouLove u! Thanks for teaching us what is trust and respect. Thanks for your leading .You are always in our hearts!
武汉It’s terrible to hear about your loss and I express my sincere sympathy to you and your family
JalandharGerman National Convention in Berlin, 1994. I was a young Amway Sales Manager and extremely nervous before going on stage with 10.000 participants and...
Regional President, Asia PacificLast two days I introduced u as a great co-founder to my friend proundly at AEC SHA. U always said I am pround of u all, However do u know we r pround of u? That’s true. And we all love u, deeply. God bless u.
中国四川Dear DeVos family we are so sorry for the Rich death. We pray for his soul.