In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
天津My condolences from Japan! Japan was the first country that spoke no English and was Buddhist & not Christian! However, Rich & Jay’s Amway proved very quickly that language & religious barriers were not problems in “helping people he...
广东Rest In Peace Richard Devos you were a great man who did a lot for the community and for entrepreneurs. As a young entrepreneur myself I thank you for...
温州Gratidão por deixar esse levado pelo mundo,que transformou e ira transormar a vida de muita gente.
SpHe doesn’t knew me. But he did write, talk, record, and made such amazing things that influence my life. I have so much to thank you. Thanks for help ...
PereiraE com tristeza que recebemos a notícia da partida do nosso RicheDevos.
Nossos sentimentos a Família
Deus dará o Conforto.
Queremos agradecer pela essa grandiosa empresa que está mudando a vida de muitos inclusive a minha
Descanse em ...
cuiabaRIP Brother Rich…My daughter, son in law and I are IBOs and it will be our privilege to carry on your legacy! Sincerely-Eric Frizzell
此致 敬礼
天津Muita gratidão Sr. Richard Devoz, quantos sentimentos nobres foram plantados em mim por sua vida. Quais? Família, Esperança, Liberdade… AMOR. Aprendi a amá-lo através do seu exemplo, do seu legado, do seu sonho, mas muito mais pelo seu amor.
SapéI love you. Thank you give me the bissiness.
HamiI was privileged as a 30 year employee of Amway/Nutrilite to have experienced several wonderful and inspiring moments with Rich. The first time I met him was when I was a young and new manager at Amway’s Kent Washington Service Center. Rich and ...
Corona Del Mar敬爱的老狄维士先生,您的传奇人生是我们人生学习的目标与榜样,您乐观积极的精神将永远陪伴在我们身边,在此祝愿一路走好!
四川南充Gratidão por tudo e por mudar milhares de vidas … Você deixou um grande legado para todos nós gratidão!
I belive you can do it 致敬缅怀狄维士
内蒙古鄂尔多斯东胜区It was not until I began to work for Amway 9 years ago that I realized your impact on West Michigan and surrounding areas. EVERY employee is encouraged to give back to the community however possible. EVERY employee benefited by your philosophy a...
LowellDear Family DeVos,
I am very sorry for your loss Mr.DeVos did great things and forever will be in Amways heart.
合肥巢湖….il mio piccolo pensiero , intimo e reale di grande stima e riconoscimento per un vero uomo datoci in dono dall’infinito !grazie rich , porta la tua luce a nuovi mondi !
Padova주님의 평화와 위로 하심이 리치디보스 회장님과 가족,
암웨이 회사 전세계 IBO들에게 있기를 기도합니다
주신 사랑,정신,신념 …
결코 잊지 않겠습니다
AtlantaThank GOD…..I give you the glory for the amazing,visionary, transparent,encourager who contributed his longtime & energy, changing our lives. But, especially as doing a better-place for all of us around the world. I did not the have the op...