Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

We would like to thank you for your great contribution to humanity, you have not only helped with the manufacture of ethical products but you creat...
Lorena Muñoz y Daniel AguadoMadrid
My deepest sympathy to the family. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to be introduce to a man like Rich Devos, through books, tapes, and articles. My life and others has been truly enriched by his teaching. He made me a better person, b...
Audrey FambroFremont
Thank you for giving me dreams and hope. I will continue to convey the philosophy you taught.
如若你的内心仍燃烧理想的火苗,感恩吧,奋斗吧,莫让旁人将这火苗吹熄。——理查·狄维士 做为一名刚刚加入的安利人,很感谢您给了我们年轻人一个这么好的机会,让我们能去追求自己的梦想,改变自己甚至整个家族的命运!我会把握好这个机会的,笃志努力!并把安利人那种精神继续传扬下去!️️️️️相信自己的能量和价值!
亲爱的理查.狄维士!!! 您永远活在我们的心中.有了您的出现,带给我们无数人公平竞争的机会……一个公平的平台……帮助了很多人实现自己梦想!感谢感谢��
Our condolence and thanks for sharing Rich DeVos with the world. He was a major influence in our thinking about God, family and country. He will be missed and always remembered. Robert and Nancy Fardo and family
Robert Fardo familypgh
Deeply saddened and loss for words when I heard the news. My deepest condolences to Rich’s family. No words can express my gratitude of how Rich’s att...
Goh Hui Wen
Deepest condolence to the family.. thank-you for everything Mr Rich, you will be remembered by millions of us.. one extraordinary & inspiring leader!
RIP. Rich VeVos, Amway co-founder ขอให้เดินทางสู่สวรรค์อย่างสงบครับ
Pongpan AreerasdBangkok
Thanks Rich Devos! Your idea & spirit for people helping people will forever live in this World. And so glad you are at Heaven with eternal life.
Sophia Ho Xiang Ling
People with big dreams like yours, never die! My condolences to your family.
Nikos ChionisAthens
I will keep your positive phrase in mind forever! I can do it!!!!! God bless you~!
Soohwan LeeSeoul
敬爱的 理查•狄维士先生,非常感谢感恩您和杰•温安洛先生创办安利公司给予我们最珍贵的事业机会!我很珍惜安利事业,这是一个普通人可以实现梦想的舞台,我也相信我会向您说的那样,我一定可以办得到!并帮助更多的伙伴一起办得到! 您是我心目中最棒的啦啦队长,我也要向您学习励志做一名很棒的啦啦队长,帮助和鼓...
理查·狄维士先生1959创办的安利事业是前无古人的伟大事业!他的博爱精神和高尚人格对现在和未来的安利人是永远的指引和激励! 未来安利事业一定会繁荣永续的发展,泽被后世!理查·狄维士先生永远值得我们崇敬、感恩和深切缅怀!!!
Rich,I never forget you,and your faith,passion,kindness,and your all gift for us. I carry on distributing R&J’s mind for my lovers. Thank you.
Toru ShiratoriTokyo
Rich DeVos President, a big successor who lives with love and trust May he rest in peace
jihyun ParkJeonju
Mi más sentido pésame a toda la familia Richdevos.Oraremos por su eterno descanso, Dios se llevó un líder que nos deja un legado que siempre recordaremos gracias ael muchos de nosotros podemos ir en un caminó de esperanza para poder seguir lucha...
Felipe GarcíaNew York
沉痛哀悼万众敬仰的老狄维士先生!!青山不倒,精神永存,大爱无疆,助人助己!!!努力吧,少年们,以回报我们所敬仰的人!! 感恩
刘汉林 刘秀会西安
I love you RICH . I will continue to share the opportunity I received from you. You are the greatest greatest man of the century. I am very sad, but I will not keep sorrow forever and I think that Rich went to the next room. I will do my utmost ...
ayami arimameguroku yakumo2-21-14-301
Thank you for all you did to help people become free. Rest in peace, your family is in my prayers.
A.D. GiffordTX
Rich Devos, such a great personality, not because how successfully he was but becoz how many lives he touched, he taught us the meaning of life, impor...
Ravi ManeMumbai
Mr. Rich DeVos , the mentor of my life! I respect and love you. Rest in peace..And Rich and Jay , thank you very much.
jeong ah LimBuchoen