Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

First, thanks to everyone, present and past, that contributed to the foundation and operation, that is the Amway Corporation. While this is a moment t...
Tom BarberSalt Lake
I want to pay tribute to this wonderful person for the changes that originated in my life to know his system of enrichment, both personal, economic and spiritual. Rich, I will follow your legacy and affect as many people as I can, just as a smal...
Paulo IdreiraLisbon
A great personality and inspiration for millions around the world, RIP. Many people were not even born when they founded such a great free enterprise ...
Ankit PatelAhmedabad
고인의 명복을 빕니다. 가족들께 위로의 마음을 전합니다. 남기신 업적과 위대함 길이 간직하겠습니다.
Es triste conocer la partida de un gran líder como Rich DeVos, un visionario que se adelantó a su tiempo,expresar mis condolencias a toda la familia y estoy agradecida eternamente por todo su legado y gracias a él hoy construimos nuestra liberta...
Rosa Quipuscoa VelásquezMadrid
저희에게 희망과 기회의 사업을 만들어 주신 것 감사합니다. 잊지 않고 리치회장님의 뜻을 따르는 사업자가 되겠습니다. 주님곁에서 평안한 영생을 누리소서~ 20260304 백세 생신때 가서 뵙겠습니다. 사랑합니다. 존경합니다. 그동안 너무 수고하셨습니다.
Rich, you will always live in our hearts. You have created generational impact with your Dream. You have been the guiding light for millions around the world and the biggest cheer-leader the world has ever known. Love Ya!!
Anup & Preeti SodhaniBoston
Rich Devos, May you Rest In Peace. Thank you for inspiring millions and millions of people , Thank you for giving hope. I thank God for your existence...
EduardoGrand Prairie
I am deeply saddened to hear of Rich’s passing. I wanna thank him for his belief and love in people. I remember listening to his speech on audio when i first exploring the business. I felt so encouraged and amazed by his integrity n love for God...
Shanna NgSingapore
致敬全球最大直销企业安利创办人理查·狄维士先生 为您刷屏 点亮天国之路! 感恩
I have only come know of Mr. Devos in recent days. I’ve learned of his great efforts and charities towards mankind. He has planted seeds and bare good fruits of love and generosity that lives on through thousands of lives of one of whom I am tod...
Dear Rich, because you, my life rebirth hope, god bless you!
理查·狄维士先生带给无数普通人改变命运的机会,赋予伙伴们正确的心态和价值观。这是梦想家和实力派缔造的一段商业传奇,更是一本堪称教科书级的创业家精神示范。理查先生虽然离去,但他的精神一直陪伴着世人。 对理查先生最好的纪念就是将这份事业的精神永远传承
Rest In Peace Rich. We will carry your legacy with us. Thank you for everything.
Sorin WIdjajaJakarta
삼가 조의를 표하며 유가족분들에게 하나님의 위로와 은혜가 넘치시기를 기도하겠습니다 저는 세 번 태어났습니다 첫 번째는 어머니 뱃속에서 두 번째는 하나님을 믿고 새 삶을 산 일이며 세 번째는 암웨이를 만나 절망에서 희망의 삶을 살게 된 일입니다 리치 회장님은 천국에 가셨지만 저희 가슴엔 회장님의 창업자 정신이 강하게 새겨져 있습니다 회장님이 하셨던 것 처럼 저도 약한 자를 세워주며 섬겨서 자유 가족 희망 보상의 삶을 살도록 그들을 돕겠습...
感谢您Rich Devos! 您永远活在我们心中!
We are deeply saddened to have lost a man with high integrity and passion for life. He paved the way for many and inspired many more to be more than they could be. To dream bigger than life itself. To give back no matter what situation you find ...
Gillins and Welck FamilyVancouver
Rich DeVos will always be remembered as a champion for free enterprise, as well as for his loving heart for those around him. Today, millions of peopl...
SJ BaeGlobal Chief Marketing Officer
We are forever grateful to the Legacy of Rich Devos. We learnt of him and Jay Van Andel in 2014 and wondered ourselves, how comes, we weren’t made aware of these men before? Our parents, our grandparents, why weren’t they aware of such principle...
William and Shereen RidgardOcho Rios
Oh Master You have given life to the million’s, hope to the trillion, you have given way f life to the million’s, you will never died, you leaves in our hart,mind and souls, we love you sir Rip,we will maintain your all ethics and values for ye...
Pawan Kumar PandeyKolkata