Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Our deeply condolences to all of His beautiful family !!, I know is a big but momentary separation , he will live in our hearts until we leave this r...
Jose RamirezMoreno valley
Rich Devos you are a great man ….thank you for everything you have bring to the world … thank you ..thank you .. thank you …
Eugene WooShah Alam
I will forever be grateful for what you have done and the legacy you set forth for all to continue to do for us today and to come. If you hadn’t start...
Liam ChunPeyton
向偉大的狄維士致敬~ 您創辦了安麗事業如同行菩薩道,讓所有的人有了實現夢想的機會,不但能在公平、安全的條件下實現助人又利己的優質生活,更是帶動了大家以正能量的態度面對生活,可說是功德無量。 雖然你離了這個世界!但是您的精神永遠與我們同在,謝謝您為這世界的付出,您的成功更是我們的典範。 感恩、感恩、再感恩。
DeVos family - as an Amway employee, I sincerely appreciate the opportunity view the Celebration of Life service today. I’m proud to work at Amway eve...
Jeremy RusticusNewport Beach
Dear Sir, you have touched so many people in your lifetime that we always remember, cherish and emulate it in our own ways. Thank you for being a shining example of living and examplifying our core values. Great people don’t die they just move t...
Mehboob MohideenSingapore
I will miss the bible messages that Rich always read at Christmas. That is one of the most endearing moments I have had while working at Amway. He wil...
理查·狄维士先生永远活在我们心中! 温安洛、狄维士先生创建的安利让我们知道人间也有天堂!让我们永远心怀希望!并把爱播撒到每个角落!永远缅怀狄维士先生!
铭记老狄维士那句 People helping people help themselves. 也感动老狄维士那句 We succeed because we care. 祝愿在天堂一切安好!!!
Sad to hear the demise of a great legend because of whose dream today millions of people’s dreams are getting fulfilled worldwide. We pray the Almight...
Nisaar Ahamed K bTiruvallur
Děkujeme za dokonalou a jednoduchou myšlenku, která už tolik let chrání náš svět a naši přírodu před zhoubou odpadků, a dává všem lidem možnost žít krásný život. Kéž tento odkaz navždy zůstane v srdcích všech správných leaderů a povede svět stál...
Míša a Ivo LežákoviBlšany
Thank you for creating the vehicle that allowed me to dream again. In peace, rest.
Ivan ConchaHouston
We are sorry for the sad news; we want to bear witness to the gratitude we have in our heart for the great gift our family received thanks to the vision of this extraordinary person. What immensely created for so many people Will always remember...
Stefania Bezzini Moreno VannozziViareggio
삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다 리치디보스사장님 감사합니다 저에게까지 암웨이를 통해 희망을 가지고 더 나은 삶으로 나아갈수 있는 기회를 주셔서 꼭성공으로 보답하겠습니다
이의경경기도 의왕시
感恩Rich Devos创办了安利这么伟大的公司,感谢老总裁为我们提供了一个前景无限的创业良机,让一批批追梦之人梦想成真。祝愿老总裁在天堂里一路走好!
We will miss you , thanks to you I have a dream . Thanks for your legacy , for your love to all IBO s . Rest In Peace dear Rich. We love you ❤️
Hello from Brazil! I will write my tribute in portuguese to represent our proud to follow your leadership here falando de legado, temos hoje um gigantesco que foi deixado, um exemplo de Homem Empreendedor, Pai, Marido, Amigo, mesmo distante e s...
Felipe SommerhauzerSanto Andre
Estamos muy triste por la partida de un visionario que tubo un sueño tan grande no solo para El y sus familias sino para ayudar a todos los que tengan sueños y trabajen para lograrlos nunca lo olvidaremos.
Juan y Maria De jesusMichigan
Rich will certainly be missed. Rich and Jay created a legacy that have changed people’s lives for the better with a business started in 1959 called Am...
Monique RawlingsRiverside
To an international legend! Blessings for your contributions to humanity and making an impact on so many! The legacy will continue to live on. Condolences to your family may they find the love and strength they need in this tome. One Love!
Heather EastwoodJackson
I’m new at the proyect of life of Rich De Vos, recently i’ve worked so hard in myself to make my dreams reality, it was a new and funny way to discove...
[in portuguese] Obrigado, por sua inspiração e empenho ao lado do Jay. Afora vocês voltarão a se encontrar. Fico feliz e honrado por ter conhecido um pouco da história de homens como Rich e graças a ele nunca ter desistido do seu propósito, eu ...
Felipe Araujo
A man of God. A truly man of faith. Thank you for everything you’ve taught each of us to be a great man of God. I love you and will always stay in my deepest heart and your lessons I can promise you that i will teach them till i die to the needy...
Jean Vladimir EstripletWest Palm Beach