In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
저희에게 이 멋진 기회를 주시고 삶을 바꿀 힘과 용기를 주신 리치 삼가고인의명복을빕니다. 하늘나라에서 영원한 안식과 평강 누리세요~
서울시We were, of course, saddened to hear of Rich’s passing today. But, what a wonderful life, what an amazing legacy. Rich’s vision was the inspiration we needed, at exactly the right time, to light the candle of hope in our lives. He will be sorely...
Little OrleansI love you!I miss you!
ChongQing China迪维士先生的书《悲悯的资本主义》影响我去读《圣经》,并且能够认识和接受耶稣基督做我的救主。我感谢上帝,使我能藉着迪维士先生的书,从而能够信靠祂。理查.迪维士先生,我爱你。
CHINAPlease accept my deepest condolences. Losing a loved one is never easy no matter what age. May his soul rest in peace.
KingstownThis is very much hard to believe that sh richdevos is no more with the amway family .he was really a god to all amway distributer. Because he change billions of life with his positive and tremendous thoughts…..may rest in peace and miss u alw...
ShimlaThank you for everything!
Singapore虽然我们都明白了人人都是从自然中来,都有回归自然的那一天,但您的回归还是让我们那么的难受与不舍[难过]您的伟大让世界多了一盏灯,使无数的人缩短了在黑暗中摸索的时间,获得了出彩人生![愉快] 您的精神将与日月同辉,永远照亮着梦想者奋斗前行的路… (陈顺尧)
营口Today Michigan loses a great Man, a dreamer who left a great legacy, showing the world that everyone can dream, and make reality, today the planet cries but the sky will shine a lot, because everything he can do here he did, now will continue to...
Glicério돌아가셨다는게 믿어지지는 않습니다
하지만 이렇게 죽음 마저 준비된 삶을 사시는 당신이 존경스럽고
만인들에게 기회라는 삶을 주신 당신께 존경과 찬사를 보냅니다
ShanghaiThank you Rich.
당신과 제이께서 만들어주신 수많은 사람들에게 사랑과 성공, 자유에 감사함을 드리며 하나님의 곁에서 편안한 안식을 취하시길 기도드립니다.안타깝습니다. 당신을 더 볼수 없음에…
감사합니다. 당신께서 주신 자유의 기회에…
SeoulRich è stato un grande visionario, con grandi valori e principi. Ha fatto della Sua vita veramente un capolavoro e ha dato la possibilità a chiunque lo voglia di far diventare la propria vita un capolavoro. Grazie Rich per tutto quello che hai f...
꼭 뵐수있을거라생각했는데 너무 아쉽고 마음이 아프네요 좋은곳에 가셔서 편히 쉬세요
당신이 주신기회가 저의 삶을 풍요롭게 해줄거라는걸 믿고
살아있는동안 감사하며 살게요♡
구미시Rich influence changed my life.
Thank you very much really!
fukuokaIt’s terrible to hear about your loss and I express my sincere condolences to you and your family, You have make a lot off changes life in the world, Rest in Peace… God will hold you in Heaven…and your beloved friend is waiting to see you ag...
petaling jaya沉痛悼念亲爱的安利创办人狄维士老先生,感恩你为人类做出的卓越贡献。
江西南昌NanchangJiangxiWe have lost an extraordinary friend and leader today. Rich DeVos loved people and made everyone feel important. He epitomized servant leadership, putting others first, instilling this trait in everyone who worked with him.Throughout his life,...
Americas Regional PresidentThank you for changing my life
I am really grateful for you
RIP rich devos
Kanagawa PrefectureYour Love Letter to the Platinums, your books, your talks and the warm handshake and greeting. Your legacy continues through each of us.
“Well done good and faithful servant.’ May your memory be eternal. Love ya
Brooklyn평범한 우리가족에게 기회와 희망을 주셔서 진심으로 감사합니다. 그리고 진심으로 존경하고 사랑합니다. 부디 평온한 하늘나라에서 모든 ABO리더님을 잘 보살펴 주시길 바랍니다.
다시한번 감사드리고 또 감사드리며 사랑하고 존경합니다.
부산시당신이 수많은 사람들의 삶에 주신 희망이라는 귀한 선물, 잊지않고 나누며 살아가겠습니다. 삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다.
I will forever keep in mind the values and principals you have shown us throughout your lifetime. Please rest in peace with your wife Helen and best friend, Rich… Hope we’ll se...
수원시Rich, One my Dream was to get close to you and to know you.
I admired you so much. Just want to say thank you for everything you did for my whole fam...
北京마음속에 늘 함께 하겠습니다 감사합니다 사랑합니다