Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Thank you Rich for the legacy of hope you left in every amway entrepreneur in the world We pray for the rest of your soul and the strength of the DeVo...
Sandra y ManuelMerida
Lo mas grande de Rich DeVos fué su humildad que lo llevó a proclamar que él fué un cristiano salvado por la gracia de Dios. Fué humilde y fué grande ése es Rich DeVos. El Legado más grande que nos deja Rich es el sentido de la verdadera libertad...
我错了 我很抱歉 你可以做到 我相信你 我为你骄傲 谢谢 我需要你 我信任你 我很尊敬你 我爱你 记忆犹新,每当遇到困难都会想起“You can do it”感谢狄维士先生激励了我们平凡人的梦想,一路走好
Larry wolffParamus
很难接受这个事实,六十周年前夕[流泪][流泪][流泪] 您让千万人走了希望! 您给了无数人智慧和勇气! 您让不同种族的人都有机会尝试寻找更好的自己! 您的思想影响了几代人甚至未来! 您永远活在我们的心中!您永垂不朽!
It is a great loss and shock to hear of the passing of a man who made GRAND RAPIDS and Amway such a huge success. His dream that has given so many successful and financial stability will be recorded in history. He will surely be missed. RIP Mr. ...
Kenneth Kuieck Sr.Covington
从美国密歇根州大急流市到中国广东省广州市,从美国式American dreams到中国式的为你生活添色彩,理查狄维士先生为无数像我一样怀着梦想和抱负的年轻人提供了一个崭新的事业机会平台。在此仅代表我的家庭像狄维士先生家人送上最诚挚的问候!
Goodbye, Rich! We will always remember the enthusiasm that you instilled in us. Thank you for your positive attitude and forward thinking. We will always remember you and your ability to inspire those who owe so much to you. We will never forget...
Lawrence R WaeldeParamus
I understood value of Amway opportunity when I read the book “How to be like Rich DeVos”. That book changed the way I was thinking about life, about o...
Viral PatelBrampton
My new favorite hashtag is #RichlyBlessed because my life, my family, this community and the world have been richly blessed by your life. Gods love has shown through YOUR love of people and your willingness to obey his Word and share His blessin...
Diane Van HovenGrand Rapids
Great loss not only to the family but also to the World. U will be always remembered for all the good deeds you have done to mankind on this planet. M...
从一位安利新人,到现在有一定成绩,都是因您创办的安利! 您分享的文化和精神,引领我们非常多的伙伴前行……您是安利文化和精神的缔造者,愿您的精神与我们继续前行!
I was saddened to read Candace Matthews’ announcement, relaying the sad news of Rich DeVos’s passing. Candice’s words were well put - and, as she stat...
Romanita Dumicich-SanchezLilburn
Amway helping people live better lives. The legacy is strongly going on. Rich and Helen are now with Jay and Betty in God’s heaven will look after all of us here on earth. We miss ya. We love ya.From Bangkok ThailandPreecha and Oranart Prako...
Preecha and Oranart PrakobkitBangkok
Dear Rich,Thank you very much for all you did for us. You and Jay changed not only my life but the lives of million people in the word. Thank you fo...
Marcia TaniguchiTokyo
I am very blessed with Rich contribution to the world, where he touches a lot of people’s heart. How his vision change the life of millions people. His contribution become a light for others.Thank you Rich, Love you always.
lidya siagianJakarta
老狄维士 是我安利初期坚持下来 最大的精神支柱,人生第一个偶像,是您给了无数人希望,您及您的精神将永远活在我的心中,愿您一路走好!
you are my idol forever. gratitude has you.
Dear Rich DeVos, God is with you. Amen!
selamat jln Rich,Kehidupan saya menjadi baik berkat kasih Rich and Jay. Promise you will keep helping people live a better life
Thank you for the opportunity you have given us.RIP Rich M Devos
Kasides Pakkhem
Our Thoughts and Prayers go out to the DeVos Family, Extended Family and Friends. Peace and Blessings, Neena Murphy Martin, James Doug Lawrence, Alijah Martin and Family
Neena Murphy MartinWashington
He was changed many life in this world. He gave many opportunities. We love and respect you. Success Center Korat Thailand
์Niti TeerawiroteKorat
리치디보스회장님 넘 사랑합니다~^^감사합니다 한번도 뵌적은 없지만 영원히 가슴속에 담겠습니다~저도 리치처럼 희망이없는사람들에게 응원단장이 되어보겠습니다~^^
Terima kasih telah diberikan kesempatan untuk bergabung di Amway. Selamat jalan Rich.
Wito & Helen SuryaniJakarta
We will never forget you!
感恩您的博爱!感恩您的坚持!感恩您的教导!因为有您,我知道了自由家庭的重要,让自己有希望的同时也得到了相应的奖励!因为您的大爱,我将跟随您的思想坚持目标,即便到不了,当我倒下时距离我的目标最近! 缅怀,感恩!