In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
Seus sonhos me fizeram sonhar, me fez sentir mais forte. Mesmo sem conhece-lo pessoalmente, lhe agradeço pela oportunidade de negócio. A família, meus...
Rio de janeiro您一直以来都是我学习的榜样,愿您的精神一直与我们同在!
天津It breaks our heart to lose such a wonderful leader who has inspired us for many years!! Have had the privilege to spend time with Rich for the past 47 years, and he will be missed by us and thousands of other people.
长春您猶如燈塔照亮了我人生航程,您常對我們說:”You can do it”,這句話一直鼓舞我克服工作中的困難和挑戰。愿上帝保佑你!
绵阳Dear Rich Devos,You will be in my heart forever.
Thanks my dear and everlasting teacher.
SeoulDear Rich DeVos, 感谢您的指引,祝您在天堂一切安好!
湖州Fui Diamante da Amway em 1995 . Sou médico. Pude conviver com Sr Rich Devos. Mesmo tendo deixado o negócio em 2000 digo que esse senhor foi dessas pessoas que passam pela nossa vida e nos transformam positivamente. Minhas condolências à família ...
CotiaEsteja na paz do Senhor bom Deus
Pessoa que veio a esse mundo pra fazer uma grande mudança na vida de muitas famílias fazer com que pessoas comuns se...
Jaraguá do sul愿上帝与我们尊敬的狄维士先生同在
重庆Homem de Deus gratidão eterna, esta empresa a dois anos mudou minha vida, meus sinceros sentimentos
SP. It is with a sad heart that i I received this information. He was bar none was the best and prolific speakers and motivators of his time. His messages on life and business building are outstanding. It is my prayer and hope that he receives the...
SuffolkBlessing to the DeVos families in the passing of Rich. We were inspired in our small business years ago by your Fathers legacy.
天津Acabei de conhecer a empresa, e tive a horra de saber quem foi esse grande empreendedor.
Obrigada Rich de vos.
Descanse em paz
RIO de janeiro伟大的人生,不朽的灵魂!永远的怀念!
广西桂林Rich was a great inspiration to me and to millions of others. He will be greatly missed but his legacy and influence will live on. Deepest condolences...
West Jordan积极人生的十种力量,我因您的这十句话而深受影响!
一 我错了!
二 我很抱歉!
三 你可以做到!
四 我相信你!
五 我为你骄傲!
六 谢谢!
七 我需要你!
八 我信任你!
九 我尊重你!
十 我爱你!
天津I am sorry to learn of the passing of Rich DeVos, an inspiration to so many. As an Amway employee of many years, I’ve had the privilege to both meet R...
Grand Rapids리치디보스 사장님
그동안 너무나 애쓰셨고 감사합니다
덕분에 저와 저희가정에 큰선물을 받았습니다
사장님 천국에서 만나요
이별을 슬프지만 그뜻을 기리며
더 열심히 사업할께요~~~~~~♡♡
서울We miss you ,thank you .
福建泉州My deepest condolences. Patrizia e Maurizio
FirenzeGRAZIE semplicemente GRAZIE la mia vita con Amway. R.i.p