Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Rich DeVos was a class act. I greatly admired him for his character and the way he led his life. May his memory be eternal.
Alexa PallasCarlsbad
Your love and passion remains in our heart and will always be our inspiration. We cannot thank you enough. God prepares a seat for you beside Him in heaven.
敬爱的Rich Devos,收到您仙世的信息感到悲痛!但也悲常感恩您创建了一个伟大的安利事业,让我们这些平凡的人有了一个实现梦想的创业机会。您的大爱和你对我们的鼓励给予了我不一样的人生,改变了我的人生命运让我变得更好!我们会继续努力传承您的精神和大爱。愿您在天堂幸福!
With the active people together, can make us feel high。
Nossos sentimentos a família Devos, apreendemos muito com esse senhor e devemos muitos a ele … Descanse em paz . Lutoamwaybrasil
Reinaldo DomingosCuiabá
With sincere condolences God bless praying for you all
Chris BierleyWest Valley
Thank you very much, Rich, for your constant flow of positivity as well as being a mentor to someone who desperately needed it and for inspiring me to believe in myself, but to not only believe in myself but in other people and the power of posi...
Ian FinnLombard
My deepest sympathy goes out to the entire family of Rich Devos. He was a kind and genuine man indeed. I worked for one of his institution which was P...
Eldore EstridgeTortola
9月6世界離開了一位偉人Rich Devos[流泪][流泪]感謝您帶給這個世界這麼美好的事業機會,您用一生奉獻給安利,改變了 300 多萬個家庭的命運,您無私的愛提供我們最好的保障! 自由 家庭 希望 獎勵,我們将继续傳承您的精神與理念,將這份事業交給想要改变的人, Helping people l...
My parents, Bob and Jody Doan joined Amway when I was in high school and Amway became part of our lives. I cherish the people my folks met through Amway and I appreciate the values Rich and Jay made an integral part of the Amway business. Once m...
Randye Campbell McAnallyFredericksburg
Fay and I would not be who we are or where we are in life without Rich. Our children and their families are the fruits of Rich’s positive attitude, wo...
Lloyd & Fay ShoemakerPiqua
You are given us a light which lihhtsup our life by the most wonderful opportunity in this world to change our lives and many others in this world. I take this opportunity to thank you from my bottom of our heart. We missed you and millions of l...
Loganathan & MangaletchumySubang Jaya
Our great spiritual leader and entrepreneurial leader go all the way! Thank you for creating the entrepreneurial opportunity that can change the fate ...
Thank you Rich for giving such a great opportunity to millions of people to live better lives,your are true legend, we never missed your example to cheer others and humble spirit, Deepest condolences to your family.
Ramesh YDayton
Rich,I sorry to hear that. You are my worship ,you are always proud of us ,I also proud of you,forever.
My condolences for the entire family and Amway. Thanks for the best chance of free enterprise . Thanks for the possibility of change. You’ll continue ...
Uwe MäxkelburgBerlin
Fron Venezuela a Thanksgiving land, we say thanks God for Rich Devos life. Rich : A real human been, full of dreams, love ,vision and Fe. Perhaps never meet Venezuela but thanks at your business here you have touched thousands of people helping...
Marco Prince and Francis VillegasValencia
感恩有您 您的创业思想和精神是我一生的灯塔 一路走好
The world will be a better place to live in, if everyone heard Rich Devos. Rich was a epitome of humility, grace & highly influencing personal magnetism. He was a fountain of knowledge with a deep understanding on life, faith, god and amazin...
Rajesh MurthyHyderabad
在我的故乡,美丽的江城-武汉市,中国著名诗人李白在这里留下了著名诗词“故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州”。 如果说武汉与美国有什么联系的话,大概是因为19世纪清末20世纪民国的武汉(汉口),因为其位于中国中心位置,进出口额常年稳居中国第二,作为万里茶道的起点,这里又被世界称为“东方芝加哥” 时间...
We respect you! We love you forever !
Daria Lu北京
Rich DeVos Kính Yêu ! Ông đã truyền cảm hứng cho tôi về một cuộc sống đầy ý nghĩa khi giúp đỡ người khác ! Ông luôn ở trong trái tim tôi và muôn ngườ...
感谢您创办了Amway事业, 让我们拥有了自己的事业; 感谢您把您的经验集结成书, 让我们学了您的智慧;您的智慧如万般潮水遍布在我们的周围; 感谢您透过录音录影分享你的智慧, 让我们备受鼓舞; 感谢您对事情的看法影响了我们的观点。 非常非常感谢您! 谢谢您! 我们爱您!深切缅怀您!
May GoD Bless His Soul. Thank-you so Much For coming to this Earth and Fulfilling purpose of Your life and giving Us such a Incredible Dream which cha...
Vikram SinghJaipur
Gracias por tanto ejemplo gracias! Gracias por tanta congruencia, gracias por ser…Gracias por cambiarnos la vida.
Sentimos muito pelo falecimento deste grande líder, nossas sinceras condolências e pêsames a família.
Paulo VilelaRoseira