In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
Richard, you are forever in our hearts! Thanks a lot!
ПермьEra una Lider de Lideres dejo un legado que tenemos que seguir, lo stimos mucho por la perdida de un gran lider Dios lo guarde Amen.
SalemDuring my first year as an employee 22 years ago, I saw a message from Rich posted on a manager’s desk. Rich said that leaders needed to “love” their ...
AdaПриношу искренее соболезнование. Он всегда будет жить в моем сердце. Он направил меня по жизни, дал путеводную заезду, веру в себя и свои возможности, веру в людей. Вечная память.
ПермьGracias Rich de Voz por ese gran corazón que nos estregaste y por llevar la esperanza a todos los corazones de la familia Amway gracias por darnos est...
Москвавыражаю глубокое соболезнование вашей семье.я низко кланяюсь Рич Девосу за его умение организовать такое большое дело .и ценности свобода семья надежд...
читаMy sincere condolences to the DeVos family. As a 26 year employee, I am deeply appreciative of all that Rich, Jay, and their families have done. All of you are in my prayers. Rich has left quite a legacy with both his family and in the community...
Grand RapidsIn the 70’s I was being recognized for achieving the $750 sales award plaque.Rich was sitting behind He thanked me for my achievements and He pulled o...
National CityDear Rich
I absolutely wanted to see you a few years ago and went to Ada’s convention
I came across your thought and was really saved.
The way of thinking really changed when I heard rich speech.
I will never forget you.May his soul rest in pe...
北海道 日本Go down to posterity
Han Dan citySinceras condolências a toda a família DE VOS e sua outra família Van Andel..Sempre foi nosso desejo apertar a mão ao Sr. Rich De Vos pessoalmente…… Continuamos com o TEU PLANO.Vamos continuar a mostrá-lo e a espalhar a mensagem: “YOU CAN DO...
LeiriaQué triste noticia para todos los que estamos orgullosos del legado de ese gran hombre…estamos seguros de que Dios lo ha acogido en su seno, fue un ...
MiamiТы изменил мою жизнь. Спасибо !!!
Мы выражаем соболезнования семье DeVos. Самый великий человек, один из основателей компании Amway, умер. Мы благодарны им за их видение и преданность ...
广州Thank you Rich for the wonderful example your life provided for your family, your company associates, your many, many friends and for all humanity.
Boca GrandeСпасибо за прекрасную жизнь, полную смысла, примера, результатов и любви! Скорбим со всей семьей и всеми, на чьей жизни коснулся этот великий человек… Прошу Господа упокоить душу Рича в своём царстве! Rest In Peace Rich! Your mission here comp...
УжгородЯ скорблю вместе с родными и близкими, вместе со всей большой семьёй Amway
Он прожил замечательную жизнь и останется в памяти людей всегда
МоскваПримите мои соболезнования.
С любовью и уважением к памяти Рича Девоса.
Санкт-ПетербургСкорбим вместе в вами.
KemerovoDear Rich Devos, so grateful for your humanity,your inspiration…so much unforgetabl memories.You’re always our cheerleaders.
HaikouThank you! I will be the person who helps people live better lives. I will keep this spirit!
Seoul사랑합니다 감사합니다 천국에서 편히 쉬세요
gwang juThank you for the opportunities you have created for many people current and future. Your words of wisdom will live on and continue to make a differen...
BrisbaneRest in Peace Dear Rich DeVos - A Man marks Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant to GOD …
Our family deepest heartfelt sympathies for your loss …
Our family hearts go out to you in your time of sorrow …
Sharing in your sorrow with Love and Frien...
Jakarta BaratRich DeVos taught me perseverance. To get knocked down 70 times and to get back up and say Here Comes 71!
Circle PinesThank you, Rich. Thank you De Vos family we are sending our most sincere condolences for the big loss of one great leader. Rich was such an inspiration to us. Thank you for for one of the greatest oppurtunities full of hope, freedom, and liberty...
EatonMis mas sinceras condolencias a la familia DeVos, por el fallecimiento de ese gran hombre que fuese Rich DeVos.
Dios les de fortaleza en estos momento...
DallasWspaniałemu człowiekowi, który wniósł tak bardzo wiele w życie i serca tak wielu ludzi na świecie. Będziesz zawsze w naszej pamięci.