Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

its with great sadness i hear of the passing of a great man,,,rip,RICH DEVOS,,,michael
Mi más sentido pésame para la Familia que dios lo tenga en su santa gloria
JosefinaDaly City
Please let me express my appreciation. We will inherit the hope you made and walk along the way to success with your family.
Rich ci mancherà Rich ci lascia una eredità così importante e di valore che continuerà ad esistere in tutti noi ed anche nelle generazioni future Rich anche nella sua morte ci insegna il valore senza tempo di una vita piena di significato Graz...
Antonella BartolottaTorino
El libro que me enamoró de este proyecto se llama Capitalismo Solidario. En el se deposita la inspiracion y el corazon en una idea que transforma las ...
Jose Petro CardenasMedellin
Con profundo dolor y consternación he recibido la triste y lamentable noticia del fallecimiento de nuestro querido y muy estimado co-fundador de AMWAY. Su legado quedará por siempre en nuestros corazones dada su magnifica labor en bien de la hum...
Ayer fue un día donde partió de este mundo terrenal nuestro grandioso Soñador y Enriquecedor de Vidas Rich DeVos dejando un gran legado en cada uno de...
Maryuli RodríguezEl Tigre
Wow what a man of vision, an inspiration and a dream maker, A lovely honest God fearing man. I just can’t imagine how many people he helped to believe ‘You can if you think you can’ along with Jay . The best thing I ever got involved with in 198...
KATH NobleDerby
Es un gran Ángel, y a cambiado mi vida, gracias!!
Ildelisa garciaMission hills
We are love you! thank you very much!
huawei_hanshanxi xi’an
Muchas gracias Rich, creo que no te alcanzas a imaginar el gran legado que dejaste en este mundo, aunque no tuve la fortuna de conocerte en persona, agradezco infinitamente todas tus enseñanzas.
Grazie per aver cambiato la vita di milioni di persone❤
Mattia SannaCosta volpino BG
A fost bogat, nu pentru ca a avut o viata lunga in care a devenit milionar, ci pentru ca avut o viata lunga, plina de semnificatie in comunitatea in care a trait, in tara lui si in intreaga lume. Iar mostenirea ce o lasa in sufletul si mintea c...
Lo lamentamos sentimos mucho esto un gran soñador. Que a degado miles de esperansas. Para nosotros. Señor resivelo en tus brason. Un fuerte abraso alo...
Aracely y juan martinezDallas
Thank you for having lived!
Mis hijos Mateo, Samuel y Paulo y en el mio propio, queremos agradecerle infinitamente Rich, lo que usted hizo con nuestras vidas. Es parte de nuestra...
Diana CuéllarPopayán - Cauca
Our belived One Anjel reached finaly The Almighty to serve HIM.RIP. prizelingan.
D.PrizelinganOddanchatram,Dindigul Dist.
Thank you for your vision and your passion for life.
Tiziana MalloSR
Gracias, Gracias, Gracias, y mas graciasssss por todooooo. mis mas sentido pesame
Sorry about the new, may the soul of departed one rest in perfect peace. Condolences to the familys, friends,and co worker’s.
Mrs y OdularuLondon
Gran admiración y respeto por este Gran Hombre que trascenderá por siglos Rich de Vos, Gracias por ser un gran líder inspirador, tu amor por la humanidad y la naturaleza un gran ejemplo a seguir; tus palabras y pensamientos plasmados en los libr...
Juan Pablo y AuroraJuárez
Truly a great man who lived a full life. He influenced a great number of people and had a personal positive impact in my life. Condolences to his love...
Terrol GuyMaloney Gardens
Thank You Great man Rich! We will miss you!!!
Nikolas PavlykLviv
Sa fiti la fel de iubit si in lumea de dincolo!
Carmen AgapeIasi
From first seeing your business plan to launching in Spain, through interpreting for your son at the first Madrid conference and above all, 30 years I...
hellen mason-spyrymadrid
Thank you Rich DeVos! You made my life brighter to have dreams, hopes and you also teached me how to live in joy and happiness with your much affection I can’t find any words to explain of my feeling but thank you and I never forget what you gav...