Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Mi más sentido pésame para la familia paz a sus restos gracias por lo que nos dió en su vida su legado
José Miguel BisonoSantiago
I am deeply saddened by the news of Mr.Rich de Vos loss. My most sincere condolences. Mr.Rich de Vos will be missed and he will never be forgotten,may his soul rest in peace.
nagorn dechapraptcnx
伟人已逝,愿天堂安息! 生命终止,但精神永存! 逝者安息,生者坚强!
Simplemente gracias por el gran gran trabajo que ha hecho, por su entrega hacia la gente, por el legado que dejo y porque lo que ha logrado va a segui...
Mariano FernándezRosario
We love you forever .You are our example.Do you rest in peace.
O meu OBRIGADO pelo conhecimento e pela grande oportunidade de negócio que desenvolvi com muito entusiasmo. Estive com meu marido em Adda e na Flórida...
Maria Elisa NetoFigueira da Foz
Thank you for your contribution to the world.You are an elder,a hero,and also a relative.I wish you peace in heaven. Best wishes 2018.9.7
tiki Zhangshenyang
It’s amazing how you’ve change so many lives and turn things for the better in each of us. You’re an inspiration to us and will continue to inspire more. You will be deeply missed. May you rest in peace Mr Rich DeVos. God Bless!
Thank you for giving me a chance to know the greatest Amway biz and you let me know how to live in blessed life. rest in peace..
早上把您辞世的事情告诉妈妈,她说,这真不是个好消息!让美国的朋友帮忙买束花儿去看看您或者给儿童医院捐赠一点点钱,是心意是惦记……2005年在体育场后排远远的用望远镜看见了您,应该没看太懂但深深感受到了您的博爱与热情,也记住了为您添色彩的愿景和那十句话……再回到安利一直有个愿望,想抱抱您,告诉您,我回来了,没有让您失望,可是……树欲静而风不止 子欲养而亲不待,有遗憾却并不悲观,我会好好努力,孝敬父母,爱人并被人爱,活好当下……向老温安洛先生问个好,感谢您……
Rich DeVos lived a life full of grace and love. His compassion and generosity were evidence of his love for God and humanity. He embodied what it mean...
Eddy AlemanGrand Rapids
Nuestras más sentidas condolencias gracias por dejar un.legado.y hoy nosotros somos parte de ese sueño.realizado.Dios les bendiga gracias y Dios todo poderoso este con ustedes y nuestro Rich está al.lado.del.creador DIOS TODO PODEROSO
Peggi Sánchez Javier niñoVALENCIA carabobo
I don’t even know what I can say. You Co Founded a company that has supplied the dreams of many. You will forever be in our hearts.Thank you for eve...
Daniel AwosanyaDurham
gracias Rich por tu vision e tu corazon…R.I.P.
Teacher, Richie Devos… My condolences to you. 《Helping people live better lives》 I will remember the spirit of the founder forever. Thank you~ Love ...
InCheol SONG
“Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for his fellowmen”, said Mahatma Gandhi. No better words to describe the life of this legend Rich DeVos, who rose not only to instill a dream in the common man but also gave the hope a...
Adios a un hombre bueno y generoso y soñador. Gracias por su capitalismo solidario que ha mejorado la vida de tantas familias.Que extraordinaria exist...
José Cordero BarrosoCácrred
Hearing about your loss has deeply saddened us..You are in our thoughts and prayers. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family.
T. Krishna VeniKuala Lumpur
SEPTEMBER 8, 2018 We so grateful to have such great leader like you, We all love you, miss you! Thank you
Ravi MadaanSriganganagar
Mi más profundo pésame para la familia de Richdevos el tiene una mansión en el cielo.abrazos y besos.
Martha Patricia García bojorquez GDLos mochis
The world will continue to be a better place because of Rich DeVos. I loved his refreshing passion for human freedom, economic prosperity, legacy, and...
Qué en paz y en Dios descanses Rich, mí respeto para toda su familia. Ha dejado desde su visión un legado gigante para compartir con orgullo y así ayudar a millones de personas.Love ya
Martín Fernández GDTres Arroyos
Some people never die. They just pass on to some other place to make it more beautiful. You are one such person, Mr Rich Devos. You are not Rich by name only but you are truly RICH with your actions, thoughts, beliefs. You taught millions of peo...
Rahul DevGhaziabad
Your kindness, your gentleness, everything you do for this world will continue forever. Thank you for changing my life and my family. We’ll miss you a...
Rich DeVos is always in my heart!
He LuXi'an
Thanks for all. You was a great man. R.I.P.
Thank you for all