Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Thank you Rich We all will be miss you
悼念理查.狄维士先生! 他传奇的一生影响了全球无数的人。如今有更多的人受他感召,让自己的生活和这个世界变得更好!
Love Rich &Jay forever
Kampanat PatanathabutrBangkok
No tengo palabras para describir lo que siento. Es increíble lo trascendental que puede llegar a ser una persona que muchos ni siquiera llegamos a conocer en persona, pero logró impactar nuestras vidas y la vida de millones de personas en el mun...
Harmodio Montaner Jr.Panamá
You changed the world, you are the founder of the market place ministry. Our lives, marriage, and faith restored because of the Amway value. You are i...
Susan GaoAllen
He was truly a legend not just because what a fantastic empire he has build, or what great man he once to be. Without him, thousands will not had the opportunity to change their lifes and he did many times put the hope of light in to all those f...
Weiqun YuanWuhan
Un uomo con così tanti valori da creare Amway non morirà mai, sarà sempre ricordato per generazioni e generazioni. Sentite condoglianze alla famiglia ...
GabrieleDiano Marina
尊敬的人生导师: 千言万语不足以表达对您的哀思与缅怀。是您给予了数以百万的普通人公平创业的机会,使平凡如我们也能拥有自己的事业。您的丰盛人生,您的良言暖语会一直温暖我们、激励我们前进!爱您!愿您天堂安好!
R.I.P. Rich Devos… You’re the greate man that lifted up my family to have better life. Thanks for you give us an opportunity, thanks for you give us...
Jamlong KaewphitakBangkok
愿狄维士先生 天堂安息,永享天福
Respected Rich DeVos, May God gives you Eternal Peace in heaven along with your partner Jay.As you have changed so many lives in entire world in positive manner.You were you are and you will be in our heart forever.RIP RICH…
Hello uncle,I might not know you much in personality,but what you have done in the form of people helping people truly amazed me and the way you deter...
Jennifer thamIpoh
终身遗憾没能亲眼目睹你的音容笑貌! 但您的传奇而卓越的创业人生激励影响着我们的一生! 优良的传统可以继承,辉煌的成就靠自己创造!
多少年来,因为有您的鼓励, 我们奋斗着,前行着! 多少年来,因为有您的恩惠, 我们感恩着,幸福着! 多少年来,因为有您的榜样, 我们追逐着,跟随着! 是您带给我们希望和梦想, 我们会一路传承下去! 愿您在天国一切静好!!!
I AM sorry very much, and thanks for him legacy, example and love to Word. He rest in the Lord with him love Helen. Thanks thanks Emérito & Robertha
Robertha SantosSan Salvador
A great example for all of us! Rest In Peace
Thank you for your incredible contribution and a life dedicated to service of others. Your family has paved the way for so many others to rise above. We are forever in your debt for the impact this has had on our family and we are forever gratef...
Erin & Lucas McKennaMelbourne
Although I never got to meet Rich, I felt as though I knew him forever. One of his talks that I still have on cassette is entitled “We Can, We Will, W...
Sherman JeffersMonroe
Our dearest Rich, you are truly the greatest man with greatest love to us and to the earth, i love you !!
Fang FangDalian
You have touched and inspired us and given us hope by giving us the Amway opportunity you continue to Live with us You are a legend
Kausalya AravindBangalore
Grazie per il ” magnifico ” che hai fatto con Amway !Grazie Rich
Casetta Gian Piero
We are inspired by your moto Hope, Family , Freedom and Reward. Your wisdom to lead millions of people throughout the world would be a great inspirati...
Dr Krishna Kanta Acharyya and Mrs Satarupa DeviGuwahati