In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
Grazie Rich per aver dato speranza e una vita degna di essere vissuta a milioni di persone, di generazione in generazione, in tutto il mondo….. RIP
Rome / Naples / Ischia islandMi mas sentido pesame.E.P.D
PhiladelphiaWhat an incredible man who chose to live an amazing life. He has been one of the most positive influences and examples to millions of folks worldwide....
HoltСпасибо огромное,за то что вы были, за то что вы создали,за то что внесли в мою голову,то что мало где узнаешь,спасибо что выташели с гето,я пронесу эту возможность через все свою жизнь и передам своим детям и внукам те знания которые вы дали мн...
Черкассыขอแสดงความเสียใจกับท่านริชเดอโวส ผู้ที่ให้โอกาสทางธุรกิจที่ดีที่สุดในโลก และ เชื่อในการดำรงชีวิตและ รักในผู้คน ขอให้ท่าน ไปอยู่ในมือพระเจ้า
และ เราจะท...
กรุงเทพThank you
TakasakiThank You Mr Rich DeVos for have this opportunity Amway for my family and others. God have special place for you in Haven and God bless the DeVos fami...
ArlingtonThank You Rich !
Bob & I are very thankful for the extra income we made from our Amway Business. It enabled us to adopt our daughter at 5 & 1/2 months from Korea. She is now married to a great guy & they have three children of their...
TRAVERSE CITYIt is a great honor to be a part of this beautiful family. Thank you so much Mr. De Vos.
My condolences
Massimo Mella e Daniela Pignotti
(my LOS: Anto...
FlorenceRich Devos fue un gran ser humano q tubo un sueño y ese sueño lo hizo parte de todos nosotros, q atraves de él me ha dado esperanza q como asi el tenia un sueño luchó por alcanzarlo y me demostró q si se puede, me enseñó a creer en mi y a luchar...
Puerto Cortes, HondurasI had a chance to meet Mr. Rich Devos when we went to the Amway Grand Plaza hotel for a function. As I smiled and recognized him he put his hand on my...
DallasМилый, добрый, Великий Рич ДеВос ты затронул в моем сердце самую больную струну:чувствовать себя финансово застрахованными навсегда. Многие задают себе этот вопрос, но не все знают как это сделать. Твоя книга “Сострадательный капитализм”- кладез...
KievGRACIAS… GRACIAS por la super idea de negocio que usted creó, por su sistema educativo, por compartir con todo el mundo su legado, lograr hacer que ...
PanamáWir sind sehr dankbar Rich persoenlich kennen gelernt zu haben.
Danke Rich fuer alles!
寧波市Señor Rich devos,Gracias a ese Gran Legado que Nos esta Dejando,muchos Latinos seremos Alguien en esta Vida,muchas gracias,Bendiciones para Usted y Toda su Familia.
New JerseyThank you so so much for showing us and thousands of people a better way of life.We will live and spread the culture/beliefs of what you stood for - F...
PhiladelphiaUn grande uomo dai valori che noi tutti ci inpegneremo a seguirli sarai il nostro esempio ci guarderai da lassù .r.i p. Maestro
LaterzaDear Richard devos! Today just got bad news, I am very sad! The old man all the way walk good. I love you!
金华Rich will be greatly missed. My family has been touched by God’s strength and by the vision that this great man and his late friend Jay had. I am forever grateful for the difference his life has made on so many people around the world including ...
ChicagoFoi com muito pesar que recebemos a noticia de sua partida, mas, entendemos que é apenas um até logo, pois os gênios encarregados de nobres missões, p...
FortalezaGratidão ao grande homem de caráter inrreparavel de um sentimento e um coração ímpar , lamento muito de não poder conhecê-lo pessoalmente , mas vai ficar nas minha memória como um homem que tinha um coração e um sentimento abençoado pelo Deus cr...
CampinasRich Devos was truly an icon in the Greatest Generation. Though I never met him personally, I was first “introduced” to him by my parents back in the ...
ClovisWir beide sind auch sehr traurig. Auf einem Gruppenbild in Ada hat Rich DeVos die Adelheid im Arm. Bei der “Sortierung” zu der Aufnahme kam Rich DeVos von hinten, griff sich die Adelheid ohne zu fragen. Wir beide - vor allem die Adelheid - fande...
宁波Rich was a man of integrity!! You could always trust what he said and he set the stage years ago to believe and achieve greatness!! I do not believe anyone has ever touched as many lives as he and his entire family! He will be truly missed but h...
Kingsport PART II by Clifford N Titus
None shall dare to utter anything less than His life should be Mandatory reading for American Students! Why? its a real ...
IrvingThank-u Rich for starting the Amway business!
Garden CityWe’ll miss you forever. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to change my life!You ‘re respectable. May you rest in peace!
xi'anPoque habeis sabido “honrar” vuestra vida y la de cada uno de los q conocimos tu obra. Porque el mundo queda un poquito mejor de lo q era. Y porque habeis creido en la grandeza de los corazones apasionados. Gracias !!! Y hasta siempre.