In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
Respetuoso saludo familia DeVos: mis sinceras condolencias por la partida de este mundo a la presencia de DIOS Padre Todopoderoso del Señor RICH DEVOS...
HuilaMeus sentimentos a todos os familiares que Deus conforte os vossos corações, um grande Homem, líder espetacular ele se foi Mais deixou um legado incrível não só para família mais também para milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo
PalmasUn altro pezzo del mio CUORE che se ne va. GRAZIE x aver reso possibile un sogno……. essere libero da 25 anni !!!!e rendere felice la mia famiglia ...
veronaPersonas como Rich DeVos y Jay Van Andel nacen uno cada 100 años, y nos tocó la dicha de que fueran socios y fundadores de Amway en el mismo siglo, para fortuna de muchos al rededor del mundo quienes hacemos parte de la familia Amway es una noti...
SIBATÉ狄維士先生:真心感謝您創造了安麗公司,我只是出生在地球上的一個小小島嶼“臺灣”,謝謝您帶來這美妙的機會,讓來自馬來西亞的“Mr.Foo”把這機會傳遞給更多人,我們全家因為安麗產生了改變,變得更好!You Can Do It! 是讓我更有力量的一句話……
台北RIP. I shall always remember you as you give hope to so many people in the world and leave A Great Legacy Behind. No Words Can Describe How A Great Man You Are. Love You Always As You Give Me A Great Opportunity In Amway Business.
MANA Only saw him in person a few times: Speasker , entrepreneur successful businessman. I always felt that perhaps his greatest gift was the ability to make others feel good about themselves. He seemed compassionate and caring. It is people like hi...
CincinnatiThank you for the great opportunity and everything that you did for all of us.RIP Rich DeVOS
Sir….Our deepest condolances to Devos family. Thank you Mr. Rich create a wonderful business opportunity, I learn a lot from you. Your leadership, spirit always inspire me. May your soul rest in peace…..tsvgsk
KHAMMAMLe mie pià sentite condoglianze alla famiglia di rich deVos
VercelliSe n’è andato da questa terrra un uomo splendido per umanità e ingegno.Dall’alto proteggerà il vostro cammino.Con affettoMariagrazia Gheri
FirenzeNon ti dimenticheremo mai.Siamo certi che anche da Lassu’ ci proteggerai. Grazie.
Ada e Franco
piMuch has vendiciones dondequiera que este ha dejado una maravillosa oportunidad para todos
Ha dejado un gran futuro para Muchas familias
Winter haventhink you for all you done!
fuzhouOur sincere words of condolence, to the family and to all to whom this great man was close … A truly great loss for all of us.
IrkutskRich DeVos has been my coach and mentor since I heard his talks - “Try or Cry” and “The Four Winds”. He has given inspiration to generations of ABOs w...
杭州Nuestras condolencias a sus familiares y amigos mas cercanos. Nos entristece su partida. y le estaremos eternamente agradecido por la influencia posit...
MaracaiboThere are many things I remember about you since our first meeting 27 years ago, but what I remember most is your love for Jesus and how that bled over into your love of people. I remember always seeing Jesus in you and I admired you. In your ho...
Grand RapidsBuen viaje visionario, gracias por dejarnos un gran regalo para compartir.
Por crear un prosposito de vida, donde los valores nos unen como familia d...
Mc allenThis man was a HERO.
Missed for ever.
Lots of love.
ManchesterMerci beaucoup Rici merci merci merci
YokohamaNever met him, but in a world where we hardly can find people that fight for them selves fighting for others behalf i think i can say Rich DeVos is one of those few people out there.He now found the his last place for eternity, but this one he...
Vila Franca Xira Przysylam najszczersze kondolencje Calej Rodzinie DeVos z powodu smierci tak wielkiego i wspanialego
czlowieka jakim byl Rich DeVos
Vlaams BrabantAs dejado un legado y gracias a ese lejado muchos seguimos luchando y soñando para llegar asta ese punto donde todos queremos llegar porq aun avemos muchos que estamos luchando para llegar gracias a Rich de Vos dios lo tenga en su eterne gloria ...
FloridaYou are so great, you had inspired millions of people to change their life becomes better .and now, you left us… but your spirit, your soul is alway...
JakartaMay God bless you and your family for bringing hope to many people all over the world. Your legacy will live forever. Rest in peace and take your place in the reign of God and contemplate with joy the greatness of your wonderful work.
MonterreyRich Gracias infinitas por todo, gracias a tu legado hoy mi vida y la de mi familia es Diferente. Lloramos tu partida pero a la vez nos alegramos por ...
BogotaNos sentimos consternados con la partida del Sr. Devos al que admiramos profundamente y sabemos que con sus ideas El y Van Andel cambiaron el mundo y seguiran cambiando vidas atraves de AMWAY cuantas personas recuperamos la esperanza de poder lo...