In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
Quando qualcuno ci lascia siamo portati sempre a ricordare la persona che nella vita e’ stata . Io non ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere Rich DeVos, ma...
cerea veronaGracias Rich, por sembrar en cada uno de nosotros un De Vos, su legado permanecerá vigente por muchos pero muchos años más, mi más sentido pésame a toda la familia
南宁we are thinking of you all
WellingtonObwohl wir uns persönlich nur einige wenige Male getroffen haben, so fühlen wir uns doch verbunden. Wir teilen die selben Werte und sind dankbar für d...
KulmbachMi mayor pésame a toda la familia. Gracias Rich de Vos por la oportunidad que fundaron con tu amigo Jay Van Andel. Mi vida no tenia rumbo me sentía que estába en la oscuridad solo y triste. Al llegar esta oportunidad en mi vida, mi vida poco a p...
San RafaelThere are some people who enter your life who make a profound difference. Rich was one who literally changed the lives of thousands, including ours. H...
AvondaleHe is such a passionate, positive and strong loving leader. His love, leadership and attitude stays with us, forever till eternity.
We miss U rich! #loveyarich
We will continue to live your motto “helping people live better lives” u will always...
SingaporeThank you for everything. This is a big loss… Rest In Peace
NovosibirskNon ho avuto l’onore di conoscere personalmente Mr Rich DeVos ma ho il privilegio di essere un incaricato del suo Sogno, AmWay, un’azienda che è una famiglia e che ha saputo migliorare, dare una speranza, un futuro e una splendida qualità di vit...
PistoiaAunque no lo conocí personalmente puedo decir que al leer tres de sus libros se puede descubrir una persona maravillosa, ejemplar y digna de seguir, s...
DUitama亲爱的Rich,感谢你创办了安利,为那么多人带来了希望,机会。感恩你一直为公司的发展而做出的贡献。谢谢你成为了我们的拉拉队队长和首席鼓励官,相信你在天堂依然能为天上的人们带来鼓励和快乐。如果没有你,可能不会有那么多人得以实现梦想,希望并为自己的人生带来改变。谢谢你Love Ya,
SibuDie Nachricht vom Ableben von Rich bewegt uns tief und unsere Gedanken sind bei der Familie DeVos. Rich mit seiner menschlichen Art ist Vorbild und We...
GrazPrayers to you and your loved ones. Although I never got the chance to meet you I knew you were an amazing person from listening to numerous recorded speeches you gave. You were truly an inspiration to a hurting world. Thank you for creating an ...
Las VegasMi más sincero pésame para sus hijos y nietos y demás familiares de esta gran persona . Me honrra en también ser parte de esta gran familia gracias po...
South GateDéscanse en paz!
ColumniaI love You thanks
yantaiHa partido su alma con nuestro Creador, pero permanece entre nosotros siendo fuente de inspiración. Gracias por ese hernoso legado, su trascendencia será eterna!Descanse en paz. Oraciones para toda la familia.
Hermosilloभावपूर्वक श्रद्धांजली
MaduraiAgradecida en gran manera con Rich por haber expandido su visión y ver más haya de si mismo. Gracias a una decisión de llevar un mensaje de esperanza ha tocado vidas que aún desconocía
De su existencia y su legado continuará transformando vidas ...
CayeyAs a new IBO, I want to thank Mr. Rich DeVos for all of his inspiring words, hard work and motivation. Blessed heaven for the legacy that you had left...
AldanRest well, Rich DeVos, you changed our life in such a manner, gratefulness is present in my heart.
Please accept my sincere condolences
VikulovaA man who created the great legacy for mankind. A man who inspired and believed in people who only have a dream. A man who showed giving and sharing with love and compassion. A man who I have never met but I have heard and known him from the hug...
LONDONI may have not known you personally, but as a member of AMWAY going back to the Philippines when it first opened there, I felt all these years —-thru...
Lancaster Mr.Rich DeVos:
May You Rest Ineverlasting Peace! Your Realm Is Numbered..
BrooklynOn behalf of the entire Seidman family, I’d like to extend our condolences to all the DeVoses on the loss of your father and grandfather. He was an ex...
Oak ParkThank you! Thank you for bringing the spirit of Amway! I wish you all the best. Your spirit will last forever. The times bear!
和泉市若樫町I never met Mr. Devos personally, but I, and the rest of West Michigan are grateful for his life. We pray for his family.
In short, Mr. Devos exemplified in a wonderful way, the Scripture which says, “Command those who are rich in this present w...
Grand Rapids