Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Your mission has been completed, and we will continue.
Rich : Expresar un texto no devuelve lo grande que hizo un hombre de Dios . pero estoy super agradecido por su obediencia a Dios que el expreso en sus libros y poder inspirar a muchas familias en la cual ayudaron . Inspirando a futuros lideres ...
Cesar alberto luceroArgentina
Gracias por el legado de crear una empresa que le da la oportunidad a todo el mundo de crear su propia empresa, Descansa en paz y fortaleza a toda la ...
Jose RosesOrlando
Dear Rich Devos, I remember your words and I will pass those words to my children and others : ” Its my fault, I’m sorry.” ” I respect you ” ” I believe you ” ” I love you ”
HaiYan LiaoLas Vegas
What a great man who lived his faith. He will be missed by many but his legacy will go on forever. THANK YOU Sir!
Aileen GrageraQuezon City
May God give to the family the strenth and love from relatives and friends needed during these moments, rest in peace Mr DeVos.
Maria CabreraCosta Mesa
My husband and I are completely heartbroken to know that a great man has left us.We love you so much Rich!You live in all of our heart’s!Thank you for...
Joel and Nadia MoreiraHollywood
Que descanses en paz…. Gracias por hacer bien…Mis condolencias a la familia y amigos… Siempre estarás en nuestras corazones…
Mariya DidenkoGuardamar del Segura, Alicante
Unas palabras de despedida no seis lo correcto para alguien que nosotros deja un legado tan grande y potente como la enseñanza de enseñar a los demás ...
José Arellano RochaMexico
Sentimos agradecimiento por la vida de Rich. Que gran hombre, que gran ejemplo de vida y que Fe. Impactó la vida de mis padres, la nuestra y la de mis hijos. Definitivamente gracias a Rich, hoy mi familia y miles de familias alrededor del mundo ...
Ivan MoralesGuaynabo
I express my deep respect and appreciation for your great leadership that always show us the dreams and hopes. Rich will live forever in the heart of ...
Rich DeVos made the world a better place by acting on his vision of opportunity that everyone can have access to and participate in. His wisdom that the world is made better through the power of relationships and dreams touched so many and goes ...
Peggy KellyPaola
Thank you for giving us the Amway business as an opportunity to live a free life and our dreams. We will always remember you Rich and Jay as the heros...
Gracias y eternamente agradecida por todo el legado que nos deja. Todos los valores aprendidos , creer que somos seres que nos merecemos todo . Que cambiando nuestro pensamiento y nuestra información podemos obtener desarrollar el SER HACER y po...
Martha MartínezCapital federal
Para la Familia Céspedes Ramirez,fue de gran importancia haber conocido la filosofia de la Familia, Devos y Van Andel. Su Visión y Su Espiritu Emprend...
Familia Céspedes RamirezVeracruz
Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei mourn the loss of Rich DeVos.We still share the story of his visit here. Rich met with Malaysian govt leaders, who asked “what is the secret to Amway’s success”. Rich said a country’s most valuable resource was NOT...
Michael DuongKuala Lumpur
My condolences to Rich’s family. I have so many wonderful memories of Rich. We all will miss him, and I know I’ll see him in Heaven. God Bless everyon...
Dianne O'SteenHonolulu
I’m sorry for you loss, I will always be extremely grateful for changing my life , and changing the lives of so many people. THANK YOU ❤️
Valeria HernandezFort Smith
Thank you, Rich. It’s so sad that you left this world. Not only America, but also Russia and millions of people around the world will remember you! ...
Nuestro sentido pesame para toda la familia de Richard devoz x que fue un gran bisionario y ejemplo de seguir asia delante que Dios los bendiga siempre family Amway
Miguel y marina GarduñoPennsylvania
nuestro mas sentido pésame a la familia DeVos por el lamentable fallecimiento de un gran hombre que gracias a su vision y deseos de servir al prójimo ...
anselmo e Irma Vazquezberwyn
Iloveyou,I missyou.Thankyou!
Muy buenos dias!! Lamentablemente nos toca vivir esta triste noticia que tocara el corazón de millones de personas, pero debemos comprender que es par...
Aldo Alejandro MasperVilla Carlos Paz , Cordoba.
Dear Rich, you are a real Hero and Role Model to all the people in the world how to live and leave behind a Legacy to the family and World. You have Lived a Meaningful, worthful, Happiest life in the world. You never die, your Principles always ...
I love you! I miss you!Great man
De parte de toda mi familia Nuestras mas sentidas condolencias que descanse en paz
Eugenio mezaCartagena colombia
RIP to Mr Rich Devos, We love you so much and Thank you for the great opportunity. You will live in our hearts forever.
Miriam y ReneMiami
We love you forever!
Lemon YangXiang yang
Gracias rich muchas gracias por todo Dios bendiga siempre su familia y Ud es Sta en su santa gloria
Meus sinceros sentimentos a família Devos, este legado Amway ficara para muitas gerações futuras. Tenho orgulho de fazer parte desta grandiosa família Amway global…
Jorge Eduardo Branco Filho_GDRecife