Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Along with Jim Dornan, Rich DeVos was one of the most influential people in my business life. He and Jim gave voice to a yearning that always filled me ever since I emigrated here in 1973 from my native Ireland. Rich taught me to find that flame...
Jim GillenGarden Grove
saentido pasame a la familia de un gran legado de Amway nos deja muchas formas de vida al exitos paz en su descanzo con Dios
mariela silvalymwood
Continuaremos su legado, regando amor y esperanza por el mundo. Gracias por existir Rich
Chadly HernándezMiami
深切缅怀理查·狄维士先生!! 感谢您为全世界做出的贡献! 感谢您创办了安利公司,让我非常荣幸的成为一名安利的员工,已经在安利公司工作了十一年! 感谢您的博爱,为人类的表率! 感恩您!! 愿您一路走好!!
Mi esposo y yo como empresarios de Amway Colombia, Lamentamos la perdida de Rich DeVos, que aunque no lo conocimos dejó un legado muy grande a las familias del mundo en especial las de nosotros los latinos que encontramos en el negocio de Amway ...
The grief of loss can not be described in words, we pray and thank for the bright and rich life
Rich,We are eternally grateful for you and your vision. Thank you for raising an incredible son like Doug DeVos who has carried on your legacy. We are grateful to the continued vision and hope that the Amway business brings to us and to many a...
Theresa DanzikColorado Springs
Mis condolencias a toda su familia.Gracias por ser uno de los grandes en este negocio y por su gran legado que nos deja. Descanse en paz.
Lucia Rojas H.Virgina Beach
You provide not only products, you provide is a way of life; You provide is not only the opportunity, you provide is a kind of self-realization. Mr Ri...
juan liyqujing,yunnan
It´s has been an honor work for someone who always believe that we are capable of really do something. A man who always tried to encourage others whit his passion, I am happy because I know He will see again Jay van Andel his truly friend on he...
Jonathan AmayaSanta Tecla
Alexander M. NjorogeSan Francisco
Desde la 1a vez que lo escuché pude reconocer su sabiduría. Cada libro, cada ejemplo, cada testimonio suyo dan cuenta de lo grande que fue.Un hombre de Dios que supo entender el verdadero significado de darse a los demás.Hoy su legado está ...
Lina CardonaMEdellín
Offcourse God will be happy with u today but He is also very thankful to u for completing his task significantantly.
Pradip GuptaDelhi
Con la tristeza de no haberte conocido en persona siento que se fue un gran amigo, Gracias por impactar mi vida y la de mi familia de una manera única con amor y ejemplo se va un hombre…. pero queda tu legado y la leyenda de un gran icono que ...
Anyela E KimballChicago
Rich you life is a message. Thank you for your Dream and your vision that has touched hundreds and thousands of people all over the world. You have be...
Kartik & BhuvanaMonroe
Rich DeVos inicias tu viaje de regreso a casa del padre eterno dejándonos un legado de amor y esperanza a través de este negocio salvavidas muchas gracias descansa en paz y mucha fortaleza a su familia y amigos gracias Rich fuiste y serás el mej...
Margarita RestrepoMedellin
My sincere condolences for the family. Thank you Mr.DeVos.There is no other like you! Your legacy will live on for many years to come. ❤️
I express my condolences to the relatives and friends of Rich DeVos. It was a great man. Everlasting memory
Gracias por haber existido, por mejorar el mundo solo con tu presencia, por dar la oportunidad a otros para obtener lo que desean y se merecen en la v...
Marta e FabioUdine
We will miss him forever,Person like him is always angel of God,we have to keep him alive in our life by following his teachings.
Saurabh mishrakota
Rich DeVos, le recordare por siempre, no solo por ser un hombre increible, si no porque siempre nos inspiro para lograr nuestros sueños, todo lo que nos propongamos podemos alcanzar….sus discursos inspiradores y motivadores fueron la razón pa...
Morena Sarai AbarcaChalatenango
Rest in peace Sir Rich deVos.. thank you give me opportunity to build my future. I very sad leave our…
Hazim ahmadKuala Lumpur
Rich , un hombre de Dios , un ejemplo de vida en todas las áreas ; la integridad en toda su expresión , la generosidad en todas sus formas , el amor e...
Hugo y Silvia MoffaVilla Carlos Paz
Rich DeVos, the co-founder of Amway can never be forgotten, touching the lives of so many people in more than 110 countries. Our family is so grateful to this person who we considered one of our heroes. He will remain in our hearts. We believe, ...
Francisco A MagnificoDavao City
God beless you You are a wise and kind person Thanks a lot You will always live in my heart
This is a really a sad news to my Amway family. However, please convey our condolences to Rich DeVos’ family as well. It tells us that nothing will be existed permanently. For Rich, you had made all good deeds and done all good things for all pe...