Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

一直以来,都非常羡慕杰和理查这几十年不变的友谊,听了无数个理查的演讲,每次都被您博大的胸怀、格局吸引和感动! 您说“伟大的传统是可以继承的,但是要成就伟大是我们必须努力赢得的” 您说“自由越大,责任越大!” 您说“You can do it ” 您说…… 一直就想着以后有机会一定要飞到美国,去见您一...
Helping people first,then help yourself. I will always remember this. You said that you are willing to get our love to you. But I wanna say we will always miss you! God bless you and love you.
Linfeng BaoNanjing
E’ andato via un grande uomo, un’anima straordinaria, una persona di famiglia. Mi unisco nel dolore alla fam. De Vos con la certezza che Rich non mori...
Thank you for creating imperii Amway, for your optimism, globalization, experience, skill, knowledge, you in my heart.
Un sincero cordoglio per una persona che ha cambiato in meglio migliaia di vite anche la mia…Si può fare…
Thanks you so much for everything that you did, Thanks for business opportunity that you and jay created for me, I love you and respect you so much. RIP Rich DeVos
Forever grateful. Your dream , Vision and pasion change our life. Love
Miguel AguadoMadrid
I want to thanks Rich DeVos for all his words of encourage, hope, and for being such a great friend. I Love to hear his audio tape I learn a lot from ...
Manuel CastilloRockville
Un abbraccio forte a Rich per tutto quello che ha fatto per l’umanità. Un grande uomo che mancherà a tutti. Condoglianze a tutta la famiglia. Thank you Rich
Mauro BergesioBra
RIP rich sir. You have enriched millions of souls with human were not less than a saint
Shyam singhKathua
Físicamente nunaca tuve el privilegio de conocerlo o de compartir un saludo; sin embargo, a través de su magnifica obra logró impactar mi vida y siempre estaré eternamente agradecido. Un sueño era poderlo conocer personalmente; sin embargo, esta...
Carlos Fernando Malagón CanoBogotá
Mis condolencias y un fuerte abrazo a su familia. Un verdadero honor ser parte de la familia Amway, que seguiremos honrando la vida RickDeVos su luz y...
América RamírezHermosillo
Thanks for creating such good business, this business bring more other values other than money. This business teaches me a lot of life value and make a lot of great friend along the journey. Rest in peace and thanks a lot.
Yoon keatPerak
Rich DeVos is unique human being - the kind that you come across one in lifetime or in ages. He is a dreamer and his ideas have always been ahead of h...
Tissa & Maithree samaratungaParker
Romaine and I just want to say thank you for this forum where we are able to achieve our dreams and goals. We know that God is their with your family and friends, helping them with healing. You are MISSED. LOTS OF LOVE FROM THE JACKSON FAMILY.
Migela and Romaine Jacksonkingston
Addio,Rich de Vos,non ti dimenticherò mai,e collaborerò per sempre con l’azienda che hai fondato con tanto amore e impegno.Riposa in pace,amico mio,ti...
Fabio SpigoneRoma
Sizin sayenizde hayal kurup hedeflerine adım adım ulaşan biri olarak vizyonunuzu başka ailelere de ulaştırmaya devam edeceğiz.sonsuz teşekkürler.
Ayşen ŞenAnkara
Dear Rich, Thank you for being such a great example for millions of people. Thank you for giving everyone an opportunity to become an entrepreneur. We...
Izabela and Marek BujwickiWarsaw
Dear Rich:I had the privilege of listening to you at the Tianhe Stadium in Guangzhou in 2005. For you, who were 79 years old at that time, you knew that this should be your last visit to China. This speech is more like your teaching of how to ...
We will miss you forever Mr DeVos!
As the senior member of the Padnos family, I have been asked to express our desire to celebrate the memory of Richard M. DeVos’s life.We knew Rich as a plain, unpretentious man, friendly to all, and humorous on occasion; deeply religious in hi...
Seymour PadnosOn behalf of the extended Padnos family
Pride. This is what I feel when I try to improve myself and the life quality of my family by telling people what this giant of a man has created. He p...
Matteo BiottiMilan
เป็นความทรงจำไม่เคยลืม ท่าน ริช เดอโวส คือผู้มีพระคุณสูงยิ่งต่อครอบครัวเรา และผู้คนทั่วโลก ขอบพระคุณอย่างสูง ขอแสดงความอาลัยอย่างสุดซึ้ง รักท่านและแอมเวย์ ตลอดไป
Thank you to your family and the Creator for ‘sharing’ you with us. Your inspiration and gifts of hope (and good vitamins!!) will inspire people for g...
Cheryl ThomasClearwater,
We are grateful to you for your efforts, that you bring the health,freedom, family and happiness to everyone ! From the bottom of heart, my family and I will pray for you !Thanks again !Best wishes !
Xuan yi chenBejing
To the family of Rich DeVos,Rich was a larger than life man who impacted literally millions around the world. To you he was family. To us, because o...
Robbie and Kathy BurnsHughson
Nations of people owe you and Jay a debt of ultimate gratitude. Thank you for teaching us to hold on to our dreams. Rest easy sir.
Jamal ThomasRichmond
He was a great family man and business entrepreneur who knew the definition of hard work. His business changed my perspective on politics, of being a ...
Virginia KopaczWalnut