In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
My deepest condolences to his family.
Before I met Amway I had no dream in my life.
but now I know the fact that Amway’s business opportunity makes me...
My condolences For your loss. Richard was a wonderful person which GOD HAD BLESSED HIM. Pray that GOD fills you’ll heart’s with his Love thru the pain off your loss GOD BLESS.
LynwoodLo sentimos mucho Dios lo rrsiba en su inmensa gloria le perdone todas sus faltas y pecados y atados nos mande el consuelo y la paz a nuestros corazon...
台州I wish to express my sincere condolences to the DeVos Family and my complete gratitude to the man who changed the lives of millions of people around t...
Mexico CityKami turut berduka cita yang mendalam untuk Rich deVos tercinta, Terima kasih yang sebesar2nya telah memberikan Kesempatan untuk memiliki Bisnis yang luar biasa ini, kami mencintai anda,Rich… Agustinus &Djulita
TangerangMay his soul rest in peace. Feeling very sad and it’s a tremendous loss of Amway family. Fact that, all we are associated with each other in this larg...
CalcuttaDe las personas que mas han impactado mi caracter y fortaleza has sido tu Rich. Apesar de que nunca te concoci en persona te escuche por medio de audios y en realidad siempre me has dado inspiracion para perseverar como empresario pero mas aun c...
San DiegoRIP Rich Devos
Thank you for your beautiful life helping others!!
HIALEAHGod bless you Richard you are in my prayers
BrandonI joined the Amway family at age 32. Rich DeVos was a man to look up to, setting standards for the family, and they were conservative. He expressed hi...
�� 天上多一顆閃亮的星辰守護我們
致# 永遠的啦啦隊長
New YorkRich,您的伟大创业思想改变全世界很多有梦想的平凡人,其中也包括了我自己。虽然您走了,但精神和机会永存,我也会继续坚定的在这条路上走下去,并把您的创业精神发扬光大,感谢您!
杭州Recently I was asked what person was the most instrumental in my walk of faith. My response was Rich
DeVos because I saw a man that not only talked the talk but also walked the walk. Rich could motivate like no other and made me a better person...
江苏无锡The first time I learnt about Amway was when my sponsor introduced me to the starter kit with your photo printed in and told me, ‘Look, this business will help you make your dream come true,’ and I saw you stand with Jay, with your optimism, and...
Jakarta老狄维士先生一生改变了自已的家族命运,改变了大急流市城市命运,他创办的安利公司,坚定助人信念更加重要的是,改变了全球成千上万安利人的信念,让我们拥有了爱的力量,感动他人,成就自已,这是非常、非常伟大的想法!一个涟漪牵动世界,感恩老狄维士先生�� 感恩安利公司家族成员�� 让我们有梦坚定前行!祝老狄维...
江西南昌His inspiration lives on
Muchas gracias Rich por esa humildad que siempre te caracterizó y tú forma de servir, siempre pensando cómo ayudar a más gente para salir de su estado...
大庆I had the pleasure of working for Mr. DeVos for almost 18 years. He was a truly loving and generous person who took an interest in everyone who surrou...
Grand RapidsYou were a true inspiration to many and with your vision and leadership many lives have been changed including my family’s. You have left a lasting legacy that will live for decades to come. May the lord comfort your immediate family and the who...
Claytonthank you for the amazing, inspirational life, that we can learn for our generation in the future…love ya Rich,,
jakartaI only knew of Rich Devos and heard him on CDs and audios while building my Amway business. I will always carry his words of wisdom with me and forever thankful that he choose to live a life of courage and determination. I will be praying for hi...
Whitebear Lake在天之灵,安息吧,世界伟人,永远是我们心中的领导人
山西大同I thanks God for the life of Rich Devos. His vision and leadership around the world were an true example of work ethic. He was a man of great principles and a true ambassador of God’s love. Thank you Rich.Fausto Estrella / Amway Emerald
杭州I was in the floor when Amway and Life surprise me and get in to My life for good, bring me hope and a very brand new future, thanks to this wonderful man to create Amway, so im sad on my heart but i know for sure he did a lot for this World and...
徐州市My Condolence to all family.