In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
天津Esteja na paz do Senhor bom Deus
Pessoa que veio a esse mundo pra fazer uma grande mudança na vida de muitas famílias fazer com que pessoas comuns se...
Jaraguá do sulRich DeVos, Amway, and Selling America gave me a cause in 1968 to believe in, Free Enterprise. Fifty years later, there is only great appreciation to Rich, Jay Van Andel, and the incredible business opportunity they created. Rich was our great e...
中国新疆乌鲁木齐市We will never forget you!
beijingGRAZIE semplicemente GRAZIE la mia vita con Amway. R.i.p
中国Seus sonhos me fizeram sonhar, me fez sentir mais forte. Mesmo sem conhece-lo pessoalmente, lhe agradeço pela oportunidade de negócio. A família, meus...
Rio de janeiro感謝您將這偉大的理念結合事業,帶給所有想成功的我們,因為您我們有了希望,衷心感謝。
台北Acabei de conhecer a empresa, e tive a horra de saber quem foi esse grande empreendedor.
Obrigada Rich de vos.
Descanse em paz
RIO de janeiro您创造的伟业,改变了多少人的命运!激发了无数人的梦想,为无数家庭增添了色彩!带着光芒离开人间,去到天国,但永远都留在了我们心中,永远都在!!
珠海Rich Devos, made a huge impact on my life…I didn’t get the opportunity to know him, personally..but being an Amway Ibo…helped me an my family to dream again.
绵阳I did not have the chance to know you in person,but through Amway and the history of it . I recognize you. I am very thankful for giving the opportunity to lot of people over the world to change our lives. My condolences to your family. They mus...
ParsippanyMy deepest condolences. Patrizia e Maurizio
FirenzeTo the DeVos Family:We at Easterseals will forever be grateful for the philanthropic leadership of Mr. DeVos which impacted so many throughout his lifetime including tens of thousands of children and adults with disabilities served by Easters...
ChicagoHomem de Deus gratidão eterna, esta empresa a dois anos mudou minha vida, meus sinceros sentimentos
SPOur deepest condolences for all the family members. May God give you consolation and strength to through this all. What Mr Rich had shared us through amway business is a wonderful value that change so many people’s life,thinking, and meaning of ...
MedanOnly have words of gratitude for you Rich, thanks to God for your life and dreamed of a better life for humanity. Thank you for not surrender! We love...
天津Being part of something as big and wonderful as Amway makes me feel grateful and honored.
Eventhough I didn’t know Mr. DeVos personally, through his b...
深圳市Thank you for your example and your legacy, a great man can never be forgotten, not just because all did gave to the community but because of how you ...
Santo Domingo您撰写的5部,《相信》《悲悯的资本主义》《心底的希望》《积极人生的十种力量》和《丰盛人生》。一直给到员工和营销伙伴力量,我们想念您、爱带您!