In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
I’m deepest condolences to mr rich’s family. I recently start my amway business last year. Thank you for giving me amazing products that I can share w...
West valley cityWe are deeply saddened by the news of Rich DeVos’ passing. We extend our deepest sympathies to his family and friends. I met him many years ago at a Amway business meeting. He was a wonderful and highly intelligent man who changed our lives. I h...
San FranciscoHeaven is a better place today… because you are there!
You have been an amazing inspiration to me and have helped shape my life, ever since I heard ...
PottstownWas so inspired by the tapes from Rich and Jay in 1976 when we ‘discovered’ Amway and their wonderful stories and life lessons.
Met the great man several times and always found him to be warm and generous of his time.
Very sad time now, but boy,...
BournemouthRich DeVoss applied his magic to everything that made Amway great; superior excellence in product, in procedures, and in his people. “Esprit d’corps” ...
Boynton BeachWe join our community in expressing profound sorrow at the passing of Rich DeVos. He was a true leader, ambassador, philanthropist and family man, in the best sense of each of those words. He helped to create a culture of giving back in West Mic...
Grand Rapids我們都知道辛亥革命,都知道國父革命11次才成功,當時全國歡慶,卻也因為國父的逝世而全國哀悼;但是我們無法體會到當時的歡樂與悲恤。
西安Thank you Rich Devos for insparing us to follow ours Dreams, thank you for this opportunity,thank you for teaching and sharing you acknowledged on all your book, jus we can say thank you,god bless.
New YorkРіч де Вос, Ви були і залишаєтеся найкращим!
Rich de Vos, you were and will remain the best!
KyivPor todas las vidas salvadas y las que se salvarán, tu nombre quedará impreso por siempre en el significado de la palabra LIBERTAD.
Perúyour contribution not only help ABO but helps human in the world.
Thanks Rich you are always in our heart.
pontianak寄托哀思,缅怀理查,一路走好 !谢谢你!
绵阳“Words may not suffice to express the heart felt sorrow that I feel for the passing of our greatest leader. Please accept my condolences….
辽宁锦州huge thanks for the opportunity to change your life and destiny. Thank you for your example! thanks for the leadership, for the legacy that you left f...
MoscowHoy es un día muy triste pero doy gracias a Dios por haberte utilizado por tan gran legado que has dejado… Al mundo entero que si se puede soñar y lograr cosa grande poder decir que tengo un propósito de vida gracias a tu victoria en la vida
CundinamarcaRich DeVos was a champion, reaching out to all of us. It didn’t matter who we were or where we were from. I have been in the business for over 50 year...
Parksville“follow your entrepreneurial spirit” this is the message from this wonderful man which has affected our lives .He will live in our heart forever.We are all going to miss him so much.Deepest condolences to all Amway family .We pray the love of Go...
Bacau您,走了…但会活在无数人的中 感恩老狄维士先生 为人类创造的 美好而伟大的安利事业,让无数人的生命️以绽放……
哈尔滨Dear Rich, wherever you are, thank you for impacting the life of our family.DeVos family we are with you.Familia Torres Moye
深圳I had the pleasure of first meeting Rich, when he travelled to London on the Concorde, I introduce myself as an IBO. Then on my platinum trip in Ada, he did it again, he gave and I a our of his office, with a note, now go Diamond! Hawaii’s Diamo...
Dix HillsI could write so many things about this great man, things that we all know, he has built his dream and his dream was us, the human kind.
The challenge...
海口Our feelings are of gratitude for his legacy to the world and I desire strengths to overcome the lack that a man of these makes to his family.
God lea...