Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Familia De Vos y Familia de Amway , os damos nuestro más sentido pésame por la pérdida de nuestro querido amigo y líder fundador Rich , no tuvimos el ...
Francisco Luis PerezMadrid
Dear Rich,Thank you so much for your great present that brings hope and love to all the people not only people alive in this world now but also in the future forever go on.You gave great influenced and great love to humans, I hoped to see yo...
Emi KondoTokyo
Our sympathy to both DeVos and VanAndel families in the passing on of Mr DeVos. He was truly a man of integrity and generosity. We’ve met Mr&Mrs D...
Jack and jo HulstAda
I’ve never had the chance to meet him in life but what he has done for people on the Earth will stay for ever in my soul… He changed the life of millions of people and make me change mine helping people live a better life… Thank you Rich… ...
Andrea BellaviteRoma
Rest in peace Rich. I very proud to be a part of your buisness/
Thank you sir, for such a gift…you will be missed and Followed by millions..RIP
Bhanu PrakashBIHAR
Rich tu cuerpo que era la vestimenta de tu alma sera sepultado , pero tu alma brillara por siempre en cada uno de los que te conocimos y esa luz nos m...
Daniel RamirezMidland Park
Dios te tenga en su Gloria.Gracias por inspirarnos tanto y por ser un legado en este mundo Siempre te recordaremos con mucho Amor Rich.
Pedro sanchezSalinas
Un líder que ha dejado un legado al mundo, ahora ya se reporta con Nuestro Creador, diciendo Misión Cumplida. GRACIAS GRAN RICH DEVOS.
Darío RamírezGuatemala
The power of his vision in creating a business based on integrity of product and personal effort kept hope alive for my wife and I for at least ten years when other associations failed us. His speech on America thrilled me. It was so full of fun...
Dan BettleBellingham
Solo un ser bendecido por Dios, puede dejar a toda la humanidad tan maravilloso legado mediante su vida y la oportunidad del negocio Amway. Gracias Ri...
Jesús Yesid Murillo MosqueraCali
My sincere condolences to the DeVos family.
Oriel CareyPowderly
Thank you, thank you very much Rich for everything you did. Jay and you, are the best friends and persons, ever. Your legacy is in millions and millio...
Leysi RamirezHialeah
Deepest condolences for your loss And I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me Thank you very much
Hearing for Rich’s pass is so sad! I will forever be touched by his bible reading at Christmas time here at Amway. Amway lost such an amazing co-found...
Linda FlinnMuir
Obrigado por sua Liderança Inspiradora, por seu Exemplo de Fé e Trabalho, por mostrar o Caminho para a Realização dos Sonhos através da Livre Empresa e por Acreditar que o Mundo de Cada Homem pode ser Transformado por Ele mesmo. Descanse em Paz ...
Luiz Eugenio DuarteBrasília
Gracias por permitirnos tener la oportunidad de desarrollar un futuro mejor. Todo esto no hubiera sido posible sin usted. Cambió el mundo y siempre es...
Luis Humberto Valverde ReyesCuidad de México
I saw dugdevos at als. I am so eager to see RICHDEVOS.But God taken him.pray his sole rest in peace.
Agradecemos a Dios por tu vida y por el legado que nos dejas a todos en Amway!!!
George SigüinaGuatemala
尊敬的安利公司创办先者:理查•狄维士先生! 谢谢您-我们的创业精神。 感谢您!爱您!感谢您创办了安利公司! 公司的理念和信念!改变了我的生活! 甚至影响着我的一生,我们会永远怀念您,我们一定会秉承您的指引方向,去为社会做更多美好的事情! 谢谢您!谢谢!愿安利的未来精彩无限!光芒万丈!致敬安利家族所有成员!谢谢你们!谢谢!
Rest in Pieces. Eternal memory, forever in our hearts. Mourn with you.
Rich makes a value rich, the contribution to society is unmatched. He wad the person of his words. Rich a memorable person of generations
Sarabjeet SinghBadlapur, Maharashtra
I really appreciate your tough work for everyone. I’m on the way to be a person like you. Stay in peace with Helen❤︎
Takako KaraokeYonago
Thank you for all you have done for my family and for millions of others around the world.
Mark GarlockCrystal River
Durante toda mi vida de adulta he seguido el legado de grandeza de Rich De vos. Luego de conocer su existencia era imposible no amarlo y seguir sus principios. Bajo esos principios he conducido a mis hijos y hoy ellos lloran junto a nosotros su ...
María GarcíaLa Romana
Grandes enseñanzas que deja éste maravilloso líder y el legado que deja a la humanidad. Definitivamente un gran maestro de la libre empresa con toda l...
Rodrigo BarreraMexico City
partiu para o alto um grande líder, uma pessoa incrível.Ensino a milhões de pessoas a sonhar e pensar grande! Continuaremos com seu legado.Meus sentimos a família
Alessandra SousaBarro Duro -PI