Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

we are very saddened to learn Rich de Vos’s death. He was surely a treasure. he will live in our hearts forever!
ayse yasemın sohtorikistanbul
最近還在看狄維士先生您的書,《如何像您一樣成功》 沒想到您已經去到天堂與天父在一塊了,非常的感謝您,願意讓我們這些平凡的人有機會了解到一個很公平的機會,也許今天我還沒成功,還沒有什麼成就,但每一次我聽到你的錄音都是在激勵著我這種平凡的人,告訴我我們一定可以的!you can do it!如今我在安利裡面學到的很多都是無法被取代的都是無價的,我會努力學習安利的四大價值,把狄維士先生的博愛精神融入生活當中。再一次感謝您帶給我們社會的一份博愛,鼓勵,激勵!
I remember when my parents were in the business in the early to mid 70’s. When we would travel they would listen to cassettes of many speakers but it ...
Monte StrotherPlano
Thank you Rich….my life has been so impacted because of you and all that did to model your values into the Amway business. I hope my life as a ‘life enricher’ has passed along some part of what you believed.
Robert ColemanChesapeake
mèsi pou kontribisyon w nan mond lan. sa ou konstwi itil moun tout kote.
Jordany M. DorvélusPort-au-Prince
RichDeVos rimarrà il mio esempio di semplicità ed amore .Sento una profonda gratitudine per tutto quello che ha creato che rappresenta una grande speranza per la mia famiglia. Sono vicina a tutta la sua famiglia.
Rest in peace. Million thanks for everything you have done and the opportunities that changed so many lives and our family. Love you forever We will n...
Amanulla sayyedMiraj
A la distancia tu visión y propósito tocaron mi vida y la cambiaron para siempre. Gracias por tu legado. Descansa con la paz del hombre que vivió acorde a sus principios y valores, has dejado una huella en nuestros corazones. GraciasIn the di...
Claudia Arellano PlatzViña del Mar
We have a lot of memories of Rich. One of the best was at a Magic game in a Orlando, Fl in the early 80s. He spoke to a small group before the game. W...
Greg & Pat HowardNew Smyrna Beach
Libro, capitalismo solidario. Hoy quiero recordar y honrrar ese libro, y en especial al autor de ese libro, #graciasRich (RichDeVos) por tu legado, por desarrollar este modelo hace 60 años, por tu entrega, y gracias por ser un instrumento de Dio...
jefferson RiverosBogotá, D.C.
The first time I met Rich Devos was 32 years ago on stage as a result of qualifying for a promotion in UK. Later as we all left that function and were...
Cathy SugdenAshford
Thank you! You have been living in our hearts!
Zijian RuanGuangdong
Grande uomo e grande imprenditore ha fatto la storia di questa meravigliosa azienda lascerà un impero solido x tutti coloro che fanno parte di Amway.....
Ornella MaionePe
We don’t forget you for ever!We Miss you for ever! 2018.9.7
Niu Bao FengJin Zhong
Le doy gracias a Dios por la vida de Rich de Vos. Fue un instrumento usado para llevar amor,esperanza y fe a todas las naciones. Nos mostró que con Di...
Jose MirelesVallejo
Mr. DeVos was an amazing boss, mentor, friend, comedian and faithful follower of Christ. He always put others before himself. I thank God for all the wonderful years that I was blessed to work for him. It has been one of the most rewarding exper...
Michelle KrauseRockford
Dearest Mr.DeVos, Thank you so much for you have create the Great Amway Business for us in China and over the world. Our leader Mr. Andy Zheng had a...
Rita LinShantou
“One man with a desire is worth more than a hundred with merely an interest.” Mr. DeVos was a man with great desire and passion. He was an inspiration and friend to my grandmother - Mary Crowley - founder of Home Interiors & Gifts. My sincer...
Joey CarterDallas
Rich, Your life is an example for me to follow the principles that you lived by. Learning about you by reading your books,and watching your small clip...
No tuve la oportunidad de conocerlo personalmente, pero he leído sus libros y escuchado sus audios, esto me bastó para darme cuenta de la calidad de persona que era Rich DeVos, indiscutiblemente un ejemplo a seguir, yo personalmente lo he tomado...
Alexander BolañosRoma
Muito obrigado Rich DeVos por teres mudado a minha Vida e a de milhões de Pessoas ao redor do Mundo. Eterno descanso.
Anibal GomesFunchal
miss u forever.
Mr. Richard Marvin DeVos. Thank you for being our partner and mentor who tried so hard to help many people for having a better life. You will always r...
Grazie di tutto e per quei principi. Il mondo piange una della migliori menti esistenti.Grazie a voi ho potuto cambiare direzione, trovare un ambiente unico, pulito, positivo, incoraggiante. Porterò sempre avanti i vostri insegnamenti, perché ...
Hello Our Precious Partners…Accept Our Sincere Condolences about Loss of Great Man of Legend of World Scale of Рича De Воса… БлагоЛаря Ричу and Дж...
We are truly sorry to hear the loss of Rich DeVos. With his great vision and years of devotion to his business, he inspired us through out the years of building our Amway business in Turkey. We will continue his vision with great honor and respe...
Nilüfer and Merih Bölükbaşıİstanbul
Querido Rich, gracias a usted he podido darle forma a mis sueños, creer en mi y conocer gente maravillosa. Infinitas Gracias. Paz en su tumba.
Jorge MonsalveMedellin
Gracias, Gracias, Gracias por brindar Esperanza, por dar el ejemplo y por Creer en el poder de todos los Seres Humanos.
Rosana Sanitá de MontillaSan Cristóbal
Forever greatful, dear Rich DeVos. A great man, an inspiration to us all! Rest in peace.
Andrea and Alexander SzaboSala
Salute to the legend who made the geography of direct selling as his history.Aging can wither his physical body, but time will behold his place in the hearts and souls of millions of people like myself around the world ever.The one man of h...