Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Prayers to the DeVos family.Beimg new to the Amway family but learning of it’s history ,the people past and present. I feel honored to be a part of th...
Roxanne MassieAlexandria
相信狄维士先生已进入上帝的怀抱!!!理查狄维士先生的理想“希望安利成为人人皆能从事并建立的事业!” 继承狄维士先生的理想并传播给更多的人是感恩和纪念安利创办人的最好方式!
田菁 赵新平济南
Thanks a lot of your love Rich. I was so moved by yours words and anything. again Thanks so much. Love
Thank you for everything Rich..Thank for you Legacy..Tahnks…Tranks..Thanks… RIP
You lead a life such that, the god pats on your back and says “Wow, my kid!!! You did all those I should do be doing personally. Go back to earth and lead another glorifying life”. You are the best Rich!!!!
Thirumal AarellyHyderabad
Uma perca lamentável de um homem com uma inteligência inexplicável. Único e insubstituível. Estamos nos sentindo um pouco órfãos também. Recebam o nos...
Sônia Oliveira de AlmeidaRio de janeiro
Tribute to a truly great man, a true leader. He gave everyone a chance to build a legacy regardless of class, race or any other demographics. His time on earth was fruitful and his impact will never be forgotten.
Uche OhaeriCincinnati
Thanks for your leading! You are always in my heart. Love u……
The words Mr. DeVos has spoken over the last several decades and the work that he is done has made and will continue to make an impact on our family forever, what he has provided for us in the way of opportunity, hope, vision, will last or fami...
感谢您带给世界这么美好的事业机会,改变了 300 多万个家庭的命運,您无私的爱提供我们最好的保障,自由 家庭 希望 奖励 我们将继续传承您的精神与理念,将这份事业交给想要改变的人 Helping people live better lives 感谢您Rich Devos!
Rich DeVos.has changed my life for the better. I started my Amway business in 1999 and my relationship with Amway has given myself and my family so ma...
Harold Morrow JrWaukesha WI
he is forever in our hearts
Dam Duy HaiHa Noi
리치의 사랑과 믿음에 감사함을 표합니다 하늘나라에서 더 행복하시길 기도합니다 기회가 있음에 감사드리고 앞으로 이 기회를 더 많은 사람과 나누고 오늘 하루를 최고의 날로 살아가도록 하겠습니다 사랑해요 리치
jam chow海口
I’m deeply grateful for a man such as Rich DeVos - a pioneer, a man of the Lord, and a promoter of free enterprise. His story along with Jay Van Andel’s reminded me that great things come from great adventures and taking great chances. My profes...
Christopher WalkerHouston
리치디보스회장님께 마음속깊은 감사와 명복을 빕니다
God bless you and have you in heaven.
Luis Peralta & FamilyFort Mill
May the Lord be with the DeVos Family in their time of need. My deepest sympathy go out to this family.
Gandia K RagoopathBryn Mawr
삼가 리치 디보스 창립자님의 명의를 빕니다 20260304 창립자님의 100세때 꼭 만나뵐거라 기대했는데 못뵙게 되어 눈물이 납니다많은분들께 삶을 바꿀 수 있는 기회를 주시고 엄청난 희망과 꿈을 주신 아름다운 리치디보스 창립자님 제이 밴 엔델 창립자님과 함께 부디 좋은 곳에서 편안히 쉬시길 빕니다 감사합니다! 사랑합니다!
我的老师说,在安利(中国)五周年时,她第一次见到您,您传播的安利理念,坚定了她的安利之路…我的老师一直坚定地秉承着安利的理念,把这份助人达己的事业传播给我们!惊闻您的辞世,深感悲痛同时也深感遗憾——无缘相见,无缘靠近您聆听您充满力量的语言,表达我的感谢,将成为我终身的遗憾! 您的智慧如万般潮水遍布在...
Sunny SunDaLian
I really appreciate to the Devos family and speciality to rich because he change my life and my family life in so many ways, Because he fight not just for his family dreams to come true but for other family’s life I’m really thankful about and g...
EdgarSan Bruno
존경하는리치디보스회장님 이제는 하늘나라에서 편히쉬시옵소서존경하고 사랑합니다
감사합니다, 리치디보스 회장님. 당신 덕분에 제 인생에서의 유일하면서도 최고인 이 사업 기회를 만날수 있었습니다. 저와 제가 사랑하는 가족들, 그리고 제가 사랑하는 모든 사람들이 인생의 모든 분야에서 풍요롭고 행복한 삶을 누리도록 영원히 성장하는 암웨이 사업체로 키워가겠습니다. 암웨이 사업을 내 인생의 운명이자 신이 주신 사명으로 여기고,항상 긍정적이고 발전적으로 모든일을 대하며 당신이 남긴 이 위대한 사업의 혜택을 보다 많은 사람들에...
We love You Rich, You changed our family forever.We are praying for your beautiful family.
Monte and Sue MutschlerBillings
I would like to extend my sincere condolences to the DeVos family. Rich was a great person and mentor. May God give the family peace.
Carol L. MartinWilmington