In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
Si al llegar al cielo nos preguntan a cuántas personas ayudamos. Richard tendrá el mayor número de personas y desde la tierra daremos gracias a Dios p...
湖北武汉Fue un gran ser humano que enseño al ser humano a soñar,a tener y esperanza que uno mismo puede hacer grandes cosas . porque vos y cumplió su pr...
CovinaMy most heartfelt condolences, for the family.we are proud of a great visionary. De are greatful for this wonderful opportunity with this tremendous community
CoatesvilleThank you.I love you.I’m so proud of you.
Chong qingMi Mas sentido pésame a toda la Familia DeVos.
Por la gran perdida de este Gran Ser Humano que nos inspiro a soñar y ser parte de su legado.
En Paz Descanse en la Gloria de Dios
LarchmontRich De Vos su cuerpo se ha ido pero permanece vivo en el crazon de millones de seres humanos que hemos cambiado positivamente gracias a su vision y c...
Santo DomingoQue en paz descanse y Dios lo tenga en su santa gloria mis condolencias para la familia
MiamiI have worked for Amway for 25 years. Rich only came out to CA a few times in my career, but when he did, he made sure to connect with employees and h...
Buena ParkСкорбим вместе с вами
ЕкатеринбургI am Very Fortunate to have attended an evening with Rich Devos in Seattle in the 80’s. Awestruck entertained laughed alot & Learned So Much. I St...
BeavertonLamento mucho la perdida, y de no haberlo conocido en persona; siempre agradecido por haber pensado en mi, sin conocernos y todos los que vienen detrás de mi, tanto descendencia como down lines.Impactado, de lo que hicieron por otros,Que e...
深圳Рич Де Вос навсегда останется в наших сердцах. Это очень большая утрата для всего мира. Наши искренние саболезнования близким. Мы скорбим вместе с вами.
RussiaRich, Amamos su filosofía, gracias por su visión, el mundo se ha conmovido por tu partida, seguiremos llevando hasta el lugar mas extremo tu mensaje d...
RAXRUHAMy most heartfelt words of condolences to the entire family Devos, 20 years working in the company I have always felt respect and admiration for the main foundations, and their way of sharing education, donations with the most needy with humanit...
CaracasSiamo vicini in questo doloroso momento, ed esprimiamo le più sentite condoglianze.
Giorgio Micheloni e Patrizia Sangalli.
GiorgioMi sentido pésame para la familia, no conocí a Rich, pero sé que fue un gran ser humano. Paz en su tumba.
Jamás se alejen de Dios.
VADODARAUn gran hombre nos deja y sus enseñanzas perduraran por siempre. Gracias por ser.
Desde mi corazón un sentido pésame a su familia.
Solo sé que ya esta con Dios.
Gracias Rich deVos
Ciudad de MéxicoUna gran pérdida física pero siempre vivirá por su legado,
San JoseGracias por ayudar a tanta gente en el mundo Love ya
BensenvilleI am deeply grateful for the influence that Rich had on my life. When I was a young woman, I heard him first in his speech ” Selling America”. This ta...
NorthfieldRich DeVos was a great and admired leader in our lifetime. He was, friendly, wise, faithful, and an encourager, a man who was a model of integrity and generosity. Our life was made better because we knew him as a business leader. He gave us conf...
Hoffman EstatesI did not know Rich DeVos personally, but want to say that I admire him for living life so courageously - for standing by his convictions, regardless ...
I thank God for having donated to the world Rich DeVos.
I thank Rich DeVos for donating and pouring all the talent he received onto the world with great sense of responsibility, commitment and humility, touching millions of lives and continuing ...
SondrioThank you very much for bringing so much hope to a world that so often seems so hopeless.
AuroraМы потеряли часть своей души
San PetersburgThank you Rich for being a man of such Godly character in everything you said & did. How kindly you treated everyone. The vision you were given to...
WrightstownDios le de el galardón más merecido allá en el cielo porq con su ingenio y tenacidad pudo ayudar a cumplir los sueños d millones d personas. Gracias por su vida su legado núnca morirá. Dios le tiene la más grande corona por su enorme corazón y s...
San Antonio