In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
天津Thank you for being a visionary and injecting love into the hearts of millions of Americans as well as citizens across the world. To be honest I’m not an expert on you and your life, but since I’ve been in business I have only ever heard good th...
RichmondОгромная благодарность за компанию, Ричу за столько изменённых судеб, которые изменились благодаря бизнесу амвей! У меня ещё не большие результаты, но...
КалининградI was saddened to learn that Rich DeVos has passed and I offer my sincere condolences to his family. He and the company he co-founded, it’s staff and its associated independent business owners have helped me to establish the principles I live my...
VancouverThanks for Rich DeVos, Amway business give me have a second life! You will be in my
HangzhouSu visión nos contagió a muchas personas , y siguiendo sus principios y valores , nos ayudo en la vida , como el siempre decía , nos inspiró para sacar lo mejor de nosotros mismos , nuestro profundo respeto por él y por su familia , permanecerá ...
MadridThank you so much for your inspiration and for giving us this amazing way to change our lives.
LisboaRich DeVos
北海道日本Mis mas sinceras condolencias un hombre de ejemplo no se fue sino al contrario ahora vivirá por siempre porque a dejado un legado a millones de person...
Pigeon ForgeMr. Rich DEVOS: It is the great Amway business that has helped me find the direction in my life.I will always remember my mission, to help more people, to bring more people, to give the community a positive force to promote.
Always remember you!...
GUANGZHOUGracias Rich ..
tu liderazgo y ejemplo han sido para mi
esperanza en mi vida .. gracias por tanto descansa en paz
tu legado siempre estará vivo.
zaragozaRich De Vos was truly a great man who made our world a better place in which to live. He did a fantastic job of building the Amway business, which helped so many people better themselves. I am sure he did many other things to help people of whic...
GilroyThank you, R.I.P
GuangzhouMy deepest condolences to the Devos family. Rich was an outstanding and one of a kind leader. May he Rest In Peace.
Quesnel gracias por compartir tantos sueños con nosotros, bendiciones a su familia en esta epoca
de despedida para Rich De vos, vive en millones de corazone...
Santa tecla.BONJOUR ET TOUTES NOS CONDOLEANCES A TOUTE LA FAMILLE DE VOS (et Van Andel aussi). Nous sommes distributeurs AMWAY depuis 1978 et pour nous Rich de VOS faisait partie de la famille.
Courage et comptez sur nous pour continuer le “rêve américain” ...
MARSEILLELee Roy and I had the privilege to get to know Rich when Lee Roy was part of the Great American Dream Team. I treasure an autographed copy of his book...
Pawleys IslandUn capitalismo solidario donde aprendemos a enseñar a otras personas a que se ayuden a si mismos, a que soñemos en grande y a que compartamos la vida es el mayor legado que nos ha dejado Rich, las palabras quedan cirtas para agradecer por todo e...
BogotáPlease accept our sincere condolences to your grief and sympathy for the irreparable loss. Deeply shocked by the news of the death of Rich DeVos. Let ...
Kiev“non contano gli anni della vita ma,la vita negli anni” grazie per aver donato a me e alla mia famiglia la vita nei nostri anni.Ora vi siete ritrovati nuovamente a sognare insieme Rich e Jay. GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE per aver immaginato la più grand...
BGWe will always keep you in our hearth you help us alot,, Rest in peace Mr. Devos
TexasWe meet Rich two times as speaker and he was a great inspiration for us.
He teached to us the secrets to become a business owner.
The values of family, hope, reward and freedom inspired million of people in The world.
Our hearts are full of gra...
VIcenzaMeus sentimentos pelo falecimento desse homem que foi exemplo para muitas pessoas em vários países do mundo,e pela sua vida firmada na fé cristã
João Pessoa感恩您创立了自由企业家的舞台和精神,让全球无数有志的创业者,去改变命运成为了可能!我们永远怀念您!❤️
黄山Grazie per tutto quello che hai fatto e tutto quello che ci hai insegnato, mi hai cambiato la vita, condoglianze alla famiglia.
北京Si algo me agradó y aprendí fue respecto a los valores. Aunque don Rich DeVos físicamente ya no esté con nosotros, le agradezco el haber plasmado en m...
GuatemalaThank you Rich DeVos for inspiring us to follow our dreams and believe anything is possible. Your legacy will continue forever. May God bless the DeVos family.
日本Thank you for inspiring others during your lifetime. I honestly haven’t heard to much of your story, but from what I did hear; I instantly knew you was a man with a Good Heart, appreciate you sir and thank you for your service in the name of God...
Las Vegas