Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

perhaps one of the best human beings ever. May He rest in peace.
Jeff SwinehartElkhart
Descanse en Paz el Sr. Rich Devoz mis más cinceras condolencias para su familia , Gracias por todo lo que hizo por la herencia que dejó en nuestras manos que es la oportunidad de poder soñar en grande, un gran líder un gran ser humano Dios lo te...
Buenaventura LopezMarlton
Nuestras condolencias a la Familia De Vos por tan irreparable pérdida. Orgullosos de haberle conocido en ese viaje Cancún Mexico y su oratoria en pers...
Oneida y Cesar UzcateguiBarinas
WOW….. it gives me chills to know that this great man & human being is no longer in our space & time. From a distance, he taught me sooo much that even now at 60 years of age I am still learning and applying. I fell in love with buildi...
Dallas AllbrittonAntioch
Grazie di essere esistito e di essere stato ciò che sei stato. Ci vediamo lassù.
condolence to my favourite person richdevos. i cannot express myself that i have lost a wonderful and kind hearted person. may the soul rest in peace. from samrat pathak & namita devi
samrat pathaktinsukia
Me uno al dolor de la familia y del resto de los empresarios Amway. gracias por el legado que nos dejo seguiremos la ruta trazada `por el
caridad y celestinotenerife
Our condolences to our families and friends.We always feel his love and care for us.
Alla NazarenkoUralsk
Meus sinceros sentimentos a Família e amigos, fica um grande abraço diretamente do Brasil, estamos em Oração por todos, grande abraço!
Leandro RodriguesSão Paulo
존경하는 리치회장님! 회장님께서 주신 암웨이라는 귀한 기회 앞에 늘 감사드리며 10가지 긍정적인말을 삶의지침 삼아 꿈을 이룰 수있도록 노력하겠습니다. 당신은 저에게 참으로 귀한 사람입니다! 하나님의 가호로 천국에서 행복하시리라 믿습니다! 사랑하고 감사합니다!
Querido Rich, Quiero decirte q seras para mi siempre un ejemplo, porque aprendí a través de tus pensamientos y tus acciones,que la verdadera manera d...
Julio cardenasRío gallegos
Very few people can touch the Souls of so many in a Positive way just by doing what they love. Rich DeVos was one.I grieve that he is no longer with...
To a truly lived ENTREPRENEUR, as success is not measured by how much wealth one has accumulated,but how many preoples are better off due to YOU LIVED.. Thanks RICH DEVOS for impacting our life with an incredible Amway opportunity. We pray for ...
Nimish & SonaVadodara
Thank you very much for everything.. ขอบคุณมากๆ เลยคะ ที่ท่านได้ก่อตั้งธุรกิจที่ดีที่สุด ดิฉันและครอบครัวโชคดีมากที่ได้รู้จัก แอมเวย์ ทำให้พวกเราและค...
Kanokjerdkul Nuttanun ,Tungjaroon KitsanaBangkok
Con pena en nuestro corazon despedimos a un gran hombre visionario y soñador,pero a la misma vez con gozo de saber que se se ha reunido con su esposa,no nos queda mas que seguir manteniendo vivo su legado y memoria atravez de seguir llevando ezp...
Noel y Gaby CruzRaleigh
Nuestras mas sentidas condolencias,estamos muy tristes porque personas como Rich,si le hacen falta a este mundo,gracias por su gran ejemplo y enseñanz...
Familia Moreno BonillaBogota
Dear members of the DeVos family. Please accept my condolences on your loss. But I want to tell you something. The time is coming for each of us, we always need to remember this to have time to do something important while we are still here. You...
Great thankful Mr. RICH DeVOS, you changed millions people in the world. We will keeping forward and deliver helping people live better lives.
Gracias Rich, Gracias por tus enseñanzas que nos guiaron a ser mejores personas y nos hacen seguir creyendo que podemos lograr nuestros sueños, el legado que nos dejaste seguirá existiendo en cada una de las personas que crean como tu,que solame...
Carlos Andrés RuizCali
Our condolence and prays go out to the Devos family during this very sad time! R.I.P. Rich Devos Thank You For Your Leadership In The Direct Sales Ind...
Phil ForteHollywood
Rich was a great leader who always sought to bring people together on big projects.Grand Valley was such a project.Thousands of donors, including dozens of major contributors, came together to build the magnificent campuses of Grand Valley....
Mark MurrayPast President
We thank Rich for hope, opportunity to grow, make money, become better with Amway! He is always in our hearts!
Sergii & Tetiana PilipchukRivne
Thank you for the idea that has changed so many lives that has changed the lives and results of our family. For vision, courage and hope for many families worldwide.
Ioana MorarescuBacau
Requiescat in Pace.We may not know you personally but our family have been following path you have created. You will be deeply missed,Pray and b...
Ben Njo ����Surabaya
Turut berdukacita yang sedalam-dalamnya kepada keluarga yang ditinggalkan semoga diberi ketabahan dalam menghadapi musibah ini, terimakasih karena melalui Amway, Rich De Vos telah banyak menolong orang diseluruh dunia
Erna YapMedan
We love you ! You are the great man.
TianxiaTianzhu Tibeten autonomous county Gansu province
Nunca llegaremos a tomar cabal dimensión del impacto que la vida y obra de Rich tiene en millones de personas alrededor del mundo y por lo que estaremos eternamente agradecidos El mundo es un poco mejor Gracias a él y las generaciones venideras ...
Horacio FernandezRosario
I love this man and his family! They brought Americans hope in our darkest time! I feel that the new awakening happening today in America and it’s cha...
Carol RanesWilliamsburg
Your legacy is indelible, thank you Rich, R.I.P.