Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

I would like to express my deepest sympathy on the passing of Rich DeVos. 
He was a truly great global leader and I am proud to have been a part of Am...
Nontachai TithipongtrakulTokyo
Descanse em paz Rich … obrigado por levar essa oportunidade para milhares de pessoas …levando também a esperança de um futuro melhor para todas elas …que cada um de nós empresários amway venha sempre se lembrar do sentimento que o motivou ...
Cléber terraItaquaquecetuba
Praying with you and for you.
Earl WilliamsGalveston
Мои соболезнования семье этого Великого Человека!!!❤️ Огромная благодарность за возможность ❤️
I never had the opportunity or the pleasure of meeting Rich De Vos in person, but he inspired me greatly by his character and through his many speech...
Rick MortimerSaskatchewan
Definitely Rich marked the life of many of us, I am proud of to be part of the great dream he had. The best way to pay Rich is to reach more families and contribute forever to the our mentor´s dream. Always in my heart.
Maria LanderosMexicali
Meus sentimentos a toda a família devos e a toda família Amway. Deus os abençoe e conforte seus corações.
尊敬的理查狄维士您永远在我们心中 感恩感谢您们创办了安利公司,让我们普通人有了创业的机会和平台,也提升了我们身心灵的成长和收获。
진정한 삶의 의미를 선물해주신 리치 회장님, 감사합니다. 뵙고 “땡큐 리치”하고 싶었습니다. 이젠 마음속으로 외치렵니다. 감사합니다. 감사합니다. 감사합니다. 삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다.Thank you, Chairman Rich, for giving us the ...
Mo geunokKorea
LEE CHI LINGKuala Lumpur
今天在这里以悲痛的心情沉痛悼念我们敬爱的老狄维士先生,您的生平事迹一直感染着我们,从您在地下室创办了这家伟大的公司,让安利产品成为了中国几乎家喻户晓品牌,我们为身为安利公司的一员而感到骄傲! 在这悲痛的日子里,惜别了,您的精神永远鼓舞着我们奋发腾飞,敬爱的狄维士先生,您的精神永垂不朽!
Dear Mr. Devos, he has been practicing free enterprise and happiness all his life, and has been extending to every corner of the world, helping countl...
Feng shuangwuhan
亲爱的Rich: 谢谢您将这么好的事业良机带给我们,让我们看到生命的更多可能和精彩!谢谢您! 您的伟大精神将与日月星辰同在! 我们会记得您,您将永远活在我们心中! 一路走好
I don’t knew Mr. De Vos, but I know his passage into the world, that will remain indelible for ever. Hi has changed the life of milions of people! And...
Alberto GalassoArezzo
Querida familia DeVos, hoy de manera inesperada me entero que Rich acababa de fallecer. Desde Argentina les mando mi mas sencero pésame, Rich fue, es y siempre será un modelo de inspiración para todo el mundo y sobre todo un hombre de principios...
Peter Torsten Blom QuesadaMar del plata
We could never greet or hug you personally, however We could feel your warmth and love through this wonderful Amway business, Your legacy will continu...
Dearest Rich, Thank you very much for A Wonderful Business for the world. We love you Forever ❤️❤️
Nelly SiongSingapore
Rich was the best leader in this world. His way of thinking for people influenced my life so much.Handing down what Rich made to next generations is what I would like to do.I promise to do it for sure.Thank you very much for everything.R...
Yu NoguchiTokyo
尊敬的理查老先生用他一生的时间实践了自助者天助,仁爱致富和伙伴关系,受益于老先生的教导,为我指明了整个团队家族的发展方向!老先生一路走好 天国安好
用一生的爱改变平凡人的命运,用一个誓言让平凡人与众不同!大爱无疆!Rich Devos天堂安息!
惊闻理查仙逝, 戚戚悲祷环宇。 梦想大爱无疆, 事业机会永恒。 助人达己高尚, 绝代伟人无垠。 祝愿一路走好, 安利光耀全球!
你永远活在我们心中, 永远以你为榜样, 我会一直紧握梦想勇往直前
Nossas condolências e eterna gratidão a um herói que nós mostrou o caminho.
Jorge BarckiAmpére Paraná