Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

亲爱的理查!我的父辈! 有一天是听到了您的理念,才懂得企业精神是那么崇高!才有了人生真正的努力方向! 您老人家在上海演讲的每一句话,至今都铭刻在心! 您给世界带来无尽的力量——自由!家庭!希望!奖励! 您的品格成为我们传承的榜样! 语音表达不了内心对您的爱!!!我们将代代传承安利的理念! 始终不...
真正的仁爱远不只是慈善 真正的仁爱是为自助者提供长期的帮助。 ——理查·狄维士 无比怀念一个传奇,唯精神长存 祝老人家一路走好!我们永远怀念您!
Thanks for you legacy. Now we’ll have the fortune to continue your legacy, when we take prosperity to more families.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness,they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. Peopl...
Remembering his wonderful and gentle soul will forever remain in our hearts. Please accept our condolences.
Chan Fung CheungIpoh
Dearest DeVos family,You are sincerely in my thoughts and prayers. Your family and the Van Andel family have created an incredible legacy, thanks to...
Jaime W.Alexandria
这是一个我最不想得到的消息,感恩生命之中接触到了您。 您的智慧如万般潮水遍布在我们的周围。 非常感谢您创办了安利事业,让全球千百万人拥有了自己的事业。 非常感谢您把您的经验集结成书,让我们学到了您的智慧。 非常感谢您透过录音录影分享你的智慧,让我们这群创业者备受鼓舞。 非常感谢您对事情的看法影响了我的观点。 非常感谢您! 谢谢您! 我们爱您!我们永远怀念您!
Rich was an inspiration through books, and other programs for giving me inspiration. My heart goes out to Doug, Steve, and so many others. Thank you Rich for giving me an opportunity to be part of something larger than life. You and Jay created ...
Keith HintonPrescott
I am deeply sorry for the loss… I read about his incredible life and I send all my deepest condolences to the family.. May he rest in peace. Alessan...
Alessandra fregoliPistoia
Kami Polay tedjosulistio Surabaya ,turut berduka cita sedalam dalamnya atas meninggalnya Rich DeVos ,Semoga amal ibadahnya diterima Tuhan YME, amin..
Polay tedjosulistioSurabaya
I loved the Employee Christmas programs with Rich reading from the Bible. I started at Amway when I was 19 and I’ve grown up with Amway and the many t...
Debbie YalackiGrand Rapids
Thank you Mr. Rich Devos for giving everyone a hope, a chance, and an opportunity to having better life. Your work hard with Mr. Jay in the past had being a miracle for many people in the world today. RIP Mr. Rich Devos
Mulyono & MeiliatiPontianak
親愛的,理查 狄維士先生:感謝您讓每個人擁有公平創業的事業機會,為這個世界奉獻付出您的人生,願上帝保守您的靈魂直到永遠。
Sentido pésame a esta gran familia por pérdida de este hombre un gran líder un ejemplo para muchos que DIOS ven diga esta familia
Desde mi ingreso al negocio de Amway con mi esposa en 2004, he tenido como programa de vida las enseñanzas que, por intermedio de mis mentores en Colombia (Jaime Franco y Diana Barrera, mis diamantes), me han llegado de tan honorable y reconocid...
Elkin Ramiro Mesa Ochoa - PC can people related to Amway be mentioned?Medellín
Thank you for your inspiration and leadership.Rest in peace.
Andrés CipagautaBogotá
We are moved by this news. We have an Opportunity and my Family will have Better Life Thanks to this Visionary, without doubt God put two Angels in this Blessed Earth and today they are reunited in Heaven for Eternity, there we will find ourselv...
Ivan & Mary DuranMiami
Dear rich,you’re always in my heart.Thank you very much!!
Our prayers to one of the best souls we have ever come across, to rest in peace. Through Amway he showed the opportunity to many lives to have their dream life.
Balakrishna RaiBangalore
Gracias gracias gracias que el cielo te reciba con todos los ángeles tu hermoso sueño me rescato de estar dormida gracias gracias
Vanesa borelliResistencia chaco
Please accept my condolences. I’m so surprised and broken. Thank you. Thank you for your devotion and passion. You gave so many people hope of lives and chance to succeed. May your soul rest in your peace.
Minsun, YOOSuwon
My deepest Condolence, you always in my heart
susanti poniahjakarta
On November 9, 1959, Rich DeVos, together with another legend Jay Van Andel took a visionary step by starting Amway. Today, that step has literally evolved into a gigantic leap for many people around the world. Amway has provided many a way when...
Ronny NgKuala Lumpur
As an Amway IBO for many years, my life and my dreams have come alive and changed forever. My gratitude to Rich for what he brought to our world to ma...
Lynn WilsonHalf Moon Bay
I started Amway in 1995 and am extremely grateful for the positive impact it has had on my life. I would, therefore, want to thank the founders of this wonderful opportunity for everything they have done for me and the many around the world.At...