Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Rich DeVos was truly a great man and one of my heroes. I regret that I never got to meet him personally but his legacy Will Go On as long as we celebr...
Peggy MeadowsGlen Rock
Rich Devos was Amway and Amway was Rich Devos. Jay Van Andell and Rich Devos started working together as a team. this team of two will go down in history as THE GREATEST TEAM OF TWO FRIENDS THAT LASTED TILL ETERNITY. This bonding of these two h...
khalil Mohamedkuala lumpur
Gracias !! Rich DeVos siempre te recordaremos Sencillamente Rich .
Martha VSan Jacinto
Non ti abbiamo mai conosciuto, ma solo sapere e conoscere tutto quello che hai costruito, ci fa capire che grande Uomo sei stato. Hai aiutato moltissime persone, e molte altre seguiranno i tuoi insegnamenti. Grazie Rich. ❤️❤️❤️
Luciano e MichelaCampoformido
Thank You Rich Devos for impacting the world of entrepreneurs with hope and positive outlook. Our heartfelt condolences to your loved ones and family....
Lokesh & ShobhaNew Jersey
Richard. Mr. DeVos lives in our hearts forever.
There have been many leaders like Rich DeVos in the past. Although no one can compare to his tremendous legacy. He paved the way: to financial freedom, economic relief, healthier living, family values, among other things. With the help of his tr...
Luis Ayuso RodriguezNewbury Park
Thank you for your inspiring many people who still have dreams and courage us to pursue the happiness by endless efforts. We will miss you and memoriz...
Carol HUANGWuhan
A great man,who did great things,will never die, his dream his vision continue to live, great Rich r.i.p Condolences to the family and the amway family
Massimo e Paola BaragliPrato
Thank you for your vision, integrity and endurance! We are beyond thankful to have an opportunity that you created for financial independence for our ...
Erynn BanksRochester
Rich was a wonderful man! A light of hope for a brighter future. I met him and Jay in the 1980’s at one of the conventions. Rich brought electricity to the crowd. He gave all of us hope and especially to my husband Jim and I. We read the books h...
Gloria MartinWest Jordan
Familia DeVos, Les doy mis humildes condolencias. Rich DeVos fue una gran persona que el destinó nos lo arrebato, pero dejo un gran legado. Sus sueño...
Santiago TorresSalinas
Gracias por tu existencia, por tu vision y amor a las personas! Mi familia y yo siempre estaremos agradecidos por haber conocido tu legado y continuarlo y sembrar la semilla en nuestros hijos! Nuestro pésame a toda la familia De Vos… El cielo ...
Terima Kasih Semangat Anda Nasehat Andq Peaan Anda menjadikan kami Hari ini, memberikan kami Harapqn Maju menuju Hidup Lebih Baik, memberikan Harapan ...
Gracias por crear el camino hacia la libertad de muchas familias, lo sentimos mucho,continuaremos preparandonos para seguír su ejemplo,bendiciones.
Gilberto del pilarBrooklyn
Gracias por dar esperanza a muchas familias su nombre va ser a recordado por siempre .Y gracias por permitir vivir el “estilo americano”
Jesus LópezOaxaca
God bless you, your family and Amway company forever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ulises AlmonteSanto Domingo
Dejo su huella, una gran huella, y por eso es grande.
Niurka ConcepcionMiami
Gran ser humano y un ejemplo a seguir!!! Que en paz descanse y gracias maximo corona embajador …infinito…
Teresa castilloCiudad de México
Thank you so much to providing such an amazing opportunity for average joes to build something worthwhile. To opening peoples minds and hearts to the ...
What a legacy he has left. I was invited to an Amway meeting years ago while still living in Philadelphia, PA & was very impressed with the products. Still using them today. What an amazing human being he was. May his Memory Be Eternal. Funn...
Joanne Z ChamarBoca Raton
Grande onore averlo conosciuto, uomo estremamente religioso e rispettoso delle altrui opinioni. Porgo le mie più sentite condoglianze a tutta la famig...
Teresio VagoComo
So sorry to hear about Rich Devos..he was an inspiration to husband and our boys.i still play the tape of the four winds..what a beautiful mind he has..our sympathy to all the family..I could go on..but would not do that great man the wor...
Nil and JacquelineBeamsville
Rich, you are missed, but not forgotten! You inspired me to get out of my introverted self. Those early 1980’s days as a new Amway distributor gave me...
My wife and I were in the Amway business for many years.We enjoyed the people and the ideals of Rich and Jay. Rest In Peace my fellow countryman
Steve CorcoranMasontown
Gracias por inspirar mi vida, la sé mi esposo y toda la organización empresarial. Sus talentos los reconozco y trabajo para yo también transitar en la...
Nidia PalomoMonteria
Thank you Rich Devos for inspiring people across the globe. You are simply rich.
Aswin NairKerala
Early on Rich understood the strategic importance of West Michigan having a local university for talent development.With all the things he had on h...
Jim & Donna BrooksGeneral Chairs
We are saddened to read of the passing of Rich. The world has lost another truly beautiful human being.. Our sincere condolences to the De Vos and Van Andel families. Kindest regards John & Ruth Lister
John & Ruth ListerBrisbane