Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Thank you!! I believe I can do it! Because of you!!
殷锐清 &杨素琴广东
I was fortunate to have interacted with Rich on a number of occasions socially during my visits to Ada, and was amazed by his mental alertness, compassion and passion for the business which he along with Jay Van Andel built into a magnificent gl...
Samir BehlMunich
My deepest condolences goes out to the Rich DeVos family. Although i didn’t get the chance to meet Rich DeVos in person I’m so thankful and grateful t...
Michelle LondonQueens
Rich DeVos was one of my favorite speakers. He spoke from his heart. He loved God, his country, and his fellow man. He was very generous and wanted ev...
Rosalie LassiterDenison
He was one of my life giver like my parents.He gave financial freedom and ability to keep my family live with financial freedom.May God give peace, rest to his great soul.
Ramesh ArunachalamCoimbatore
Your legacy lives on. Thank you for your example of how to live a Christ centered life. Your life of service is over now. Rest in peace with our great...
Dr. Harold GableYpsilanti
I met him in Puerto Rico. A great man. God takes with Him the good people.
Alpha RiveraSan Juan
Rich Devos님이 주신 기회를 소중히 생각하고, 또 귀하게 전달하겠습니다. 편히 영면에 드시길 기도합니다. 정말 감사합니다. 그리고 사랑합니다.
God love you, I love you too!
condoglianze alla famiglia. grandissimo uomo esemplare. Fiera di far parte dell’ azienda.
Silvia vitaileAgrigento (Sciacca)
Gracias por soñar, por luchar, y por crear lo que creaste, siempre que me encuentro en dificultades me acuerdo de lo que creaste y lo mucho que me pue...
Alex CalderónSanta Coloma de Gramenet
My condolence to Rich Devos family. Thank you so much for Rich Devos’s thought to setup Amway in 1959, giving one an opportunity to live better, having time and financial freedom for our family, you bring great changes to our life. Rest in peace...
Linda Lim
致敬爱的理查.狄维士: 是您的大爱温暖给了我们的心,是您智慧的思想让我们重新认识了自己,让我们重新找到了希望!重拾信心为自己美好的明天奋斗!是您让我们不再迷茫,只要路找对了,就不怕路远!我们会把您的大爱传播下去,去帮助那些愿意帮助自己实现梦想的人! 感恩您的大爱! 您一路走好!
Today a great man has left, a visionary, an entrepreneur, full of values ​​and virtues. We thank you eternally for the great opportunity that has made so many people around the world free, for the legacy that has left people helping people to he...
Damián Y YudeysiMiami
Thank’s for all you have done for us!❤️ RIP
Inger-Johanne DavikOslo
Thanks for your great leadership and you are missed. Our condolences to the Family.
Alethia BeattyCollingswood
R.I.P Dearest Rich DeVos My family & I would like to say Thank you very much to give opportunity to all people in the world to live a better life...
Nucharin BlackPerth
My deepest condolences and prayers to the De Vos Family. He will forever be remembered.
Hana B.Tamuning
Mr. Rich DeVos have been our source of inspiration and motivation. Your philosophy and foundation have changed the millions lives positively. Good bye...
Wasiman & Ratna MelindaJakarta
Que Deus conforte o coracão de toda a familia. Meus sentimentos.
Sandra MeiraPindamonhangaba
Thank you for your support to people in the world to achieve their dream in the experience of entrepreneurship. Blessings to you!
Di ChengfengBeijing
Thank you so much for setting the example! For doing what others wouldn’t do when it didn’t make sense. Because of you I’m not homeless, I’ve been giv...
Chris BalfourFort Lauderdale
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