Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

感恩理查.狄维士先生用自己的理念改变了我们的命运。 感恩您在《丰盛人生》里教会了我们任何时候扭转人生的十句话。 Thank you Dr.Devos,you will always be here with us.
Our deepest condolences to the entire DeVos Family. I met and talked with Rich a few times at the conventions and the leadership meeting at Amway. In those few minutes of conversation I gained insight that I have used and shared with others for ...
Steve Barans
感謝Rich Devos創立了Amway事業,改變了我父母和我的一生命運⋯⋯謝謝您!你是偉人!你是我們的恩人! 真的有些人離開了但彷佛沒離開過,因為你的精神文化理念會一直傳播下去⋯ 做更好的自己!幫助更多人過更好的生活富足的心靈! 永遠祝福您懷念您!
Thank you Rich! Your mission set us a great platform to see who we can be !! You will be always be remember as our best motivator and appreciate your contribution in amway. despite I never get to see you, but very thankfully u set up AMWAY such ...
Jolene WongSingapore
Grande perda! Meus sentimentos à família!
MarciaSão Paulo
ผมเสียใจอย่างยิ่งครับกับการจากไปของท่าน Rich DeVos ขอให้ท่านไปสู่สุขติ ผมขอสัญญาว่า ผมจะสืบทอดเจตนารมณ์ของท่านให้จงได้ครับ
Wan-arsan SongseeKalasin
Farewell to a hero to so many of us, whose life he will continue to change and impact even in his death. We thank you for all you have done. MYSRIP!
Cynthia CChirwaBronx
Magnificence or Mediocrity? Thanks in part to Rich I’ve strived to be magnificent in all that I do. Thanks for the message and your leadership! Adam
Adam FlegeCincinnati
Rich has been an inspiration to me ever since I joined the Amway business. “Try or Cry” was one of the first talks of his I ever heard as an Amway business owner and today, still remains one of my favorites. Rest in Peace, Rich. You will be grea...
Jeffrey SmithGrimes
There is so much to admire and respect about Rich DeVos. He was a loyal husband. He was a good father. He served his country and was a veteran. He was kind and humble. He lifted people up. He started a highly successful American company that has...
Stefan BruggemannToronto
thank you for giving me the opportunity to dream every day I will remember you forever
You are always in our mind .
Thanks Rich for your vision along with Steve to provide the great opportunity of Amway. Though your efforts many have control of their lives. You are ...
Mark & Sandy LoepkerOdenton
Your life and your legacy are examples for us to aspire to. Thank you for everything! Rest in peace and blessings to your family.
Linda WudkewychGrand Rapids
Thank you very much for sharing your vision and opportunity to all the people around the world.Love, Joachim Milana
Joachim MilanaDavao
Our lives and countless future generations have been and will continue to be changed and blessed for what Rich and Jay have made possible. We are forever grateful! May God continue to bless these families abundantly.
Noah & Vanessa PaulsenRaleigh
He is dreamer and helped many people to dream big and lead by example of serving.
Thank you for everything it took to overcome. Thank you.
Lon and Shelly OhmHavre
You inspiring millions of people,your spirit will always be with us!
当我第一次读您写的有生命的书籍,那是在公交车上,当时真的掉下了眼泪,是幸福的眼泪,特别感人。 生活中我也践行着积极人生的十种力量,时常鼓励着别人。每每看到杰和您的演讲,我都会潸然泪下。 我是一个藏族人。 我真的很热爱安利,她是我的唯一,我不能没有她。我们会延续您带给我们的精神。您和杰永远在我心里
My very best wishes to the remaining family, friends and coworkers that Rich has touched and influenced. A dedicated man looking to make his family an...
Kevin W SmithSan Clemente
RIP, we lost a man who is having huge heart for mankind as well as society. We will ever remember him for his deed. God has selected him in his minist...
Rich Devos, May you Rest In Peace.Thank you for changed my life.Wherever you are, you will always be in the heart of millions of people across the Glo...