Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Thank you Rich Devos for belive in every person in the word❤❤❤
Luigi De stradis and Eva PascolettiUdine
It was not possible to recognize him, but we recognized his dreams and principles. We knew these things with our Amway business. Extraordinary people ...
Orhan Namik MursalogluHatay
May God Bless his soul and family. What else one can say but Love ya Rich DeVos!
We are saddened by the passing of Amway founder, Mr. Rich De Vos. His legacy will live on in the hearts of millions of people he has inspired, and the many lives he has touched. Mr. Rich De Vos has inspired many people to strife for excellence w...
Frankie Wong, Team BuildSingapore
沉痛哀悼敬爱的安利创始人老狄维士先生,永垂不朽。 我们虽为蒙面但如同家人,这归功于我们公司的企业文化,接触真诚,同享丰盛。在这个大家庭里,我学到太多如何做人做事,如何演讲和与人沟通,让我可以坦然面对人生,拓展人脉,更感谢您的产品,让我的家人受益,这一切我将受用终身,谢谢您。
王宁宁 王炼新疆伊犁
We need more people like him, with his Vision, he proved it anything is possible in this world, if you strongly believe in yourself and what you do, t...
Thank you for the opportunity and values you have given us.
I am truly sorry for the family for their loss. When we went to Seminars I couldn’t wait to hear Rich come out to speak. He always madE me feel like I...
Debra A SienkiewiczEmmaus
My sincere condolences to the family and friends of such a visionary. A man who had a dream and built a company centered around faith, family, a love of this country, and a desire to give people everywhere a better quality of life. I’m sure you ...
老人家请一路走好! 我们将一如既往秉承您的精神和信念,去完成自己的使命!
a great visionary man with an indomitable heart who knew how to channel his strength and will in post of unthinkable achievements generating great testimonies of strength and perseverance, his memories will remain with us and his greatness will ...
Guadalupe Renteria ochoaIndianapolis
I fondly remember attending meetings in the early 80s where Rich spoke. Each time, I came away feeling that I better understood myself, this business,...
Rich WhitesideLos Angeles
I am saddened by the loss of Rich DeVos. Please accept my condolences to the entire DeVos family. Rich undoubtably was one of the most iconic leaders in the entire world and was the epitome of a man of integrity. He will be greatly missed by all...
Bobby BrittSt John's
Que Dios lo bendiga y que descanse en paz Rich de vos y que Dios le dé la resignación pronto a la familia Emilia
EmeliaSan Diego
沉痛悼念老狄维士先生! 感恩您改变了很多家族的命运,一路走好
Deepest condolences, Rich will always live in all the generations to come. Thank you so much for changing so many family’s lives
Gipsys CoronaMiami
Thanks Rich and DeVoz family… The life of Rich is the Best inspiración for me, is the Best example for my life, because he was a visionary man, and ...
Johana BarragánColombia
My life has changed for the better because of Rich DeVos. Difficult to express how grateful I am to what Rich’s life’s decisions has done to helped me. A big hero to me and to many. He will be missed but never forgotten. God bless his family.S...
Martin SouverbielleMiami
悲しくて、言葉にできないけど、本当にありがとう!この言葉しかおもいうかびません。リッチ、貴方に出会えた事はどんな出会いよりも大きく、愛に満ちた思い出です。貴方が創ってくださったアムウェイは私の心の支えです。貴方の存在は大きく、今も輝いています。 ありがとうリッチ愛しています。心から。
Incredible sorrow! Not making up for the loss! If it were not for Rich and Jay, we never could have reached this level of life! Gratitude to them will never fade in our hearts! From Russia with love!
Oleg and OlgaRussia