In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
What a great man. May not know him personally but the impact he has created with the principles he followed like the four winds and the book simply ri...
Chicago, ILMillions of people’s life’s going upward by yours Direct Selling Business. I love you,Sir. RIP.
CHENNAIThank you Rich for having a dream and a vision that included so many! Your an inspiration to the world and may you rest beautifully good and faithful ...
1. 我错了!
2. 对不起!
3. 我相信你!
4. 你一定行!
5. 我信赖你!
6. 我尊敬你!
7. 我感谢你!
8. 我需要你!
9. 我爱你!
您永远活在我们的心里…… ️️️
天津Thank you for creating Amway with Jay, the business transformed my family not just financially but in many ways. I’m always grateful for that, as a se...
Singaporeजब अपने चले जाते हैं तो दुःख होता है
मगर सच यह भी है कि शरीर नशवर है
हमें यही दुआ करनी चाहिए कि
जो जीव - आत्मा आज हमारे बीच नहीं है
प्रभु उसे मोक्ष प्रदान करें ..
Bhourgarh, Balaghat致敬理查•狄维士先生!一个伟大的领导者!您与杰•温安洛创办的企业连同它的企业精神将会代代相传!
New brunswickVery deepest condolences,you make alot of life changes to the world. Rest in peace.
SkudaiI really deeply saddened by the news Of Rich De Vos passed away. He was the person who inspired most of us, sharing his experiences, his good sense but the most important point was humility. When he talked to the audience his face lights up with...
BarcelonaYou had been the solution for millions of life and also your life has been inspirational to many of us. I express my regret to his family members. May...
Mannargudi我最尊敬的Rich DeVos先生:您是一名伟大的企业家也是思想家,为世界做的贡献不可估量,不管是在商业上做了卓越的商道典范,更是帮助了世界无数人改善了生活质量,同时让无数人更积极乐观对待生活!很感谢您也对我的生活产生了积极的影响,您所推崇的企业文化是最吸引我的,深深打动着我,这是其他企业无法比拟的。您的理念始终让我保持初心,我看了您的很多书籍以及播库的企业文化视频音频,感谢您的教诲!在此也表示我永远最崇高的敬意和最深切的悼念!您的精神也将永远影响着我继续向前。感恩!
北海市We need to continue his spirit of helping others live a better life, a legendary man for all to cherish and admire. Let’s us all make him proud by con...
四平God bless <3
福建泉州My heartfelt gratitude to Rich Devos for giving us d best opporunity and hope to live a best life… u have created a massive history and touched millions of life worldwide
Coimbatore 没想到今天收到了这样的噩耗,记得看温安洛先生自述时这么说过,我们希望提供一个事业机会给到每一个平凡的人,他们出生普通,经历普通,人生本来也应该普普通通。但是,人们内心中对于美好生活的向往是不变的,我们希望提供一个公平公正的平台给到每一个愿意努力的普通人,他们满怀热忱,自信积极,愿意努力,愿意付出,...
福州Sad to hear about the lost of Rich de Vos. God take that great man in your paradise end rest about him.
KesselGrazie di cuore per essere esistito. Hai contribuito a cambiare la vita di tante persone compresa la mia. Ancora grazie. Un abbraccio.
Firenze“your amway family here in Butuan City, Philippines is half empty because you are gone Sir Rich, yet you left us a business that we call our own. You ...
Butuan cityThe Great man, the great family, the great business, the great memory. Thanks for all, our Rich.