Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

尊敬的Rich Devos先生,我是安利中国的一名普通员工,深受公司企业文化的影响,您的精神也感召着我们不断践行伙伴关系。愿您精神永在。
Gary Zhangzhangjiakou
Lucy yangnanning
永远怀念您——理查·狄维士先生! 永远传承您的思想与遗志,让希望的光照亮世界……[大哭][大哭][大哭] 老狄维士先生 (Rich DeVos), 2018.09.06—92岁,寿终正寝,与世长辞… 他写的每一本书、他的传记,他的话语总是那么慈悲且充满力量[大哭][大哭]我们永远爱你,把爱一直传播...
My condolences to the family and God give them strength, comfort and peace in the midst of pain. Thanks to the contribution of this great human being, many families have been blessed. Thank you for all your teachings thanks to you me and my fami...
Ángel GonzálezChicago
Thanks to Rich for giving opportunity to many ppl to be business owners and to become financially free. Read his book Simply Rich and inspired by the ...
Purushotam KrishnareddyToronto
My condolences to families and friends, Rich was an insparation to us globally touching our lives in numerous ways. His works as a legacy speakers for itself and his book’s tells the stories.
Nova SmithSt John's
I am certain I am one of the millions of IBO who wished one day would meet such a gentle person. Such a giver. Such a faithful servant in the Lord. Th...
Rose G. BennettKingwood
To our eternal cheerleader…I wanted to hold your hand, see your eyes and say thank you. Please keep an eye on. We will live according to your values. We’re going to have more families. Rest in peace.
Seoyun BaeYongin
Rich DeVos, a true American hero. What an example for all to follow. He was a blessing to so many people and their needs and causes. His lessons will ...
richard garryellicott city
Rich is quoted as saying, “The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible.” He certainly lived by those words and inspired this belief in all h...
Carolyn WetmoreComstock Park
狄维士先生[爱心]是您教会了我们 任何时候扭转人生的十句话: 1,我错了 2,对不起 3,我相信你 4,你一定行 5,我信赖你 6,我尊敬你 7,我感谢你 8,我需要你 9,我爱你 10,我为你骄傲 我们怀念您为您祈祷,您的精神与日月同在!
Nuestro mayor ejemplo. Nuestras sentidas condolencias
A really great man who will be missed.
Karl PerryCincinnati
We are very honored to be a part of such great company owed by this family that would always be a legacy. Thank you because of a man like you your dre...
Ramona DiazGarland
感谢您赋予人人实现梦想的机会 感谢您年轻的创业故事和精神 感谢您家庭、自由、希望和奖励的事业基石 感谢您鼓舞人心永不放弃的啦啦队队长 感谢您让我的生活增添了许多色彩
Creator of god’s plan devos soul may be rest in god’s empire
理查·狄维士先生您一生都在践行仁爱致富,您所坚持的诚信、慈悲、自助天助、对每位普通创业者的尊重,激励了我和无数的人不怕贫穷。因为您让我们有勇气和能力选择不再贫穷。您用思想和博爱,引领了许许多多像我们一样普通人的未来之路,激励了无数人的一句话:you can do it ! 永远铭记在心!������无法用语言来形容对您辞世的万分不舍������也无法抑制我心中的悲伤与泪水������万分难过������ 深切缅怀,无限感恩������
Our deepest condolences for the entre DeVos family. Without knowing him presonally, he left strong influence in our country and our families… We wil...
Veronica y Tomas HernandezValencia
Definitely your transcendent legacy forever and in heaven you will receive millions of people in a fraternal embrace because thanks to your vision They are quiet in heaven knowing that on earth there is a better future for us thanks to you. No m...
Israel DonisPomona
我们的精神导师,我们的人生灯塔。传承您的理念,壮大我们的事业。 愿您在天堂一切安好!
Deeply remembering Richard Devos, you will live forever in the hearts of many people.
Rich, thanks for adding richness in our lives through Amway business! Thanks for everything, you will always live in our hearts ❣
Dr.Manoj ParmarVadodara
感谢理查,安利是一项伟大的事业,不光对理查家族是,对每一个参与进安利事业机会的人都是! 您并没有真的离去,有些人离开了,却永远留存在这个世上! 愿您一路走好,阿门
My husband, Kevin, and I heard Rich speak in Atlanta, Georgia, shortly after joining Amway in 1982. Although reading the story of Rich and Jay was one...
Peggy McClainBridge City
感恩理查先生创办了安利平台,让普通人有一个创业平台 缅怀 感恩