In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
Un tributo , a quien con su vida , valores y principios, cambió la historia de la Libre Empresa y la de Millones de Familias al rededor del mundo ,
TampaMy life has not been the same since I was positively impacted by the legacy of Rich de Vos and Jay Van Andel through their magnificent Company. Infinite thanks to Rich and his family for allowing me to recover hope and give it to millions of peo...
MedellínEs lamentable y triste la noticia. Rich de Vos siempre sera recordado por millones y millones de personas en todo el mundo, gracias al impacto positiv...
BarquisimetoGran perdida!!! Mil gracias por el legado que inspira a millones de personas a ser cada vez mejores, a alcanzar sus sueños, y a servir de corazón a los demás. El cielo ganó un ángel mas, Hasta Siempre Rich!!! Eternamente agradecido. Iván Ramírez...
BogotáThank you Mr. DeVos for the Great contribution you have given to all those who have a spirit of initiative aimed at improving themselves and their wor...
RomaD.e.p un millón de gracias por crear un mundo mágico donde los sueños se hacen realidad!!! Siempre en mi corazón
OrenseSr.richdevos. es para mi un orgullo inmenso escribir unas palabras para usted aunque me hubiera gustado hacerlo en otras condiciones,sólo quiero decir...
MadridYou teach us love and courage. We will always miss you!
HaikouRich lived with a zest for life supported by his strong faith. He has been the heart of Amway and will be missed greatly. As a long-term Amway employe...
Grand RapidsHoy quiero darle gracias a *DIOS* por la vida y la visión de *Rich* desde que escuche está bella oportunidad de *Amway* he admirado grandemente a sus fundadores, su partida nos llena de tristeza pero a la vez nos enseña que siempre que hacemos a...
BogotáCondolences to the DeVos family. Rest easy Rich, thank you for leaving such a huge imprint in the lives of so many
Gold CoastRich. May you rest in peace.
Sungai PetaniAlthough I never had the opportunity to met you or hear your words of wisdom, your legacy will live on forever through your family and those who you p...
colorado springsUn gran hombre, un visionario que deja un legado a la humanidad, descansa en paz Rich De vos.
MAGDALENAYour work is the greatest work in all over the world. you believe in people. That’s why you did awesome job for each and every single person. I truly ...
PuneGracias Rich por este legado que has dejado a las peesonas, por tu visión y por haberlo compartiendo porque muchos otros al haber encontrado un mina de oro no la comparten y en cambio tú no la diste a manos llenas. Descansa en paz.
MéxicoThank you Richard Devos. Thank you for the opportunity you have given me. Thank you for your speeches that have encouraged me so much. I will miss you...
ShanghaiOur sincere condolences for the loss of a true visionary. Thank God for the opportunities he has given to so many. Continued Blessings to the family.
CamdenNuestras condolencias por la partida física de Rich, pero nunca, nunca será una partida total, porque siempre estará presente en nuestras vidas. Graci...
MONTEVIDEOThank you Rich for all that you have done to common people like us. Gave a platform and a business to succeed in life. I am sure you will feel at home with your lord and your best friend (Jay)
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Rest in Peace Sir !!
Bangalore Dear Devos,
you’ve inspired me and inspire others to rise to a higher purpose serving others and helping them find hope .
God love you,We all love ...
HaiNanOur heartfelt condolences to the DeVos family. What an incredible legacy you’ve left us Rich. And we will carry on the mission of practicing compassionate capitalism, and providing an opportunity for people to better themselves. Rest in peace no...
KelownaGracias infinitas gracias por toda la ayuda a las personas. Desde que ingrese a Amway y conocí afondó sus fundadores me di cuenta que estaba en el mej...
ElizabethUn gran líder que nos deja la mejor de las enseñanzas! Ayudar a otros a vivir mejor!! Nuestro más sincero agradecimiento por siempre y para siempre!
CoahuilaMil gracias por el legado que nos dejo, abrazo a la familia
MontevideoRich has provided us with some wonderful opportunities which is helping us to live a better life and as a better human being.
Thank you Rich we will miss you.
Uttar PradeshSending my deepest condolences in memory of Rich Devos to all family members and may you all stay
blessed with the Amway opportunity and glad to part...
london Rich DeVos. A man like this is born once in a generation. A great defender of freedom and the American way. Rich has sailed on to live out eternity with the ultimate freedom giver. Sail away Rich, sail away.
—— Joshua TheReverend Myers
SeattleThank you Mr DeVos for giving us such a great opportunity, thank you for changing our lives. Rest In Peace
Hong KongHola la familia Amway se viste de luto, la humanidad entera debería estarlo, uno de los hombres que dejó el camino hacia la libertad para quien la quiera tener, gracias Rich por tu legado, gracias por pensar en mi y en mi familia
Te queremos, Al...
Ciudad autónoma de Buenos Aires