In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
玉林Thank you, Devos!See you again
香港My deepest condolences to the DeVos family. Your tremendous generosity to those you cared about and those you did not even know will be felt for generations to come. Thank you for everything you have done for my family and Grand Rapids.
JakartaThank yor for your life to give the chance for hope, freedom in my life.I will keep your words forever.I’m wrong
I’m sorry
You can do it
I believ...
Busan 曾看过您的传奇故事和著作,曾听过您的感人演讲和教诲。很想当面致谢并诉说苦与乐,您却先走了。您会一直激励我们前行,我们会一直记着您的精神。
宁波Our deepest condolences go to Rich DeVos family members,RIP..
江苏盐城Thank God for the gift of your life shared with us all. Amway is built upon with good values,hope, opportunities,that encompasses what I look for in l...
Singapore感恩理查 狄维士先生,是您给了全世界数百万人创业机会,给了我们正确的价值观世界观,感恩!祝您一路走好!
赤峰hello rich, unfortunately me and my family did not have the great honor to meet you in person. but thanks to your book it is as if you had known us .....
CuneoI love you, I will miss you forever,thankyou
郑州We are often told that it is actions, not words, that count. That holds especially true for Mr. Devos, I believe. No words may express how many lives he has impacted, nor can we truly explain how greatly his actions have changed the world we liv...
深圳The more a man made during his lifetime, the greater the sadness after his death…
StavropolWith deepest condolences.
May you rest in peace!
He had been , is , and will be a hope for all !!!
GurdaspurI was approached on the street and offered to make my life better. I’m very proud to be part of your extended family. Rich DeVos will always live in m...
宝鸡Dear Mr Rich DeVos,It was always a pleasure to work in one of yours companies, which was totally different than others. After reading your books I realized that your are not only a good employer but especially a good person. Rest in peace with...
CracowGracias Rich de Vos por dejar el mejor LEGADO!!!! SIEMPRE agradecido por que un Día construyó con determinación un negocio que Cambia vidas al rededor...
运城Thanks for making people believing taking the steps to the stars even when they cant see the stairs yet.
MalaccaWe recall saying to Rich many times over the years “thank you” for the Amway Opportunity. Every time Rich would deflect any credit and would always sa...
ClovisYou are the best teacher for everyone in the world!