In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
湖南长沙Gracias por pensar en las familias , gracias por tener visiones grandes para el mundo entero , estamos bien privilegiados por a verlo tendido por un largo tiempo . Le damos gracias a dios por aver mandarnos un grande líder. Que descanse en paz R...
Santa BarbaraI want to thank Mr Rich Devos for making me believe and have more inner strength
Through Amway I can have my own business and hope.
I know you from yo...
Kuala lumpur老狄维士先生一路走好,我会永远怀念您,把您创办的安利事业发扬光大。
广州Благодарность моя не знает границ! Благодаря бизнесу Амвей, я смогла стать лучшей версией себя! Пусть у меня еще не большой уровень в бизнесе, но ценн...
ЕкатеринбургThe great souls are never forgotton, Rich & Jay you were founded a Amway Corporation a uncommon platform to everyone to explore themselves with this opportunity.
NagpurDear Rich,You had been a motivator to my entire family. Still remember the list time listening to your talks when I was six when my parents started ...
Cada ser humano deja una huella en esta tierra, sin embargo, Rich DeVos extendio el alcance de su legado al planeta entero; su frase emblemática, “Cuando te enfrentas al fracaso, tienes dos opciones: rendirte o persistir”, es aplicable a cualqui...
Distrito FederalThank you so much for everything you did.
BaotouI had the distinct pleasure of seeing Rich at seminar in Grand Rapids a few years ago at an Amway seminar with a group. He was very inspiring. He was a great man and will be missed. He is in a better place now and free of pain. My condolences to...
elginDear Rich U impacted my life positively and have made tremendous contribution to Millions of Lives by uplifting and motivating people achieve their dr...
Thane Maharashtra我们永远爱你/:lvu ,是您给我这些平凡普通人带来了梦想和希望,给了我们自己创业的机会,愿您一路走,永远活在我们心中!
黑龙江哈尔滨Thank you Mr. DeVos for having a dream. You have help so many people. We will continue your legacy!!! Well done!!!
EatonvilleRich rests in peace. Thank you for being a visionary who changed the lives of so many people around the world. you will always be remembered for your legacy.
CaracasRich and Jay started a ripple effect on November 9, 1959 that only continues to gain momentum today even though they’re no longer with us. Their busin...
珠海Sei stato un grande,grazie per tutto quello che hai Donato a tutti noi popolo di amway sentite condoglianze a tutta la famiglia Silvia e Giampaolo
Buja UDRich DeVos shall be greatly missed. He led a life devoting his efforts and passion to the lives of others. His enthusiasm and joie de vivre has enriched me and will inspire me for the rest of my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Romerest in peace/
chandigarhWe stand with individuals throughout our country and world who mourn the passing of Richard DeVos, Sr. Through his steady and generous support of West Michigan, Mr. DeVos has made a lasting impact in our community. Mr. DeVos leaves an indelible ...
Grand RapidsI never had the pleasure or opportunity, to meet Mr. Rich DeVos, but, from being a part of Amway, I knew him, because he lives in the lives of you, my...
绵阳Our love to the children and grandchildren of Mr. Rich DeVos. Your father and grandfather’s life touched the lives of many at Rehoboth Christian Schoo...
Rehoboth 惊闻RICH.Devos先生仙逝,心里悲痛不己!感恩RICH.Devos先生,给了我们人生方向和行动力量,您永远活在我们伙伴们心中,激励着我们前行,也会继续传播您的理念,去帮助更多的朋友实现梦想,变成更好的自已!
湖北武汉Thank you for what you have done to our family. May you rest in peace.
We miss & love you forever…
BandungDeixamos os nossos sinceros sentimentos à família, reconhecendo o tributo e legado que deixou ao mundo. Esse legado manter-se-á vivo com milhões de pessoas que seguirão o seu exemplo de ajudar pessoas a serem pessoas melhores e de êxito, baseado...
LisbonGracias Rich por tu gran Amor .. por tu corazón lleno de Fe en Dios y en las personas … gracias por tu legado ❤️ Love ya Rich
New yorkYour spirit is a beacon for us to move forward forever
ganzhouInfinitas Gracias Sr de Vos, un ser que deja un gran legado en mi vida, y la de mi familia, Infinitas gracias por ense;arnos a so;ar, fuiste luz y esp...
BogotaNo tuve la oportunidad de conocerlo pero lo conocí a través de sus libros,audios e historias y me parecía increíble que existiera una persona que mirara a las personas con ese amor y esa confianza de que eran seres humanos con grandes talentos y...