In memory of Richard M. DeVos
Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.
Thank you for everything.Thank you for always influencing us with positive attitude towards life. Always remember your famous saying “You Can Do It”...
changshaThank you Rich….untuk peluang bisnis Amway dan semua nilai2 serta keteladanan, leadership yang menginspirasi saya, keluaraga dan teman2. Semoga engkau beristirahat dalam damai dan mendaoatkan tempat yang layak di sisi Tuhan YME. We will miss y...
Denpasar*In him,dearest Rich, we trust,
believe and shall continually revere for many Generations to come.His legacy was etched in stone and his love for u...
GeorgetownDeeply shocked by the news today morning. I pray god to keep his soul with divine peace. Many people have become successful for him. He will be remembered by the world Amway community and all those persons who has gone through his biography. My ...
KarwarI am deeply saddened by the news of Rich DeVos’ passing. It was one of my dreams to one day shake his hand and say thank you directly to him. Because ...
Santo Domingo Your entrepreneurial spirit will last forever. You are a loving person.
I salute you.
河北廊坊Siento en lo más profundo de mi alma el triste fallecimiento de Rich estoy eternamente agradecido con el porque la oportunidad Amway llegó a mi vida e...
TegucigalpaThank you so much for the vision, dedication and selflessness. You became a channel of grace to so many especially to my family.Our deepest condolence to the family.Love from Voltaire & Aileen Quimno with Francis and Nicole
Davao CityA great personality and inspiration for millions around the world. We followed your vision and mission of “ helping other people to help themselves” a...
BangkokDios fortalezca a la familia de éste gran hombre que por muchas décadas ha dejado una marca que nadie lo podrá borrar…mis más sinceras condolencias..!!
MéxicoLo sentimos muchos y nuestras mayores condolencias para personas como rich una persona soñador que nos enseñó a enseñar a todos los hispanos y gracias...
AuroraI regret so much what happened with this loss the death of Rich Devos he was one of the best leaders of influence around the world .My most heartfelt for the Devos Family.
God be with you my menteor一路走好!
舟山Rich Devos will come to another world to help the people of that world! All of us are grateful to him forever! Wish Rich Devos all is well in another ...
MacauThis amazing man contributed in many ways to keeping my life on track. He was a true American in every sense of the word.
Sheboygan FallsGracias Dios padre por la oportunidad que creaste a través de los sueños que sembraste en el corazón de este emprendedor, permítenos continuar con su legado, trascender en el tiempo con Amway a perpetuidad y como estrellas en el cielo podamos in...
ReynosaI love you,thank you forever.
Beihai,Guangxi,ChinaMy condolences to the DeVos family on the passing of your loved one.
Thank you Rich for your vision, giving me an opportunity to become a difference maker.
Your vision will continue to live in our hearts.
JamaicaYou are a great man, forever living in our heart
WeihaiMis condolencia a sus familiares que dios lo tenga en la gloria
ValenciaMi corazon se siente tristen por la parties de rich Davos gracia por contour Amway rich Davos orror a Dios q ledefortaleza a la familia devos
Prado del ReyRich de Vos, un hombre visionario que abrió el camino de la libertad para el mundo entero, junto con su amigo de toda la vida: Jay Van Andel. Rich nos...
BucaramangaQue descanse en Paz sr rich devos Gracias por ser un Gran ejemplo de vida mi mayor condolencia familia devos de parte de mi Organizacion gracias por tocar en la vida de grandes seres humanos y sus hogares una bendicion al ser parte de una Gran i...
Tepic nayWe are so thankful because of the opportunity given by Amway.it has changed our family and our lives. Rich Devos was our most respected, valued person...
MedanRest in Peace. We will miss you. you always give us hope to be successful in our life.