Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

Honor Mr Rich Devos. Deeply cherish all his memories for us. Millions of global enterpreneurs are constantly motivated by his positivity and optimism....
We lost one of the greatest man in the world…. Rest In Peace, Rich! You have done unbelievably incredible things in this life! Your vision, your passion, your heart, your love continuously helping people around the world to change their lives!...
尊敬的狄维士先生,安利公司的创办人,今天离我们驾鹤西去,享年92岁。 尊敬的狄维士先生,1959年创立安利公司,成功帮助数百万人,实现心中的梦想。安利公司生产的第一款产品,乐新多用途浓缩清洁剂,已经是环保产品了。50多年来,一直秉持环保健康的理念,为全世界的消费者提供优质的产品,为全世界每一位愿意付...
虽未曾谋面,我们见证了您创造的伟大奇迹,您为整个人类社会带来的贡献,我们享受着您带给我们事业和保障,得知您的离去,我们悲痛,缅怀,从团队和老师那里听到您一生的事迹,我们将更加努力,终生追随安利事业,将您的精神和安利事业发扬光大,尊敬的Rich DeVos先生 您一路走好!!!
If you have a dream, give it a chance to happen.Thank you Rich.You’ve changed the way to find happiness for all of us and believe that dreams do ...
Kelly MillánMedellín
理查·狄维士先生永远活在我们心中! 温安洛、狄维士先生创建的安利让我们知道人间也有天堂!让我们永远心怀希望!并把爱播撒到每个角落!永远缅怀狄维士先生!
#優良的傳統可以被繼承 #但偉大的成就必須靠自己的雙手去創造! 非常感謝您創辦了安利事業,讓我们擁有了自己的事業。 感謝您把您的經驗集結成書,讓我學了您的智慧。我们將您的信念 【以他人为先】传承下去 將这份美好的事业分享给愿意勤奋努力多劳多得的人 并将您所致力开发的环保产品传送到千家万户 感恩有...
R I P we will continue Helping people living better life. Thank you for giving us such a great bisness opportunity.
alvis yapseremban
Mr.Rich de Vos, You have changed my life for the better,giving the lighting in every step of my way to the future with bonus earnings at Amway that ar...
Lo Git TjinSamarinda
One strong seed before 60 years… Still fruits are enjoying by millions of people.. Thank you Rich & Jay… You are living in our Hearts..
Gracias por todo … Tu inspiración y humanidad está ayudando a mi familia. descansa en paz
Ana CruzOlhão
Thanks for a wonderful platform has been formed for all of us in world to have chance to live a better lIfe. You are truly be missed & your contri...
Sharon ChaiKuala lumpur
keep caring and helping people where you are! From the sky you can help many people at the same time! Your message will remain intact! rest in peace dr..
Gabriel MacedoItajai
You have truly impacted lives of millions of people around the world. Thank you so much for giving hope, encouragement, guidance and motivation to so ...
一早醒来,惊闻噩耗,心情无比无比难过[流泪][流泪][流泪] 感恩您!您像我人生路上的灯塔,带来方向与希望。 永远忘不了小时后,每天早上伴随着您与温安洛先生的演讲醒来,是您教会我爱与包容、助人与信仰,什么是正确对待人生的态度,虽然您不在了,但您的思想将继续伴随我与家人们,我们将继续将爱传播下去! 感恩感恩感恩铭记2018.9.7
Siamo certi che sei con il Signore
Aquilino e Maria Guerra MontesBari
I was privileged to be a part of Rich’s celebration after his heart transplant. At the end, we were walking off the stage. I thanked him for my opportunities at Amway and for everything he had done to make Grand Rapids such a great place to live...
David ByrneJenison
What a visionary with a great heart. The world has lost a great man. May he Rest In Peace with his Father in Heaven.
Randy Dohme
Thank you so much for opening the doors for ordinary people like myself. May you live abundantly in the presence of our Lord. God bless the DeVos fami...
Mahdee Hameen-WilsonSan Diego
From Suzano-SP/Brazil, my sincere condolences for the Family members and all Amway Business Owner around the world, too sad…My Heart os with You Mr.Devos, Rest in peace. Mr Richard Devos May the road rise to greet You;May the Wind be always at...
Luiz Carlos Ramos BarbosaSuzano
I know he was so special to millions of people around the world I know how much you loved him. But, I guess God loved him even more. That is why he has called him up there in heaven to watch your back from above. My deeply condolences to all of ...
Dan NogueiraBoca Raton
Rich and his company gave me hope for a better life that I can never repay all i can do is represent Amway.and spread his massage.the world lost one o...
Brandon stevensMissouri
Obrigado, Rich De Vos, pelo teu exemplo de amor ao próximo e fé no ser humano.
zulmaria santoscarlos barbosa
You have made an endelible mark across the world. Never knew I could own a business and you have given me this opportunity to also impact lives. Thank you Mr. Devos.
Thanks very Thanks for the Legacy family DeVos. Much strength, God Bless You!!! Amway Colombia is a Blessing for you.
Leidy ParradoColombia
MariselaCosta tica