Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

*Grazie Rich per avermi trasferito le ali per raggiungere i miei sogni!* vivrai in ogni gesto d’amore per tutta la mia vita!
Donatella PecciRoma
We will never forget you! thank you.
如果没有你,安利不会发展的这么好,人们恐怕还生活在每天靠药物维持,有了安利,每个人都能健健康康,感谢你,让我们拥有安利,成为安利的一员。李占歌 2018年9月7日
Rich was a tremendous man with a deep faith in Christ. It was a privilege to have known him. He was a blessing to countless people and made a lasting impact and was used mightily by God. He is already dearly missed.
Kevin BrownNew York City
사랑하고 존경하는 리치디보스 창업자님 감사합니다.주님품에서 편히 잠드시길 기도드립니다. 20260304 go ada!!
이유진(lee yoo jin)서울 Seoul
We lost a man who teach us about how to live life with freedom he create a way where millions of people achieve their dream.Rich you gave us a hope of freedom family rewards recognition…. thank you sir….you always alive in our
Rahul ThakreNagpur
Thank you so much and Rest In Peace.
Andy FerbsonJakarta
This remarkable man represents one of the best role models for other men to learn how to conduct themselves while achieving tremendous success in all ...
Guy & Carolyn CollinsAltamonte Springs
Where do I start , I was 18 years old at a dexter Yeager rally . I heard rich DeVos speak , free enterprise , that was it for me . I am free enterpriser , I appreciate the impact that rich had on my life . Thank you , from my family to yours , u...
Thank you so much for your long held beliefs and efforts to help people. You will be deeply missed by all.
Kristi TornabeneBlairsville
Thank you Mr DeVos for your legacy, our condolences for the family
Rich DeVos changed my life! I am so grateful! God Bless you Rich DeVos!!!❤️ Thank you!
Joseph TepedinoStroudsburg
I am deeply saddened by the news of Rich DeVos’ passing. We extend our deepest sympathies to his family and friends.I had the privilege of meeting Rich many times over my 25 years with Amway. Never once did he not ask “how are the Amway Busine...
Chee Eng GanGlobal Chief Digital & Product Officer & President, Greater China Region
Thanks to you, great changes have taken place in my family and I become interested in helping people regain health, beauty and hope for life.
진정 더블어 사는 부자의 기회를 주신 리치 디보스 회장님 감사하고 사랑합니다. 가르처 주신 선한 부자의 정신을 실천하고 알리는데 거 노력하가겠습니다. 사랑합니다. 평안히 잠드소서..
I’am gratefull to God for sending such a wondefull man to live among us and give us the oportunity lo live a better life, a life that in any other way could’t be posible. God bless you and I should like to express my deepest condolences to you a...
Rosa MaríaGuanajuato
이사야 61장1. 주 여호와의 영이 내게 내리셨으니 이는 여호와께서 내게 기름을 부으사 가난한 자에게 아름다운 소식을 전하게 하려 하심이라 나를 보내사 마음이 상한 자를 고치며 포로된 자에게 자유를, 갇힌 자에게 놓임을 선포하며어제 소식듣고 많이 밤새 울었네요 ...
Kang hye annSeoul
David ChenXuZhou
深切缅怀理查先生! 感恩您创立了安利公司,给每个想创业的人提供了多劳多得的机会!您改变了无数中国人的家庭。 致敬!
Farewell to the passed.
Zoe ZuoChangzhou
Tu chunyan武汉
A man of faith and vision who imparted those foundations to us and thousands. We followed your vision and mission of “helping other people to help themselves”. You gave us a task of helping to set the foundations for Amway Japan Ltd. Thank you f...
Douglas and Diane FraserDenton