Rich DeVos wearing a tuxedo at a microphone.

In memory of Richard M. DeVos

Those leaving tributes vividly recall hearing him deliver one of his famous speeches or treasure his iconic handwritten notes signed “Love ya! Rich.” Or they were so thankful they got to shake his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his greeting as he looked them in the eye. He is described as a cheerleader for the human spirit. An incredible visionary. A giant. A teacher. An ambassador. A true American hero. An ideal entrepreneur. A father figure. A motivator, dreamer and champion. The personification of humility. A philanthropist. The model of servant leadership.

对不起我错了 相信你一定可以做得到 我为你而骄傲 谢谢你 我信任你 我很尊敬你 我爱你 还记得在安利中国10周年北京的大会上听到老狄维士讲这七句话。听到第一句话的时候,台下的我们就已经泪如雨下….. 从那一刻起我们笃定自己的选择,与安利牵手14年,从那一天起我们决心照着他的话语去做。那一天仿佛就...
amanda liaochengdu
What could I say to Give my Tribute to Rich, except tha “His life is a tribute to God”. His books, his words, his conferences, his life example, his vision, his enthusiasm, his real believe in people, his persistence, his willingness to dream an...
Ulises FelizSanto Domingo
Turut berduka cita atas wafatnya Mr RichDevos. Semoga semua amalnya diterima Tuhan YME. Amiin
Deddy PoerbojoJakarta
尊敬的理查.狄维士先生 您用爱、责任、信念影响了太多人 感谢您改变了300多万人的命运 永远的感激缅怀, 一路走好 上帝爱您
Rich DeVos was a true American hero. He inspired us to strive to be more and do more with our lives. It was an honor to have met him. It is a continui...
Dale & Sue WitheringtonAlbertville
Nessuno muore finché è vivo nei ricordi di chi gli ha voluto bene e amato. Rich sarà sempre nei nostri ricordi come l’uomo, che ha permesso a tutti di avere la possibilità di essere liberi. GRAZIE RICH PER TUTTO CIÒ CHE HAI FATTO!!
Elena e Lino QuarantaTaranto
My deepest sympathy to the Devis family, he has sure created a legacy for all his family including all of us who have seen his dream, although i have ...
Ruby ahlo-RuizKailua kona
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to start my own business. I will help others and help myself. I love you.
Os agradecimentos por nos deixar esta grande obra de ajudar os outros a ajudarem-se a si próprios. Os meus sentimentos para esta grande família.
António MorimLisboa
Thank you for building this tremendous opportunity.Rest in peace
José LuisGijón
meus sinceros sentimentos que Deus conforte o coração da familia e do grupo Amway no qual tenho orgulho de fazer parte obrigado Rich Devia em memorian.
Anísio Francisco Santana NetoSão Paulo
Olivia Zhao重庆
RIP Rich My thoughts are with your family
Eleanor GreenbergQueens
狄维士先生 今天,惊闻您已经离我们而去,我们全家都非常悲伤!谢谢您创办了安利公司,给我和我的先生提供了非常好的就业平台,在公司将近10年时间,我们有了自己的纽崔莱宝宝,也有了自己的房子,一家人幸福生活在一起,真的非常感谢您,愿您一路走好,我们会永远怀念您!
Наше сердце плачет в России…
You are inspiration of millions of people across the globe. True giver. I along with my entire family pray Almighty for the departed soul may rest in heaven
SR PandeyNew Delhi
您用希望引领一代代的创业者努力前行; 您用家庭构建所有成员的使命和责任; 您用自由释放每个人对内心的驾驭; 您用奖励激发我们持之以恒的实现梦想。 感恩有您,不朽,永生。
영원한 스승이신 리치디보스 회장님~ 하늘나라에서 편한하시길 바랍니다 희망을 주셔서 감사드립니다 기회를 주셔서 감사드립니다 사랑을 주셔서 감사드립니다
Sunghee kimGeoje
Thanks you so much Rich! Thanks to you for make this path to our dreams! may god bless you for ever! and also i hope you can see once again your beloved friend and partner Jay. Thanks you, that`s all, thanks you.
Leonardo BouzaBuenos Aires
尊敬的老狄维士先生: 虽然您的生命之火已经熄灭,但您留在这个世界上的光却依然存在。愿您在天堂安好!
寄托哀思 缅怀理查,您积极向上,永葆希望的乐观精神 不仅激励了安利全球数百万创业者,更是在直销行业中的领军人物!安息吧。
Carey li李晓燕